energy efficiency defaults
People on this board will know how to use their thermostat, but... thousands (perhaps millions) of programmable thermostats are sold every year. The problem is that many people have no clue how to program them. One solution is to pre-program the thermostats with energy-saving settings as the default. With a few lines of…
More control to Tado Balance
Hello, Bought Tado V3+ yesterday to control my old Mitsubishi air heat pump. Primary reason is that I use spot priced electricity. So I subscribed for balance immediately. I also use Themo smart home thermostats for my electricity floor heating which also uses spot price. What Themo can but Tado can't do is to anticipate…
Connect to existing wireless receiver
I have searched this forum and looked at installation videos and general searches. It seems that despite many heating systems having wireless thermostats for turning the heating on and off, via a signal to a receiving box wired to the boiler, your system requires replacing this receiver with some slightly scary rewiring.…
Show hardware version in the app
Simple suggestion, display the hardware version in the app along with the rest of the device settings. It might save a lot of support queries looking for this information!
Better control of away mode
Hi! I'm using my AC as a heat source for my summer home and away mode is very important for me. "Away mode" is not just "over the day", "while at work" in this situation but the major mode of operation. The problem I have is that you can't create time slots in away mode, so the AC have to stay on and cost money more then…
Make Auto-Assist and Energy-IQ tiles active upon subscription activation in the Tado app
Hello, I activated my annual Auto Assist subscription yesterday, but the Active-Assist and Energy-IQ tabs remained the same (advertising the service). I had to contact support about this, just to be told that it is expected behaviour, and that data will get populated after a month. While that makes sense, it also makes for…
Boiler cool down period
Hi, There is a huge need for boiler cool down period. Similar to what Honeywell do, so it doesn't fire up every few minutes again as heat being called for each instance but waits 15-20 minutes in between finishing boiler work and starting new heating cycle. Maybe this is already happening not sure but I have feeling that…
Homekit + manual installation for iOS devices
Besides the homekit integration flow also allow iOS users to set up a device using the Android flow. in order to prevent issues like described by jamieb https://community.tado.com/en-gb/discussion/1270/smart-ac-control-v3-without-homekit
Smart home automation
Is there a way to set trigger for when humidity is at the set level to send notification via Alexa or Google or any third party integration? Ideal would be to look at the humidity inside and compare to weather forecast humidity level and if outside is lower than inside send notification to Smart home devices or phone to…
Usage original airco remote
first of all, my Tado Smart Ac V3 works well with my Daikin air conditioning. Unfortunately I miss 1 function, this is that if someone uses the original remote of the air conditioning, you will not see this in the Tado app, so if someone turns on the air conditioning with the original remote, the app will remain off, so it…
Uitschakelen verwarming
Tijdens de zomerperiode hebben wij de gewoonte om Tado uit te schakelen zodat alle temperaturen op “vorstbeveiliging” ingesteld worden. Ook dit jaar werd het Tado-systeem uitgeschakeld. Bijgevolg wordt de app ook niet meer geopend om op te volgen of alles nog wel naar behoren functioneert. Nu merkte ik gisteren per toeval…
Kühlfunktion für Wärmepumpe
Als Kunde möchte ich Kühlfunktion meiner Wärmepumpe mit einem tado Thermostat nutzen können
Toevoegen van GJoule
Voor stad- en blokverwarming krijg je alleen heet water geleverd in Joules, ik gebruik nu maar m3 maar dit geeft geen goede inzichten en zal ook jullie informatie beïnvloeden. Werkt verder prima😀
iPhone widget interface
The widget has a large temperature gauge however the off, heat and cool part is small and requires very careful movement to select the one you’re after. Increase the size of this as the user experience isn’t great or easy.
intelligent program depending on the outside temperature for AC and boiler with termistat
hi, I don't understand why it's not implemented. A intelligent program would be based on the outside temperature to determine whether the air conditioning or heating intelligent program should be activated. For example if outside temperature >= 25, activate the intelligent air conditioner program, if temperature below 18…
Room types in Tado app
On the tado website, it suggests different temperature and humidity tolerances for rooms (bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms for example) Setting the room type in the app would allow different tolerances for air comfort
Balance AC geen melding laten geven als de Airco uit staat
Ik zou graag een nieuwe functie voorstellen. We hebben destijds gekozen voor de slimme airco bediening omdat deze beschikt over een functie die de airco in Eco stand zet als alle huisgenoten van huis zijn. Hoewel dit geen gratis optie is (beetje jammer, iets met marketing denk ik), hebben wij wel de optie aan gezet om…
Child Lock to shut screen off
My little one likes spinning the TRV through cot railings, want to be able to child Lock and shut led display off
Auto heat/cool boost
Thermostat automatically lowers or raises temperature if temperature hasn't reached set temperature. I.e if the AC is set at 22°c and the room temperature hasn't dropped to that temperature the thermostat will tell the AC to cool to chill lower than what's been set untill it gets to 22°c. Therefore making the condenser…
App improvements please!
1) It would be really good if we could see the average house temperature across all smart radiator valves in the wireless temp sensor and then have the option to boost ALL to a set temperature and not just 25c. 2) Being able to manage the boost funtion better (e.g. boost lounge & office together for a set time), so maybe…
Interior air quality data
The interior air quality data is debatable as there is no physical sensor, and it is even more misleading with open window detection disabled. I suggest that this feature be redesigned/revised. Tado° External sensor(s) Average ppb 113
Limit boiler output
As someone who has a Tado extension kit, wired into my boiler using Opentherm for modulating control, I'd love to have the option to limit the maximum output that tado can call for. Perhaps even on a room by room basis. The default is that tado will call for maximum output if the temperature of a room is quite cold.…
Save(Export) and Load(Import) room settings
Hi. I really like the Tado system, but would it be possible that you can add a Save/load feature for the room settings. It would be great to be able to save a "winter" configuration, which has different timings and settings compared with a "autumn" set... for example, in autumn we would like to have 3 radiators turning…
Push hors domicile
Il est en général inutile de vouloir activé le mode "hors domicile" quand le chauffage est mis sur "hors gel"
Smart AC Control V3+ air purifier function
Hi, some air conditioners have an air purifier function. can you add this function? info : tekno point skiv air conditioner with the RA1A2 remote control
Smart AC Control V3+ sending the temperature measured by the Smart Thermostat to AC
some air conditioners have a function allowing the remote control to send the temperature it measures. with my tekno point skiv air conditioner with the RA1A2 remote control, the function is called "I FEEL button". could you integrate this functionality, so that the smart thermostat sends the temperature measured by the…
Ampliar el número máximo de habitaciones controladas por un controlador
Veo interesante poder controlar más de 10 instancias con un controlador. En mi caso, tengo 10 cabezales termostáticos, una por habitación, y si instalo un cabezal adicional en un dormitorio distingo no podré controlarlo.
Allow heating of rooms that don't have a tado device installed.
I have some radiators without a TRV. Would be good to be able to heat them up i.e: turn on the boiler with the thermostat, but turn off all the other radiators that have tado Smart TRVs.
Princess Air Conditioner
Please make the Smart AC Control compatible with Princess Smart AC 9000
"open window detection" online when heating is on...
during the summer i still get (lots) of "open window detected" notifications. but the heating is not on... would be great to only get this notification when energy can be saved