w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }[Released] Finer granularity of temperature reporting and adjustment for Smart Radiator Thermostats — tado° Community

[Released] Finer granularity of temperature reporting and adjustment for Smart Radiator Thermostats

ChrisJ ✭✭✭

Throughout the app temperatures are reported and set in units of whole degrees. It would be beneficial to increase the granularity of both reporting and setting to half degree increments.

76 votes

Active · Last Updated



  • Hi,

    I modified the title as this currently only affects rooms that have a Smart Radiator Thermostat as a leader.

    Best regards,


  • I totally agree with this, I have also been asking for this for a long time, both for the radiator thermostats, and the room thermostat on the actual thermostats themselves, as opposed to via the App. Seems a bit odd you can't set 0.1C increments on both pieces of equipment and being a dot matrix display should be easy enough to reprogram to show the 0.1C increments.

    The difference between 20C and 21C is massive, it can't be right to leave it at that for the radiator stats.

  • Even if the display and rotary encoder on the valves are an issue preventing this on the hardware, the sensor clearly has a 0.1 resolution - so it should be possible to use app to set to 0.1 resolution.
  • Any news? This should be pretty easy and really useful in terms of user experience!

  • My smart thermostat used to show 20.5 and switch off at that. Now it shows 21 even though the app on my phone is set to 20.5. Heating now turns off at over 21. Not happy. All since recent “update “ of firmware.
  • Any news?
    I agree with @Cmellys:
    "This should be pretty easy and really useful in terms of user experience!"
  • I’d like this too please
  • I agree to it.. half degree increments at least in app even if TRV is not able to show it..
  • Definetly needed, big difference in comfort and not to mension in energy consuption. If not for 0.1 degree steps, than make it at least for 0.5 degree.
  • Please implement this.

  • I need this now.

    The history report does show values with decimals but why cannot we set the offset, target and display the current temperature in the app with decimals too? It;s simply silly.

  • Probably because relying on the TRV's built-in sensor isn't a great idea as it gives fairly inaccurate readings (it is, after all, connected indirectly to the heat source). I understand the point of it maybe allowing you finer control of the heat, but I wouldn't be trusting the TRVs to give you accurate room temperature readouts.

    Also, it would make it harder for Tado to flog their smart thermostats! ;)

  • TypeR10
    edited January 2021
    Any update on this thread?
    It's been more than a year with no update.
  • There are several threads around with the same subject. It seems there is a need, nut the votes are in to many different threads. A fresh one with large support should be started. This really needs to ne implemented!

  • @Jurian from Tado, any update on this easy looking development?
  • Because the Smart Radiator Thermostats measure so close to a radiator, adding further granularity makes no sense. It would not accurately represent the rooms temperature anymore than the current granularity.

    If you want more granularity, you could opt to buy the Smart Temperature Sensor and this will increase granularity because it also make sense because you place this device in a better spot.

    At the moment, this increased granularity for just Smart Radiator Thermostats is not high on the overall priority list and I do not see that changing any time soon.

  • Unknown
    edited February 2021
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  • @Jurian And what about the smart room (not radiator) thermostat?
    Many times it has been written and explained why it is unpractical not letting the user set at least half degrees on the thermostat itself.
    E.g. Elderly people who does not digital literate would like to set a half degree but they cannot.
    That is a real scenario could happen everywhere not only a narrow geek target group's problem only.
    Could you answer this also and why you do not handle as important, please?
  • gary333
    gary333 ✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    I don’t understand the logic that: “the TRVs are not as accurate so having half degree intervals won’t make a differnce”.

    What difference does the accuracy of the TRV make, the temperature at each set point is surely proportionately so it’ll be equally inaccurate at 20.5oC as it would at 21oC, however the crucial difference being the room will be a little warmer at 20.5oC than it was a 20oC and a little cooler than at 21oC.

    Without sounding like a broken record, the Evohome TRVs have half degree increments. You don’t need to have the granular level on the TRV either, it could just be in the app. Not sure of the point of 0.1oC differences for the TRVs I’d agree, however a 0.5oC has been the goto logic for most digital measuring devices for many years. It effectively means that countries using Fahrenheit will have more granularity!

    I am not sure if it’s a culture difference, but effectively telling your customers (and the people using this forum who are your likely ambassadors) that they are wrong and their valid concerns are not important is a very poor show. This shouldn’t really even have needed a feature request, half degree increments should just be there.
  • @Jurian so could you answer the question for finer granuality on room thermostat, please?
    As many said here, still no real answer from Tado for a low hanging fruit development.
  • Hello,

    The vast majority of manufacturers that make TRVs have implemented this 0.5C granularity. Tado is among the few that do not have this.

  • Dear Tado, please consider the environmental impact of all of your users opting to go a full degree higher rather than half
  • @Jurian from Tado any comment on this which ease the usage a lot?
  • I'm considering changing the TRV s to different brands as my tado is connected to Home Assistant and I control most from it here.

    Please Tado make at least 0.5 (or 0.1) degree settings possible from the app to the different TRVs

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  • rafm5
    rafm5 Volunteer Moderator


    Technical team had confirmed to me that the heating will actually trigger only when the temperature difference is at least 0.5°C …and that’s fine as firing a boiler for every 0.1°C change is not best option.

    If this is compromise between system performance vs boiler life, Tado° should at least work on a software unification for each device and operating system.

    iOS app – 0.1°C accuracy (display & change | app ver. 6.6.3)

    Wired thermostat – 1°C accuracy (change) and 0.1°C (display)

    WebApp - 0.1°C accuracy (display & change)

    Siri – 1°C (voice commands | iOS 14.7)

    Home app - 0.5°C accuracy (display & change | iOS 14.7)


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  • rafm5
    rafm5 Volunteer Moderator

    @GrayDav4276 I need to stick up for Tado° on this, only because the system must be efficient and same time can not drain your boiler's resource. To me this is compromise, and I am fine with it. If Tado° reacts to 0.1°C temperature change, your boiler will be firing up constantly. I used to have Honeywell products with tolerance 0.5°C, so why can't Tado° follow?

    They just need to unify each device and operating system, so everyone is on the same page!

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