Batterie faible pour poignée radiateur
Quand la batterie est morte, mon radiateur s’est mis en température maximale. Donc pendant plusieurs jours, la pièce était très chaude avec aucune possibilité de baisser la température. Il faudrait explorer des options, comme mettre le reglage sur 20 degrés quand il reste moins de 5% de batteries, ou permettre de baisser…
Please enable to set future settings, eg. for planned holidays.
Show heater status
Show a right led when the heater is actually heating to raise the room temperature. Show a white led when the heater, the thermostat or their connection are out of order. Show no led when room temperature is as demanded.
Rename air conditioning units
I have since recently air conditioning units in different rooms at home. I bought the airconditioning system from Tado thinking it would have similar features as the heating knows when using the app. But it doesn't. It's impossible (to my knowledge) to rename the separate units in the app, meaning that I'm too often…
Change Air Comfort section of APP
On the "Air Comfort" section. There does not seem to be a way to request temperature and/or humidity of a specific room. I get the impression that your algorithm aims for room temperature of 23C temperature/42% humidity. Is 23C not rather high and energy wasteful?. I am sure there is a simple way to modify your algorithm…
Simple fix for the smart TRVs
My smart radiator valves can’t heat a room without setting a large temperature offset due to the sensor being too close to the radiator. This feature doesn’t work very well because when the radiator turns off tado thinks my room temperature plummets, and then instantly turns the radiator back on. This seems to be a very…
[Energy IQ] Allow for new meter and continue entering meter readings
When replacing a meter, it becomes hard to continue entering meter readings as one has to add the last old meter reading to the new meter readings (and sometimes even subtract the first new meter reading from that number too). Under Energy IQ, provide a meter reset button, with for the date of changeover: ++ the first new…
More compatible heat pumps
PID regelaar voor de sturing van de thermostaat knoppen
Vanuit de klanten service kreeg ik de vraag of ik mijn vraag hier wilde stellen. Graag zou ik zelf de PID-regeling van de thermostaat knoppen zelf kunnen instellen. Dit omdat niet alle knoppen bij mij een radiator bedienen.
New idea: respond to valid user suggestions?
Hey tado development team, being an owner of a software agency myself, it's a huge red flag to me when I see rather trivial user requests and improvements just sitting there for five years (!!!) without an official response. Some guy named "Frank" answered who seemed like a tado rep, but his account is deleted now.…