week week regeling in de schema's van de app
Gezien de kinderen om de week thuis zijn zou het handig zijn dit ook zo te kunnen programmeren in de schedules van de desbetreffende kamers in de app. Zo kan de verwarming in hun kamer de week dat ze niet thuis zijn op minimum worden gezezt, liefst automatisch.
One hour function
Would be handy if there was a +1 hour function and didn’t default to infinite when changing the temperature manually
Target flow temp chart
Hi. I would love access to a target flow temp/time chart. I believe it would be useful data to maximise efficiency. In my case, I had a room with an undersized radiator. On days that this room was used and significantly higher flow temp was required to maintain that room’s temperature. I came across the problem by chance…
Thread support for Smart AC Control V3+
Homekit-enabled devices have different communication protocols, each of which has its own caveats. For example, for a device with Wifi support, you need to have a mesh network to cover all your devices at home. Otherwise you will have unstable responses. Furthermore, you are limited to a specific number of connected…
Compatibilité ELM Leblanc egalis ballon icondens
Bonjour, Le Tado v3 n'est pas compatible avec les nouvelles chaudieres Leblanc. Le sera t il? Merci
Vorrei suggerire l'opzione di avere nell account app tado un amministratore che abbia solo lui la possibilità di impostare i parametri dando la possibilita ad altri utenti della casa solo di attivare e disattivare termosifoni o condizionatori in modo che non vengano modificate impostazioni o cancellati dispositivi in modo…
Manual override notification
Please add a mobile notification when the temp is changed or turned on . As it would be very handy. I have a autistic child who keeps turning the wireless thermostat on an we don't notice till its too late Thanks
New hardware product: controller for electric underfloor heating
Please consider adding a new item of hardware to your set of products; a controller for underfloor heating. Such a unit should: Be able to switch at least 16A. Have an integrated air temperature sensor. Have connections for an underfloor temperature probe. Support operation in 3 modes; air temp only, floor temp only and…
Limit the amount of heat a room can request (three flames)
It would be awesome if we could limit the amount of heat a room can request. This could be based upon the three heating indicators already shown in the app. This way we could limit a room with in floor heating to only request low heated water since it does not make sense to run the system at 70 degrees because the intake…
Fenster offen bei Fußbodenheizung
Hallo, ist es nicht sinnvoller bei der Fenster offen Erkennung die Temperatur einer Fußbodenheizung runterzufahren anstatt auszuschalten? Eine Fußbodenheizung braucht doch ewig bis sie wieder anspringt?
MFA - 2FA authentication for increased security
Hi, A bit surprised that no 2FA is offered/configurable for increased security when signing in and/or starting the application. (And possibly but overkill linking it to actions in the app (home/away, changing schedule, .....) Other smarthome apps - MyQ, iRisco, Ring, ..... - all have (added) this feature to avoid…