w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }[Released] Copy and Paste schedules - Page 2 — tado° Community

[Released] Copy and Paste schedules



  • I have 16 devices, 15 zones.. getting past the limit of 10 zones (stupid limit), it is very time consuming and almost requires me to maintain a spreadsheet to then make sure that all zones have the same times (where appropriate e.g.: bathrooms need to come on differently to main bedrooms). Templates is the best idea here. But Hive had the "Copy To" feature, so you could "Copy To" Wednesday.. Wherever.

    I am quite astonished that on contacting the support with feature requests, primarily this one, because this is tedious. They told me to come to the forum as the developers take input from the forum.. clearly not in this case? unless they've all been on holiday for over a year?

  • Would love to see this adopted by Tado. Changing every device is a pain!

  • Is this coming? Seems such an obvious thing to include to save people time...!

  • Heleen_60
    edited October 2020
    Is there a way to edit Schedules without actually activating them? Seems unnecessary, especially when setting up new TRVs. Copy and paste would help a lot though.
  • Why hasn't any feedback from tado for over 1 year?

    I think everyone go to the Google&Apple store and rate the app there, because I see they don't deal with forum posts.

  • Tomme, that's a great idea!
  • I am not sure anyone from Tado even looks at this suggestion, I don't see any ack of any kind that they are working it or its planned in XYZ month. If they working as any other software project at least they should have ticket in their backlog so they can schedule in one of their sprint

    my guess, their sprint would look like = 1% dev, 99 % support. Please invest into your staff! I feel I invested in wrong company!

  • This would be a very useful feature and one that some of your competitors have.

  • A copy and paste facility is definitely needed and really should be a standard feature of the App and Web as offered by competitors (Netatmo, Nest and Hive are all systems I’ve installed before and all have this!)

    Seems very odd that people are having to ask for a basic feature such as this in a Forum. You want the left-field ideas being suggested in the Forum not housekeeping stuff...
  • I agree would be nice to have BUT you do only do it once per device, hardly ever change a schedule dramatically that often tbh
  • I'm new to Tado and want to give my own +1 to this suggestion. As others have said, it's a bit crazy that they haven't already developed the ability to copy/paste schedules like you can with Hive. I've installed TRVs on all my radiators and it's irritating having to amend them all as I learn what temperatures work best.

    Are we talking to ourselves here or do Tado comment back and take on board the suggestions?

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  • I want to add another voice/vote for this.

    whilst not a deal breaker, and agreeing with others that changes aren’t made often by most people that is not true for people who work shifts, or during Covid are spending more time at home,

    Surely one of the advantages of a software based and driven system should be greater flexibility.

    I would like to see in descending order of priority

    the ability to copy schedules from 1 day to another in decreasing importance

    the ability to create and save a number of template schedules

    the ability to copy schedules between rooms and zones

    the option to select several days for one schedule

    the option to have different weekly patterns that can be switched between eg for shifts/ seasons/ holidays

    the option to have different cycles eg 4 day or 8 day pattern

    all of the above adjustable via API

    also when changing from eg an every day pattern to separate daily patter to remember the schedule rather than defaulting back to a simple starting template

  • Jurian
    Jurian Admin
    edited February 2021

    Hi all,

    We know that this is a much wanted feature, please keep your ideas incoming and we will announce this topic when/if we start to work on this feature.

    If we work on this feature, I believe we should take a general look at the whole Smart Schedule because it could be set up much more user friendly in general.

    At this time I can't make any promises on when/if tado will work on this topic but I personally believe the smart schedule is one of the next things tado should look at and I am communicating with our developers.

  • In our apartment when the external temperature drastically changes, we change the internal Tado radiator temperatures to adjust. This is because it "feels" colder in the apartment when it's -20 outside and we need to adjust the internal temperature.

    Eg. if it's -15 outside we set Tado Smartschedule to 23 degrees C, when it's above -5 we set Tado to 21 degrees.

    It would be great to program this into SmartSchedules. Eg. check external weather for house location (from weather services).

    Allow user to set a rules for all smart schedules of + or - XX degrees internal temperature based on external temperature ranges.

    Concrete example:

    IF external temperature between {-99} to {-15} ADD 2 degrees C to all smart schedule temperatures.

    IF external temperature between {-15} to {+5} leave all smart schedules at default.

    IF external temperature between {-5} to {+99} SUBTRACT 5 degrees C to all smart schedule temperatures.

  • The feeling you describe is likely related to humidity in the home, rather than the direct effect of temperature. Very low humidity makes us feel cooler than the actual temperature in the room. This happens because the dry air helps moisture to evaporate more quickly than usual from the surface of our skin. This cools the body and leads to people turning up the thermostat. Either way it would be good to have the option of temperatures based on what it feels like.

  • I’ve spent the last few days calibrating the scheduled of 5 different rooms and now want to make sure I’m getting the most efficient use of my boiler.

    I would like to see all the different times that any room called for heat and then potentially reschedule them so that they overlap more often than not.

    It’s hard to do this by going into and out of the individual room charts 5 times and I would like a single graph that I can toggle the temperature and heating of each room, shown with different colours.
  • Similarly, it would be very helpful to see not only the current temperature of the rooms but also set-to temp alongside the graph. And finally, the units on the Y-axis should be more constant and filled in... sometimes it’s 15-22, other times it’s 19-21
  • Mate
    edited February 2021

    Could you please add the following feature to the web UI my.tado.com and app?

    1. Being able to copy the schedule of a day to the other days of the week.
    2. Being able to create an alternative schedule of the whole week.
    3. Being able to copy a schedule to new tado devices / tado devices of another room

    In the community these features has been requested for years.


  • Hi,

    I renamed your feature request for a broader audience.

    In general, the Smart Schedule is one of the things we look at improving this summer. (no promises)

  • Agree with @krugster; a single chart which shows time along the X axis and all rooms sheeting in individual bars on the y axis for ease of management. (I currently do this in a simple excel spreadsheet to ensure I'm being as efficient as I can with timings).

    To make this even more powerful, combine the 'radiator on' data from all rooms. This would allow users to see the effect of different timing strategies and identify the most efficient approach.
  • XKRMonkey
    XKRMonkey ✭✭✭

    @Jurian and the whole Tado community

    If there is a genuine move by Tado to revisit the scheduler, perhaps it's time to move our thinking away from the "timeclock replacement" almost all of these products adopt into something that is far closer to real life - something that's hard to do with a simple timeclock, but very easy with a computer of any description.

    IMHO (feel free to disagree), there is a component missing in the way SmartSchedule works - I would call what we have today "Simple Schedule" and might be inclined to leave it as a "Basic" mode since it's there because that's what people moving into smart systems are used to with their legacy systems.

    "Advanced" scheduling should allow a library of "Schedule Profiles" to be created. The SmartSchedule then allows the user to define which profile is running in a given zone, on a day by day basis, perhaps allowing for other influences such "Away" mode.

    An example - maybe I create a "Guest Bedroom - Unoccupied" schedule, that is my preferred baseline program, and a "Guest Bedroom - Occupied" profile that behaves more like the other occupied bedrooms in my home. My SmartSchedule identifies "Guest Bedroom - Unoccupied" as the usual schedule for every day of the week. My parents invite themselves for a few days, so I simply add a calendar entry for the guest bedroom to switch to "Guest Bedroom - Occupied" from 17th March to 21st March - It would be good to have a time of day for the switch rather than just midnight, but in the first instance I could live with just midnight.

    For "Away" mode, it should be possible to have individual users aligned to each zone, and a "Schedule Profile" configured for activation when that zone is in "Away" mode. My son's room should have a "John's Bedroom - Occupied" and "John's Bedroom - Away" profile and when he leaves the house it should automatically switch to the "Away" profile for just his room, unless the rest of the people in the home are already out, when the other zones should then adopt their "Away" profiles since there is nobody left at the home.

    As long as the profile editor allows a new profile to be created based on an existing profile, then the need to be able to copy schedules between days and rooms becomes a non-issue, since you create a profile, and then apply it to whichever room(s) you like on whichever day(s) you like. A single "Bedroom - Occupied" profile could be applied to every bedroom, no copying or duplication required at all.

    The date based override could be a "Period Override" or "Permanent Switch". The "Period Override" sets a new schedule profile between a start and end date, reverting to the original baseline profile at the end of the period. The "Permanent Switch" replaces the baseline schedule profile for the selected one at a given date/time.

    Once the concept of Schedule Profiles exists, it becomes possible to create a zone that has a Preferred Winter Schedule Profile, a Preferred Summer Schedule Profile and dates for switching between Winter and Summer profiles which could be applied on a global or a per zone basis.

    Sorry, another essay.. but if you're planning to do some work, get stuck in and stand out from the competition a little... think bigger !

    Have a great day :)

  • Rob2
    Rob2 ✭✭✭

    Yes, the scheduling really needs a big overhaul. It is not smart at all.

    In this country it is quite usual for people to work 36 hours/week and they have one day off on alternate weeks. So alternating on odd/even weeks the heating should be on or off on a certain day. This is difficult to cover with the current schedule.

    Same goes for public holidays. When they are on a workday (e.g. christmas), there should be an easy option to run one single day on another profile either scheduled or manually.

  • Hi Julian - thank you for picking this up and sponsoring this with the developers. I came here because i need to change all the rooms as the kids are back to school. Not a massive task but repetitive and boring, and very avoidable with a simple “copy schedule” which shouldn’t be a hard task. That will already remove a lot of ‘pain’ for many (the 80/20 rule!), for a modest investment.

    Then, for a more fundamental rework of how rooms, people and schedules work together, there are plenty of good suggestions already posted in this thread.

    When the Tado team starts on that, I propose that users here vote on the importance of individual improvements, to gage the ‘need’ for each feature.


  • Copy paste schedule is a must have. Don’t quite understand why it’s taking so long for that function to come true
  • Anyone monitoring this topic, note the update from Tado on 7th June in the original post!
  • And still we wait for a copy scheduled to different zone…..like buying a car with no fuel….
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