w.Intercom = i;Identifying the Smart Radiator Thermostat by "Installation Name" — tado° Community

Identifying the Smart Radiator Thermostat by "Installation Name"

I've recently upgraded to Tado X from my flawless & venerable Tado v1 - It's wasn't the easiest of routes to get the new system installed, however we're now warm again and things appear to be functioning well, for the most part, and it's early days!

We've struggled with connectivity of some of the Smart Radiator Thermostats, some dropping out every now and then, which is more than likely due to the fabric of my house (steel & concrete). My question/issue is about identifying the correct Tado X Smart Radiator Thermostat that is giving me problems - the ground floor of my house is large & open plan, and I have 4x Tado X Smart Radiator Thermostats - when I set the devices up, it asked for a name for each, so I used the following kind of convention "living room - dining table" or "living room - sofa". I then added these devices to the appropriate room.

When I get an error in the app, all I see is the serial number of the devices in the room - am I missing something in the setup/config/app to view the name I gave them when I first installed them? I'm currently using a cheat-sheet of the serial numbers and physical locations, however it's not the most effective or efficient way to identify the devices quickly & easily - appreciate the advice & response


Best Answer


  • I can't see the point of allowing us to give them custom names and then are not used.