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Multi Home Support



  • I installed Tado in two homes and it comes up with too many difficulties.

    It needs to be a feature that is properly developed rather than ridiculous suggestions on ways to get around the problem.

    I am really surprised that nothing appears to be done on this.

  • This idea seems to be going nowhere, 2022 and 2nd property option still not available. Better off buying a different brand then at least you have 2 apps logged in one for each property. Tado obviously not going to do anything about it, shame really because it's a really good system compared to others available.
  • This feature is desperately needed.

  • How is it possible it is not supported yet? Bought AC controller for the office and because I liked it I put away Netatmo at home and bought Tado. But to be able control home I had to revoke my connection with office 🙄
  • +1. I don’t have a 2nd home but this may change soon and would love to use tado in 2nd home also. Can’t be that hard to implement
  • Are you kidding me, right? Ending with tado now.. I will be installing different product..
  • Created an account here just to add a +1 here

  • +1 it is not understandable why this feature is not coming for years, even so it supports at least 2 major use cases: 2nd/ vaccation home and coverage for large home
  • Could we have the ability to have your name registered on more than one home? Without it we are unable to use Geofencing.

  • Created an account to give this a plus 1. Being blunt about it, if you have multiple homes you're probably in a good position financially to buy multiply TADO gadgets and accessories. Why are you not catering for these people properly? Seems like such an oversight.
  • Also a massive +1. Come on Tado. Make this happen. It’s just absurd it’s hasn’t happened yet after years of waiting. Please?! Or at least give us an update? Thanks
  • If I want to use Tado in more than one premises, it is ridiculously difficult. Far easier to use a smart thermostat from a competitor.
    The Tado app should allow people to set up more than one home in the app without needing multiple accounts.
  • This is a really stupid limitation that was flagged up and "on the wishlist" many years ago.
    I've created a new thread in case Tado are ignoring this one.
  • Having two device to control second home (or sign out/in) is so inconvenient and makes me thinking after many years using tado to switch to the product that support such feature.
    As owner of multiple homes we should be able to use single account to control it.
    Please strongly consider to implement multihome option.
  • One more for support for multi-home in the app. I bought a Tado for a second home as I have one in my main residence. I only realised I couldn’t add it to the app once installed. I would have looked at different solutions as Tado is OK but not great. It’s not just me that needs to have a different email and set up the web app - it’s everyone else in my home who has access to the heating. Painful.
  • burntbridge
    burntbridge ✭✭✭

    I have been waiting sooooo long for this, very annoying

  • Sigle home control is is processed well, but recent solution for multi-home control is miserable and not appropriate for comfortable and modern use.

    Appropriate multi-home solution is needed in order to be able to manage more homes adequately.

    On 9.5.2022 I have addressed tado support for true and reliable answer so we can plan the acquisition of the system for multiple homes. The respond did not answer the question and suggest to make a comment here.

    We deduce from this that appropriate multi-home solution is not available and is not being worked on in 2022.

  • I also wanted to add my request for multi-home support. I find it incredible that such a basic feature is not yet supported on such a mature product!

    But I'm even more concerned to see that no-one from Tado has contributed to make clarity on this thread...

  • Rob
    Rob Admin
    edited September 2022

    This is a feature that has been on our planned list for a while now, but somehow there has always been some kind of other feature that outranked it on the priorities list. So it got pushed down. Anyway, I've seen that this is likely to change. Nothing has been developed yet so I can make no promises whatsoever. However, based on what I've seen I strongly believe it's coming.

  • I find it hard to understand that keeping existing customers happy and have them choose to install Tado in multiple properties should be so far down the list. I'd have thought this would be an easy way to solidify your client base and increase sales... We found a clunky work-around since we have 2 Tado systems installed in 1 property but have not installed it in any more properties due to the inconvenience of having to have a separate login for each system. We also use several other smart home systems, all allow for multiple properties. Hopefully soon-ish is very soon because it's a shame to be so far behind on this.

  • Incredible that this feature has not been implemented yet. What could be more important to develop at this point? And how many more people need to register before this finally gets done?
  • @Rob thanks for taking time to reply. Sounds to me like you might need more developers!

  • This content has been removed.
  • Soon-is will not get you anywhere. While you were over thinking it of how you will monetize and charge the same customers multiple subscriptions for having multiple homes, customers like myself have given up on waiting and have gotten systems which has apps which support multi home setups at a friction of the cost. Xiaomi Home an even SmartLife has been supporting this for years.
  • One of the reasons I bought Tado 5+ ish years ago was that two home support was 'On the roadmap'!

    It still is... I use Mac and iPhone on separate accounts to get round it but it's really confusing for my wife who is not tech savvy and doesn't like swapping accounts to make use of the proximity feature to control the heating/hot water.

    Means I end up doing it remotely when we're in separate homes.

    First world problems I know...

  • Energy costs are rising to new heights but still no multi system/home support!!! When is Tado going to bring this feature in? How much longer do we have to wait

  • I just bought a second tado for my secondary house and I found it is not supported to add a house! How is it possible that this functionality is not available? I will need to return this Tado to Amazon! Really sad because I want it.
  • Unfortunately, that's how I use it, the first house on the application, the second on the browser.

    I am switching to NETATMO soon, there is a possibility to set up several houses in one application

  • Adding this functionality is highly important. I have spent time on the customer support but they have been totally useless providing standard answers that do not addressed this issue