Create a range extender or let us use a second bridge...
Having olny 1 bridge per house is a massive design flaw yet to be addressed by Tado. Unless you leave in a tiny house made of cardboard walls, the TRV wlll lose connection or burn batteries in only a matter I'd a couple of weeks. I live in a house across 3 floors, I really struggle with the range and can't have full…
Dedicated tile for boiler status on/off (same as hot water)
Im fairly new to Tado but one feature i've seen that is so blindly obvious i though i was doing something wrong. It would be great to have a tile on the app which shows if the wireless recevier is actively calling for heat. Similar to the "hot water on/off" tile. A boiler on/off tile. I know there are the ~~~ wavey lines…
Creat a new group for Tado-X users
Mods, can you create a new group for Tado-X usrs. It makes browsing through posts much easier, as V2/3 and X are not compatible with each other, and they do not share the same problems and solutions.
Dynamically adjust opening percentage based on rest of system as well as heat demand
A couple of weeks ago I posted a suggestion that users be allowed to set the minimum opening percentage on the smart valves to alleviate water rushing noise. In a separate thread about vibration, a solution was suggested to remove the Tado valve from the radiator nearest the boiler because "…it can happen that the water…
Give users access to the advanced configuration parameters
As most of us here will be aware, Tado has several advanced controls and configuration options that support are able to use to configure your devices when you contact them (cycle periods, minimum on/off times etc). Sadly these advanced options are hidden from users and the only way to access them is through support which…
Schedule a boost
I am often away from home. My underfloor heating has a 24 hour thermal lag from 6 degrees to 22 degrees. I regularly forget to preheat it. Can you please add a facility to diarise a temperature boost for one or more rooms?
Hybrid Heat Pump support [Atlantic Aurea 5 R32]
This heatpump comes with the plugwise Anna thermostat using the opentherm protocol to control most combi-boilers, so they control the heatpump and the combi-boiler, but one must remove the Tado thermostat. If plugwise can control the hybrid system, it should be trivial for tado to do the same thing. I would like to remove…
Support newer version of Worcester HT-BUS
I just upgraded from a worcester bosch greenstar cdi to a worcester bosch greenstar 8000 life. On my old boiler I could connect to the digital low voltage interface bus however the new boiler the ht-bus is not supported and I couldn't simply change over I had to rewire to the old relay style. The bus interface is better…
Geolocation Improvement's for Mobile users W3W?
Tado like devices often get repurposed into not conventional ‘homes’, such as canal boats and Rv’s Could the home location be made dynamic either using data from the home network ( our teletonica router has a gps function)? If that is too complicated or not possible due to the hardware limitations in the internet bridge,…
Support more than 10 rooms and 25 devices
Please can you add support for more than 25 devices and only 10 rooms, with a 5 bedroom house, with ensuites with a number of downstairs rooms, 25 devices is not enough when you want radiator TRVs and smart thermostats in each room. also limiting the total rooms to 10 does not work in this environment either. Please,…
IFTTT replacement - customised boost temperature and duration
I used to use IFTTT to boost my heating to 21 or 22 degrees for 1-2 hours depending on the setting. It was WAY more useful than just 25 degrees for 30 minutes. Tado removed the integration, but could features like this be integrated into the app then? It seems like an easy change, we can already boost, it just needs to…
Night mode
Hi, I think it would be useful to have a "night mode" with a setting in temperature. With the other modes, away and home can be set as a scene recognised by alexa, Google home. So we can stop heating the apartment or some rooms when we go to sleep with third-part routines/automations.
Spare tado X batteries for thermostats
As I have spare batteries for my mobile phones, I would also like to have spare batteries for my tado X thermostats. Batteries that I can charge before they are needed to replace another batteri that needs to be charged.
Worcester Bosch Greenstar 8000 and EMS
Please can you configure the Tado wired unit to work with the Worcester Bosch Greenstar 8000 and EMS
Stabilizing heat demand pattern for constant set temperature
I live in Scandinavia and often work from home, so I have a consistent heating demand throughout the day. When looking at the temperature/heating graph view, it is clear that the heating demand (and temperature) follows a cyclic pattern with a period of 45min on average. I'd love to post an image but I don't think this…
Let users choose which rooms to 'boost'
I’m sorry if I’ve missed this, but how on earth can I hit Boost and boost just a set of rooms rather than the ones which are not used? This is such a no-brainer feature, and when I search I can only find hack-arounds via IFTTT ( just discovered now not possible ) I can only assume that this is me being thick? Feature =…
Ebus Max Flow Temperature setting (like the one just released for Opentherm).
Would it be possible to do the same for Ebus controlled boilers via the wired Tado, +- settings? My Vaillant can ramp up to 80C if it wants even if I set the max temp lower on the boiler. The ebus will ignore these settings and do what it feels is best. I might only want it to go to 66 or 70C max for example. It's just…
user rights
There is a need for user rights in the app. An administrator can do and change the complete setup. But it should be possible to add users that as an example only can change temperatures within a certain range. Now, I am worried that a user who is less technical by mistake will change a parameter or delete something in the…