Merge "deleted rooms" with a new room created
I have deleted a room and re-configured again due to malfunctioning radiator thermostat. Now in my "heating activity" dashboard it shows the history of this room in "deleted rooms". Is there any ways to merge this deleted room to the new one I've created so the statistics aren't disturbed?
Add Months to schdule
I’m a recent newbie to getting this and I found it really good. I think a great idea would be to add months to the schedules rather than just days. This would then be useful for setting the schedules per summer months and winter months.I had a digital thermostat which did that and I found worked well as never had to touch…
Allow "Auto" within HomeKit
Many smart heating systems when exposed to HomeKit allow the use of "OFF, HEAT and AUTO", even Drayton Wiser which can only be exposed through a custom made plug-in via homebridge can use AUTO. The AUTO function (at least as I see it) would allow the system to return back to the current schedule. For example, in HomeKit I…
App notification for manual TRV changes
There are probably lots of good reasons for this feature but my use case: Young children, so I have the child lock on the TRVs. Technophobic parents and in-laws who can't change the heating when doing child care in the house. Spinning the TRV would be ideal for them. Easiest solution would be for me to disable TRV child…
Easy schedule or temperature change
Currently changing schedule is not that easy, we need to go through each device and each time block separately and then adjust it. Most of the time we want to change temperature level but each room might have different time schedule, then we always end up in changing one by one. This is really time consuming and tedious.…
Keep history when meter reaches max or new meter is installed/replaced
Frustrating, as Belgium now forces by law to change to a digital meter. It won't be long before more countries will do this, but Tado gives no option to keep the history. A similar situation would be when the gas meter needs replacement due to malfunction or reaches the max digits it can roll to. Support's answer was:…
It would be nice to see the temperature and humidity or moisture content graphs on the web site as well as on the app
Dew-point prevention = minimum temperature based on humidity
Given a specific temperature the air can hold a certain amount of moisture and when this air hits a cold surface it condenses causing moisture and mold. It would make sense to have an option to enable the that the Humidity reading be used to automatically adjust a minimum temperature for a room to Reduce condensation when…
Control even and odd weeks respectively
I'm wondering, could it be possible to control schedules for odd and even weeks in the application? Biweekly (even weeks) my two children stays at my place, and biweekly (odd weeks) they stay with their mother. Quite normal nowadays which is why I think it makes good sense to have the option to lower the temperature in the…
Data & Analytics Room Selection
Would be nice to have a quick way of changing between rooms in the data and analysis section of the app. Currently need to go all the way back out and back into a different room. A drop down menu to change room would be nice
Integrate outside air humidity
Vaak krijg ik van Tado het advies om een venster te openen om de luchtvochtigheid in huis te doen dalen. Dit terwijl het buiten vochtiger is dan binnen. Ik ben geen app ontwikkelaar en ken hier weinig van, maar is er een mogelijkheden om de luchtvochtigheid uit een online weerbericht te halen en zo het advies enkel te…
Always On Display Thermostat
The option to have the display shown as always on with further options to also be able to dim or brighten it. The option for it to show current room temperature/set temperature/humidity and also possibly time and date.
Support for 0.5 degrees temperature change (Tado Smart AC Control V3+)
Many modern AC units today support temperature change by 0.5C. Please add an ability to users to be able to control more precisely the AC temperature.