Launch a range extender or upgrade to mesh network

Tado ticks many boxes but it's behind the competition in its lack of signal booster / wireless repeater. I'm unsure whether to take the risk and buy the system for my relatively large stone house given the risk of radio dropouts. If I knew I could add a range extender if required, I'd have the confidence to buy. Perhaps an extender is a better option than using a mesh network which might drain batteries more quickly.

Whichever you do Tado, it would be great if you could make a statement now that it will be backwards compatible with the hardware currently on sale.

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  • @gazzrenn I've been thinking about your problem and iirc (it's over 3 yrs ago now) I remember reading that the bridge has a limit to the number of devices that can connect to it and I think you've hit the limit. you'll have to do some searching (and perhaps not on the forum but out on the web) but the number is small.

    so it's possible that you need more than a range extender and the chances of a decent bridge are even smaller.

  • RohitandKiran
    edited November 2020
    I wired the tado boiler controller and fitted it in the middle of the house, its in the hallway. And my internet bridge off a wifi extender in the loft... All connect up fine and no issues with any firmware updates.

    I live in a good size west london 3 bed semi
  • Hi I am new to this forum but like you team a big fan of Tado until now. I spent a lot of money on TRV's ( or SRT") but have had connectivity issues constantly. Connection dropping / heating kicking in in the middle of the night / awakening to heating house / loss of sleep / having to disconnect my boiler at 3am!

    Help from Tado ... ZERO

    Not a problem with the TRV's the best around just move them / change batteries / move the Bridge / longer cable / change the angle, etc. etc,

    I have like you requested booster Bridge as my house quite big and old. Or connect to them MESH network. Tado say not possible.

    Now. BELIEVE THIS. My system was accessed by Tado yesterday and they removed my ability to use the TRV's how I wished them to work. No consultation. No agreement to do so, It is as if they have entered my house and disabled the TRV's!! And then I was advised that I would get no more trouble shooting support! NICE!

  • gazzrenn
    edited December 2020
    @Elisabeth thanks for the suggestion. I’ll try anything at this point. I’m losing my mind with this system.

    I’m not sure this will solve it. I’m able to literally move the internet bridge a small amount and the disconnected valve springs into life.
  • Elisabeth
    edited December 2020

    @gazzrenn I'm not really surprised you're about to give up. I've spent over a grand so far as I still have another 3 rads planned for an extension I want to build but after having so many problems with my 9th rad not being able to stay connected, I've given up. It is what it is and tado don't care.

    As part of my mitigations down the years I've moved the bridge and used a homeline plug (is that what they're called? I can't remember) to be able to move it from socket to socket to see if i could get better connectivity.

    The homeline works well with the bridge but still no joy. Although I do have one last socket I need to try but I'm losing the will to live.

    The other thing to consider is that the trv may be faulty - I have had one swapped out because of connection issues. Dealing with support was a nightmare as they wanted me to upload video but it can only be a few seconds because of their restrictions on uploads.

    btw, you can't go wrong with wiser - schneider are excellent quality. they didn't have the heating system when I first flipped to a smart home or I would've gone with them as their home automation is expensive but top notch.

  • gazzrenn
    edited December 2020
    @Elisabeth yeah it’s tough. It feels so privileged to be complaining about it all but you’re right. It is what it is.

    I tried your suggestion but it didn’t resolve the problem. Thank you though.

    I’ve got one for you though now!

    I don’t use the power line plugs. I have a little TPlink travel router. It acts as a Wi-Fi client (so it joins your home Wi-Fi) you then plug the bridge into that. That might free you from some of the challenges that come with those power line Ethernet adapters. I’ve used them over the years for various things with mixed results. - (Any of those devices with ‘client mode’ will work)

    I’ve also been using a PoE injector with a PoE splitter at the other end. Means I can test the bridge in all sorts of places without being constrained by the USB power cable length. Downside is I have 5433677 meters of Ethernet cable around the house while testing. Which my wife does not enjoy.

    On the plus side, I’ve found a rogue plug socket in our kitchen that I forgot about, testing in that one now. Fingers crossed 🤞🏻
  • Can only agree on this comment. It can certainly not be complicated from a technical perspective and likely profitable from commercial perspective (extender plus additional TRV
  • I totally agree on this also, and have mentioned it in some other threads.

    We have one radiator valve (that strangely is not the furthest from the internet bridge) that continues to drop out. It's one of two in a room and when disconnected the room cannot warm up enough.

    It's hit and miss, sometimes we get a week it connected, other times 3-4 times a week the room is freezing in the morning because it's disconnected.

    I have spent hours and hours testing bridge locations, the big problem being the smart thermostats don't "check in" regularly, so you have to move the bridge and wait. A "refresh" or "check connection" button on the app would be really helpful here for a manual refresh of device status.

    Anyway, back to the point - I really, really like tado and it's capabilities. However, when it sucks, it really sucks.

    Typical customers would (I'd guess) be those looking to manage their heating costs (=larger, older properties). So many smart systems (lighting, other heating systems) enable meshing or multiple hubs to coexist, providing coverage.

    We have quite a lot of smart home, automation in our house (incl outbuildings) and Tado is the ONLY one that gives me connectivity issues.

    After such an investment, is there a better solution out there without spending more money and reclaiming only some by selling one's current investment? When I get more time on my hands I'm going to look into it :)

  • I tried moving my tado bridge many times. But still didn't work well.

    Now I have one bridge that doesn't work 24/7. Especially in these times it gets cold as hell.

    Too bad they don't listen to their costumers about the wireless repeater/ extension for the signal.

w.Intercom = i;