Adjust humidity readings (Humidity offset)
Graag een optie om een offset mee te geven aan de luchtvochtigheid. Zelfde optie zoals bij de temperatuur
Individual Radiator TRV Control
It would be extremely useful if there was a way to set individual radiator smart thermostats to away or home mode. There are times when out of the house and others are still in but will only use certain rooms but if they are on app the whole house will be regarded as "at home" under the geo fencing rule. Also when kids are…
Smart AC control to activate AC based on room temperature
Given the user is deleted I will restart the thread. The Original suggestion: "Currently the Smart AC control turns on the AC unit at the start of a time block, regardless of the temperature. In my opinion that's a major flaw, because most (all?) home AC units still run their fan even if the room temperature is below the…
Trv/thermostat assigned to user
Hi, It would be a good feature to be asked to assign certain trv/thermostat to hinge and away assist, e.g. my office only needs to be warned when I'm home.
Función Multi-Vivienda
Agradecería se desarrollara la función multi-vivienda que permita controlar 2 o más casas con la misma cuenta y el mismo dispositivo. Ahora sólo puede hacerse con cuentas distintas y cerrando una cuando se quiere acceder a la otra. Gracias!!
Graphs do not print correctly
When printing from Windows the graph does not fit the page correctly.
Graph scale in 1 degree increments
The graph scale is very odd. It is either in units of three or units of six degrees. This makes it very difficult to work out what temperatures the line is reading when it is between the labeled grid lines. It would be much easier to read if the graph scale was simply in units of one degree with ideally subdivisions of…
Personalised Boost heating
Is there any chance to personalise the boost heating option? Option to program time and temperature for the "Boost heating" would be useful feature
Global override
Having very recently installed a Starter Kit V3+ which wirelessly controls heating and water, and having added Smart Radiator Thermostats to 9 out of 13 radiators in the house (three of those without TRVs being towel radiators, the fourth being the obligatory 'reference' radiator in the hall), the following shows up: The…
Phone support
I've just installed a Tado system. I have a number of issues and opened a chat this morning which had "a few hours" at the top of the page. I expected someone would contact me by the end of the day but that hasn't happened. Presumably it'll be Monday at the earliest before anybody gets in touch. It is unacceptable to pay…
Range Limitation Publicity
This community shows that lots of people are having range problems in larger houses. But nowhere in the product information does it mention that all devices have to be within range of the Bridge and that thick walls will adversely affect the range. I have my Wi-Fi router at one end of the house and my boiler at the other…
Option to enter two offset values on TRVs
One offset for when radiator is off, and one when radiator is on. This would hopefully be a simple fix for the issue where the temperature around the radiator is warmer than rest of the room when the radiator is on. (Seen especially in vertically mounted TRVs.)
dynamic offset to cure TRV inaccuracy
It's well known that TRVs are accurate for room temperature when the radiator is off, but inaccurate when the radiator is on. I'd like Tado to implement a feature where the user can set a dynamic offset, such that when the radiator is on the room temperature is offset by -9/+9 degrees. Should minimise the TRV temp problem.…