Can you replace Danfoss TPOne-M with the Wired Smart Thermostat X?
Hello! Hoping the community can help me out on this one! I have a Danfoss TPOne-M installed in my new build, which controls the heating only. I'm interested in replacing it with the Thermostat X, but I'm struggling to understand whether its ok to replace it as customer agents on the ChatBot take hours to reply and the…
Tado X - Central Heating LED always on
This is a Tado X question specific to the UK version of the Wireless Receiver X. I have it connected to my Worcester Greenstar Highflow 440 using relay contacts for both CH and HW. It is working fine, with both CH and HW confirmed working. However the LED for the CH is permanently on, it is not going on/off with the relay…
TADO X - support cannot set water temperature
Hello everyone, I installed my first Tado X kit with thermostat yesterday, set in Opentherm mode. As I have read in the forum, many complain about the fact that it is not possible to manually set the water heating and domestic hot water temperatures in the tado APP. Obviously my boiler doesn't allow me to set these…
Tado X Programmer Looses Internet Connection
Hi, My Programmer has lost its internet connection twice since I set it up two weeks ago. When it is connected all 3 wi-fi lights are lit, so it has a good strong signal. Restarting it fixes the problem, until next time! I am wondering if the programmer has any difficulties with Mesh wi-fi. I have one name for both 2.4gHz…
Dual zone, multi valve with Tado X
Hello, I am interested in Tado X to replace my current heatmiser setup. I have 2 zones, 2 wireless thermostats, 2 valves/pumps. 1 thermostat controls 1 valve/pump for water based underfloor heating and the other controls the other valve/pump for the radiators. Boiler is wired into a Heatmiser UH8 RF wiring centre. What…
No hot water after installation
Hi, I currently have a Baxi duo-tec combi boiler with a wired Drayton thermostat called CombiStat, as well as a Drayton programmer on the wall. The programmer has options for the heating and hot water, these are off, timed, once, and on. The programmer does not control our hot water and this setting is always off. I…
Cannot generate Matter credentials in Tado app
Hi! I have an issue where I cannot generate Matter credentials in Tado app. When I was setting the system up, it was buggy and I had to add and remove the devices several times, but eventually I managed to generate Matter credentials. Now, however, there is no way for me to generate any - the option disappeared from the…
Tado X Device Naming
When adding devices to the Tado X system, there is a prompt to change the name. However making any change seems to have no affect at all.
Will this set up work with Tado X
Hi everyone I'm pretty new to Tado and after 2 months of living with the X system, so far so good. But I'm looking to add some more kit and would appreciate some advice. I have 4 Tado X wired thermostats, one for each floor of my house, each controlling the valves to my combi boiler through the control panel / main zone…
Hot water control like in V3 - other device control i.e. Apple Home, Google Home or Home Assistant
I have found it impossible to see any control of the hot water in any of the Matter/Thread control systems. It is impossible to add the wireless controller X to any of Apple Home, Google Home or Home Assistant. The only place that hot water can be controlled is through the app, and then only with the facility to set a…
Daikin Heat Pump Compatibility
I am looking for a smart home heating solution and contacted support to assess compatibility for Tado X which states it accommodates under floor systems. Support informed me that Tado X is not compatible with Daikin Altherma R F - EHVH-CB and Daikin ERLQ006CAV3. I would suggest adding compatibility as this is a widely…
Controlling two radiators in a room
Hi. I have just installed Tado X. I have a room with two radiators, each of which has a wireless smart thermostat X, but there in no wireless temperature sensor X in the room. I want one of the radiator thermostats to control the temperature of both radiators. In the old Tado system, I could set it so that one of the…
Swapping BPT TH/124 with tado° X
Hello chat, I'm looking into swapping my current BPT TH/124 with a tado X, but I'm unsure about the compatibility as I'm not finding a wiring diagram matching my thermostat. From what I'm seeing, it should be compatible and pretty straight forward as current wiring is on C and NO (NA), which should be pretty much the same…
More intelligent Balance
I have been using Balance functionality for a while now. The idea is great, however I find the "rules" for decreasing the temperature by 2° during high energy price periods too static. A few ideas to make this more "intelligent": If a "Balance period" coming up during which my "home" otherwise would be heated up a lot,…
Tado X No Matter Code For Wireless Reciever X Therefore No Hot Water Control
When running V3 I had linked the bridge to Homekit and had a hot water option in home kit. Just in the process of adding my new X equipment to homekit and expected to see a matter code on the wireless receiver X so that I can add the hot water control to homekit but no code present. How are you supposed to add hot water…
Battery status Matter
Hello, when Tado X radiator thermostats are connected to HomeAssistant using Matter Addon they dont show battery status because its not sending any. The radiator thermostats are connected through other brand Thread Border router.