Tado Smart App - Learn function
I would embrace a Learn function in the App, where I could point my original AC remote to the Tado-device, to "Learn" functions available in the original remote, i.e. Silent Mode, Swing, Defrost mode, Timer Set etc. To use these Learnt functions I suggest to be able to have custom buttons on the Tado App Home screen.
Valve pin position indicator
My Bosch system which I got rid of in favor of Tado included in the app a place where you could see the position of the valve pin. This was useful to determine if TRV was fully opening or closing the valve pin and other temperature issues. I think this would be useful on the Tado system as well
Antifreeze & déactivation possibilty
Hello, Support told me that it s not possible to deactivate or change the antofreeze temperature. The minimum temperature when you set to off is 5°C. I would like to be abble to set the antifreeze temperature at a temperature below 5°C (as set by default). And also to be abble to deactivate completely a radiator head. This…
dealing better with low battery: add a new battery state "yellow"
i have noticed a couple times that i get a tado e-mail that a device needs new batteries but when i look at the app it will show a green battery icon and "good" the cause is, i think: during a cold night the batteries have lower capacity and the e-mail get sent. the app will also show a red icon when looked at right after…
Relative units in Energy IQ setup
In residential buildings there are still some individual radiator meters. In the Energy IQ setup one can only give kWh or m3 as unit but this is only available on a building level. Can something be done to use individual meter readings from Techem meters for example?
UK Customer Service Telephone Number
Currently no UK customer service telephone number is available. This is not good for Elderly people who are less technically endowed then other generations and when they have a fault just want to speak to someone to get the fault rectified especially in the Middle of a UK winter. It causes allot of anxiety. Given the…
Settings after signal loss and auto-reconnect
Regarding the wireless receiver of the central heating, it is undesirable for it to remain on when there is no signal. I have returned several times to a home with tropical temperatures after the signal was lossed for unknown reason (so far) and the heater remains (last setting before disconnection). Can't this be set to…
Switching between Zone Controller and No Zone Controller/ Universal Switch
Please could you incorporate a universal switch for Zone Controller, so that the user could switch all his TRVs to "No zone controller" and back to the specific Zone Controller with a single toggle button? Currently, it's really annoying having to go to Settings -- Rooms & Devices -- The name of a TRV -- scroll to the very…
Open mode
I suggest to incorporate to smart radiator thermostat the possibility of allowing the valve to remain open, even if it exceeds 25 degrees