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Launch a range extender or upgrade to mesh network



  • Robbie
    edited November 2022

    @Robti , Someone used his spare time and the Tadoo-API to make a Homekit integration. It is so much better then the Tado-app.

    You would expect Tado to improve this over time, but for years there was zero development. They don't actively improve it, just maintain it.

    Just like the other issues, where development is also at a standstill. Except for marketing, that's where they thrive.

  • Just bought a Tado system and 18 TRVs spanned over a 3 story house to replace my Hive system.

    I've now discovered that the range on the Internet Bridge is not good enough, and I'm most likely going to have to take it all out and return it for a refund.

    Plus 1 to request a range extender or the ability to use multiple IBs

    If Tado could at least confirm something like this is on their roadmap (which no longer appears to exist), then I'd be willing to put up with a few of the further away TRVs being unusable until the problem is resolved.

    Based on the lack of progress since this thread started, though, I'm not holding my breath!

  • Pete
    Pete ✭✭✭
    It's a shame all the time you will have wasted getting everything set up.
    Return asap as it's unlikely any solution will be compatible with the current generation of equipment.
    Let us know which product you end up with.
  • Mine has now settled down and is working really well and reliably in both houses. One is a six bedroom 2 storey house of about 5,500 sq ft built from 1920 with various steel beams we put in. It has 15 valves. The other is an 1840s London town house of 4,800 sq ft over three floors with 14 valves. Getting both set up was difficult at first but it can be done.
  • @CIW agreed. Ours is the same - a large stone walled house that if you read this thread you would think Tado would never work.
    It has worked perfectly for the last four years without disconnections after finding the best location for the bridge (for us, that was high up in the loft).
    However, understandably nobody wants to hear positive stories, just the negatives.
    I will still never recommend Tado to others though until they resolve the reliance on a stable Internet connection.
  • Jimuk
    edited November 2022
    As far as I can see the comments made by tado have not taken into account one quick fix they could have with existing the hardware which would be to allow more than one bridge/gateway and Yes this may take more programming to make it work but you could do it. Most large houses with this problem will have wifi mesh already setup so plugging in another bridge would be simple. They have yet to explain why you cannot? Over to you @Jurian
  • They have explained it:
    They don’t have the developers for it.
    They don’t see it as a priority.
  • This content has been removed.
  • Tado_Raf
    edited November 2022
    Add another customer here who is ready to ditch tado for a system that works in my house. Victorian 3 floor place with thick stone walls. The trv in my boiler room and furthest washroom disconnect more often than not despite moving the bridge around. I realise this is my house that is causing the interference which is why I’ve bought routers and Wi-Fi products thst work with it. I’d love to keep tado but it currently doesn’t offer the flexibility I need. I don’t care about local control. I just want all the TRV’s to be able to stay on the network. Have had tado since about 2017 in a smaller house where it worked great. Not now I have 13 trvs to manage.

    I’m surprised no one yet has looked into sniffing the network and see if they can build their own repeater. It’s not like you have to unencrypt anything. You’re merely passing the data on.
  • I'm in an old stone walled house and whilst I love tado concept am continuing to struggle. I "fixed" the internet bridge issues to the TRV's by mounting the internet bridge in the loft (no mean feat as it needs wired internet), but it's up there hanging off a piece of timber.

    Now my problems have shifted to the extension kit losing connectivity to the internet bridge - at time of writing, no connection since 10.08am this morning after working fine for weeks😒 - reboots of internet bridge and extension kit haven't got them talking again.

    I'm guessing it's another trip into the loft and try moving the internet bridge a couple of feet to see if that helps ... FRUSTRATING and I know I'm then gonna knock a TRV out of connectivity range.

  • Depending on the wiring of the extention kit, it might be easier or more effective to move it around a little (or a lot...); still frustrating, of course.
  • 4x3l
    edited November 2022

    I see that I'm not the only one having the Tado range issue... that I discovered after having installed more TRVs over time like many others.

    What concerns me the most is that this thread has been going on for years and that Tado has still not delivered anything to fix this major issue. 6lowpan repeaters, two bridges accepting to use the same account etc...

    I understand that when the thread was started @Rob explained it was only a minority facing this issue, that technical solutions were complex, and so on... but after a couple of years everybody would have expected Tado to have developed a solution (software using multiple bridges or hardware...). But it is not the case despite the fact that big apartments and big houses are great clients to satisfy: many heaters, lots of space, important market segment to satisfy.

    So where are we with this @Rob @Jurian? ETA for having a commercial solution?

    End of the year is coming, today is Black Friday, many people will buy something from Tado and discover in a few months that they cannot install more because of range limitation :-(

  • @Pete I seem to have got over my range limitation. To be fair, initially my internet bridge was inside a metal server cabinet that probably wasn't helping 😁

    However, looks like I may have to jump back on the refund train! I've just discovered that four of my 'rooms' won't heat unless one of the other rooms is heating.

    Turns out there is a 10 room limit. Yes, I can get around it by zoning some rooms together - eg join bedrooms and en-suites together, but it's not really fit for purpose. It just means I'm heating radiators that I don't want to heat!

  • Pete
    Pete ✭✭✭
    I'm pleased for you.
    I think you may have misunderstood the 10 room limit. Set the primary 10 rooms to the zone controller, leave ensuites and minor rooms off the zone controller. All rooms will operate independently, only downside is boiler won't come on if you are just trying to heat an ensuite on its own. No rooms will be heated unnecessarily.
  • Yeah, I saw this as a suggestion, but I'd rather have the room heat more than it should on an accurate schedule, rather than a schedule that might happen but only if another room needs heating.

    On that second option, I'd still need to heat rooms that aren't currently needed just to make sure the room that isn't on a zone controller. Eg if I want to boost the en-suite, I'd have to turn on the bedroom radiators to make it happen, so am still heating unnecessarily.

  • Guys, please stay on topic, we need a range extender first.
    Why don’t you two just get a room ;)
  • Range extender, multiple bridges in one house/account, more devices per bridge, more functional rooms/zones per house/account, more houses/accounts per app, easier switching of house/account in app, being owner of one installation and invited on another with the same account/email are all very much related... Faces of the same coin, so to say.
  • I'd also like for a range extender. Is anyone from Tado monitoring this forum?

  • Pete
    Pete ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    Of course Tado are monitoring this forum.
    They regular review feedback about their latest trivial update, like "dark mode" or "eco graph".
    They also regularly post posing as satisfied customers. (I've no idea why someone who doesn't need a range extender would repeatedly post in a feed for people who do need a range extender). Some "members of the public" have even flagged the topic so they can reply about how they personally don't need a range extender the moment anyone posts saying they do. Often providing a lame back story about how they "once incorrectly thought they did need an extended".
    All perfectly reasonable behaviour.
  • I can answer that question. I joined the forum and this strand because on initial setup I thought I needed a range extender and wanted to agitate for one. See my early posts. However after carefully tweaking and repositioning as recommended it turns out that I don’t. Happy to prove who I am and that I have absolutely nothing to do with Tado.
  • @CIW , we are super happy for you. Really. But you’re not helping the ones who have a limped heating system, for years now.
    Will you, please, help us out a little by pressing how desperately we need this range issue finally resolved. Thanks, you rule.
  • @CIW glad you're happy. Personally I'd love to be able to add multiple signal repeaters. I have 14 radiators connected currently but it took me weeks to find the one spot in the house that worked. Move the bridge 2 inches and I lose 2 radiators. As it is I've had to buy £100 of rechargeable AA batteries as the valves are draining them. 6 radiators need the batteries replacing every 2 weeks. I hate feeling that the entire edifice is tottering on the edge of collapse. I really want modulation and having a vaillant boiler Tado is my only option. The boiler is 9 years old now. Unless Tado bring out an extender when the boiler goes I'll be making sure its replacement is opentherm rather than proprietary and I'll replace the whole lot with a Drayton Wiser system with 3 or 4 plug in extenders.
  • One thing that did help was to glue a Velcro strip to the transmitter so you can easily try out different locations and (particularly) orientations.
  • Pete
    Pete ✭✭✭
    Great idea. Also helps if you move all your radiators into one room.
  • I am also burning my way through batteries on the temperamental TRV’s that are out of range.
    Not very green. I tried rechargeable but they lasted a week or two and I got annoyed with the constant maintenance. I have 12 TRV’s and it was too much work.
  • CIW
    edited November 2022
    Yes they are quite heavy on batteries. In the end I went for the Eneloop rechargeables they recommend which have been good, if initially expensive.
  • @Pete just accept that Tado will never work for you, and they have zero interest in fixing the problem.
    I'm sure they will be only too happy to sell you their superb new system when is released in 2024
    Maybe it is time that you moved to a different system?
  • Pete
    Pete ✭✭✭
    "man gets tired of people complaining about poor reception in forum for people with poor reception"
  • @johnbur

    Yes there does seem to be a few posters on this forum who can't seem to get their head around that the system they have purchased isn't suitable for their personal circumstances and are living in a delusional world where Tado will somehow fix their problems even though they have already clearly explained that they won't be.

    If I was in that situation I would have ditched Tado years ago and moved on.

  • I think it is to simle to tell that the bridge should be moved to another place. It is not easy to have everywhere a internetcable