w.Intercom = i;Multi Home Support - Page 8 — tado° Community

Multi Home Support



  • 314ti
    edited January 2023

    I've just bought a second system for the holiday house. Almost 1.000 EUR invested before reading this topic - I think I did a big mistake.

    @Tado - Is there any chance to add this feature in the near future or should I just return the system?

  • Return the system, they will not even respond or give feedback, this post has been open years. Unless your technical like myself and have a control system outside of Tado you cannot do anything. Have a look at ITTT to see if that does what you want or stay signed in on different browser apps to work around it.

  • @314ti if you’re not going to be using the holiday home regularly you could probably just create a separate account and set and forget it. Or go the weather compensation route, which really is set and forget.
  • Hello Tado, where is multi-house availability? you are wasting time and credibility after 5 years of "nothing".

  • Besides my house, I have also an office.

    I wish I could use one account to manage both properties!

  • Tado, please can you implement multi house support?

    How hard can it be?

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  • I just thought I'd add a post to say that I would really like this feature. I hope Tado are listening to us!

  • I don't think Tado cares about customers or what they think… they only care about their own mindset!

    two questions that come up often without any reply from Tado is:

    Why not offer multi-home support?

    Why is it not possible to set the temperature below 16 degrees Celsius (it would be a very useful feature to keep a cottage frost free)?

  • Hello. Please implement multi home support asap. I was about to invest in the Tado Air Con x 3 for my vacation home but I will probably look at Sensibo now in order to have two different apps running on phone.
  • I’m not saying this isn’t going to happen at some point, but the first post in this thread is from 2018…
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  • +1 Support - Unbelievable this has been asked for since 2018…
  • Hard to believe there’s anyone left believing it’ll happen.

  • It is, as I have found from Taco support, possible to control 2 homes from the Tado app. However, to do this, one has to log out and then log in to the second home using a different email address as a username. With his quality product, I'm surprised that Tado haven't addressed this problem in their app.

  • wateroakley
    wateroakley Volunteer Moderator
    edited September 19

    Yes, that’s the way it works. We access our rellies home heating with a second email address. Other find this too difficult.

  • paul0000
    paul0000 ✭✭✭

    How about a simple process like MS Teams does where you can switch between accounts (primary and guest) to access different setups.

    Whilst I don't own an additional home I completely agree with the comments here this is a big oversight. Sadly the volume of responses (aka none) from tado shows how likely support for this will be 🤨

  • davidlyall
    davidlyall ✭✭✭
    edited September 19

    If you use a Samsung phone, it is possible to have two separate Tado apps installed logged onto different accounts so you can control two homes. You need to use the Secure Folder app.

    I don't have two homes but did run enough of a test to feel that this would work. I think the app can also be downloaded onto non-Samsung Android devices

    I'm sure there's something similar that would work on Apple too

    It's not ideal but would probably meet the needs of most users with more than one home

  • Unknown
    edited September 19
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  • XKRMonkey
    XKRMonkey ✭✭✭

    Sadly, I agree with the general disbelief that Tado bother a single jot about this community and it’s requests, ideas or reports posted by users, who they seem to believe are corner case “Power Users” and not worth interacting with.

    For those struggling with multi home, I have some updates to my original post about Smart tech in multi homes that includes Tado. It'a posted as a separate thread in this community if you're interested.

  • davidlyall
    davidlyall ✭✭✭
    edited September 19

    I don't think that's the issue.

    I still believe that their business model is wrong. They sell hardware with a feature set but have no regular income to fund improvements so ultimately they don't have the resources to properly develop the product

  • Unknown
    edited September 19
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  • NOLBwithaD
    edited September 19

    Adding the facility to control a second home is clearly a required feature from within the app for many of your customers.

    Can Tado developers please supply a time line for when this will be available? Would they like users to work with them to beta test such a feature. I too have just purchased a second Tado system specifically to enable me to be able to control my, and my elderly mother-in-law’s system, which she may not be able to understand herself, and I need real-time updates. If I have to keep logging in and out of the app, I will lose that functionality for one system or the other.

    This really does need fixing. Tado, PLEASE escalate this development.

  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭
    edited September 19

    @NOLBwithaD Welcome to the forum - in fact you are welcome to the forum!! There is a widely-held belief that tado no longer even visit here let alone contribute so please excuse the more than occasional use of sarcasm when we chat about development.

  • I cannot believe with this number of comments about a fairly easy to add feature Tado have not added this! They ought to start taking note of what their customers are asking for.
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  • Mich_ka
    edited August 2023
    Hi. I also felt into the trap. I just bought and installed a tado thermostat in my apartment while we already had one installed in the family countryside house. I’m really surprised to discover that the app cannot manage 2 different houses. I installed the second house as a second room and this is really not convenient, I don’t really know what to do now… but I am not really reassured to discover that this feature is in development … since at least 2019 ? Are we seeing it implemented anytime soon ?
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  • Disapointed to come on here and see this was promised on 2019 road map and has not been completed