Feature Request
Please would you expose the following commands to HomeKit so that I can fully exploit the functionality of Tado AC. Could you add the following additional modes? Auto Fan Dry Cool Heat
Individual Room Boost Request
Hey, Would it be possible to implement a solution, where heating for an individual room only could be boosted? Currently, this is missing from the app, as you can only hit a button to boost all rooms at once and then you have to untick the ones that you are not interested in. Which is a bit cumbersome. The only tweak I…
Koelen door radiator knop open te zetten
Het zou mooi zijn als de radiator knoppen en stand hebben waarin het ventiel open staat, zodat een warmtepomp koud water door de radiatoren en vloerverwarming kan blazen. Ik schroef nu alle knoppen in de zomer eraf, dat werkt. Maar zou toch niet nodig moeten zijn.
Verwarmen voor thuiskomst
Deze feature, die bij afwezigheid zorgt dat je huis weer op temperatuur is als je thuiskomt, werkte in V3, maar is in X niet beschikbaar. Zou prettig zijn als die z.s.m. wordt gerealiseerd.
Group rooms into "areas"/"zones"/"events"
To be able to change temperatures settings to predefined levels in several rooms simultaneously depending on time of the day or an event e.g. an event could be "going to bed earlier" -> increase temp in bathroom and sleeping room while turning off heating in living room and kitchen. An area could be "home office" and would…
Reset/Restart function
Recently, I had a lot of problem with devices going offline, or after I reconfigured my Tado network, the devices would go out of sync, and the result was the Tado network not functioning correctly. The best way to clear the problem is to reset the Tado network and restart all the devices one by one manually, but that…
Swipe to switch between rooms
Or be able to change temperature from the view with all rooms.
Hot water issue
I have a Worcester Heatslave 15/19. It's old and requires the heating to temporarily stop powering to allow the water to heat up. Since installing Tado V3 I rarely get hot water. I think the Tado system is not allowing the boiler to shut off the heating to power the hot water. How do I fix this?
Notification when the device triggers the heating to turn on
In the past the heating has been turned on even though it has not been manually activated and the scheduled times have not been triggered. Obviously when no one is in the house this becomes a major issue, particularly with the rising cost of fuel. Can you develop a notification that an email or app notification is sent…
TadoX Hot Water Matter Stream
Previous generations allowed hot water control via Alexa. No option to configure a matter stream for the hot water in Y/S plan configurations. Seems like a missing feature to me and isn't mentioned as a down side to upgrading to Tado X. Would love to have this feature added so that I can have the same functionality as I…
Enable multiple smart schedules
During the week, we have various ways we want to smart schedule our radiators: If we're both in the office, then we don't want the heating on If I'm in the office, then we want the heating on but not in my partner's office If my partner's in the office, then we want the heating on but not in my office If we're both working…
Suggestion for Tado App: Ability to rename "Other Devices"
A suggestion for the next Tado app update from my side would be the ability to rename the individual Tado X Bridges and Tado X Receivers in the same way it is possible with the Smart Thermostats. Since i have two bridges and 6 Wireless Receivers (multizone setup) it gets tricky to know which one is which one without having…
Individual temperature settings
It would be really good if you could have temperature profiles for each person and then one for when there’s multiple people home. I have my schedule set up so my partner is t cold, but I always turn it down when she goes out and I’m home. It would be nice if taco would see I’m home alone and reduce it to the temperatures…
Heating Log
Would love to be able to view a log within the app of all the temperature changes and calls for heating on and off and date/time stamps.
Update for the TRV Compatibility CHart - Landis & Gyr
The TRV compatibility chart only has one type of clamp on Landis & Gyr TRV that is not compatible with Tado V3+ smart valves. My Landis & Gyr TRV heads have the standard 30 x 1.5mm screw fitting so the Tado valves fitted without any adapters. I have attached photos of the valve body and TRV cap.
Switch off schedule for individual rooms . . .
The current schedule system provides a "switch off all rooms" feature. This is useful but it would be even better if rooms could be switched off individually. At the moment the only way to remove a room from the schedule, without resorting to "switch off all rooms" is to go to each room's schedule and switch off the…
'Boost' Function should work by zone
I have 3 floors to my house and 3 wireless receivers on my boiler. Every radiator has a Tado X TRV on it. Occasionally we like to boost the heating, but we are only ever normally on 1 floor. During the day, if I want to boost the heating downstairs, by pressing 'boost' every single radiator across 3 floors comes on, making…
Rename Zone Controllers / Wireless Receivers
We should have the ability to rename the wireless receivers and give them proper zone names. I have 3 wireless receivers on my boiler for 3 floors in my house. When I add a new temp sensor or radiator TRV, I should be able to add it to 'downstairs' or 'basement' or 'upstairs'. Not to PR123456789! I installed all three…
OpenTherm Min Flow Temperature
My boiler is set to OpenTherm mode, with Tado V3+, and the maximum temperature is set to 55°C. Tado adjusts the heating temperature based on the outside weather, which works fine. However, I have a question about the minimum temperature: I’ve noticed that the boiler pump runs frequently, circulating water at 20–25°C. While…
Show warning on Schedule for a room ignoring the schedule because "Until ended by user" is in force.
It took me days to work out why my bathroom rad wasn't coming on in the mornings (and it's been blooming cold recently!). It turned out the room's manual control setting was "Until ended by user" and someone had twiddled the knob. I kept checking the room's schedule screen and a warning there would have saved me days of…
Control Hot Water through Matter
Simple, the matter integration could have the hot water end point.
Dew Point Control via TADO Smart AC Control V3+
V4.0 Climate Control via DEW POINT COMFORT - Triggers - Door, Presence, TTS, Home AssistantThis flow uses Outside Dew Point Temperature to control any Climate Entity through Home Assistant. Tested on TADO Smart AC Control V3+ this does not require a paid subcription to TADO. Home and Away Presence Sensing Door and Window…
Dry Mode Getting Jammed Home Assistant AC V3+
Dry mode is getting jammed on my Home Assistant instance. Won't allow any changes of mode from the App or Home Assistant after a period of time. The only way to get drying to show up on my home assistant thermostat card, with my Daikin is by: Setting up my Tado Smart Schedule with the Dry setting on. Activating Auto Mode…
Schedule printing
Hello, Schedules are really helpful in keeping my house warm economically and I’d really find it useful if it were possible to create a file or print the schedules for my home heating. Different rooms have different requirements because of varying uses at different times of the day. I expect others would also find this…
Y plan denergise 3 port valve after CH
The Y plan system maintains power to the 3 port valve after CH has been on (but water off/not called for), whilst 3 port valves can cope with this they do use a small amount of energy and some hum rather annoyingly. Idea: When the Tado turns off the CH it could momentarily call for the HW only to denergise the valve…
Easy programming
Hi, Could an easy programming feature implemented? Like vacation: leave on ... date, return on ... date. Temperature during absence.... And quick day programming. Morning, ... °C work..°C evening...°C. I had this on my previous thermostat and it worked very easy and intuitive. Thank you all!
smaller wireless temperature sensor X with e-ink display
I just bought wireless smart thermostat X starter kit with few smart radiator thermostats X. It is connected since yesterday and works flawlessly so far. There is one thing, I changed my old immergas thermostat to tado wireless and it is so big and bulky on the wall, shows nothing if not touched, looks like little outdated…
Maximum flow temperature per smart thermostat
Please enable setting max flow temperature per smart thermostat, not per whole central heating system. When smart thermostat controlling underfloor heating calls for heat alone (radiators don't ask for heat) there is no need to heat the system so high. A lot of users have mixed systems (ufh + radiators) so it would be…
Set a working temperature range
In the intelligent programming section there isn't the feature to set a minimum and a maximum temperarture. Currently, you can only set a maximum temperature above which the heating switches off and below which it switches on. It would be nice if you could set a minimum temperature below which the heating is activated and…
Add support for Worcester 8000 digital control
One of the biggest boiler brands in the UK, and yet there is no digital support from tado. I want my boiler temperature properly controlled and modulated, not just on and off. Tado markets itself as being compatible with a really wide range of boilers and controllers, so to miss this (for years) is appalling. I just…