Merged: Manage multiple homes through one Tado app
This discussion has been merged.
Date scheduling
Hi, it will be a great opportunity to be able to schedule from starting date and end date, please. The away option is not an option I like to use because off security. What will happen if some one hack my Tado account, and they have full information that I am away. So please add the option to scheduling from starting date…
dealing better with low battery: add a new battery state "yellow"
i have noticed a couple times that i get a tado e-mail that a device needs new batteries but when i look at the app it will show a green battery icon and "good" the cause is, i think: during a cold night the batteries have lower capacity and the e-mail get sent. the app will also show a red icon when looked at right after…
Switching between Zone Controller and No Zone Controller/ Universal Switch
Please could you incorporate a universal switch for Zone Controller, so that the user could switch all his TRVs to "No zone controller" and back to the specific Zone Controller with a single toggle button? Currently, it's really annoying having to go to Settings -- Rooms & Devices -- The name of a TRV -- scroll to the very…
Need to add an additional Heating Unit in the Energy IQ feature (Cubit Feet) for the UK
I'd like to request that the Tado Development team add an Heating Unit of Cubic Feet (ft3) in the Energy IQ part of the app. At the moment, there is only m3 (cubic metres) and Kwh there at the moment, and a huge number (Millions) of UK homes have gas meters with cubic feet callibration not m3 or kwh. Without having Cubic…
Open mode
I suggest to incorporate to smart radiator thermostat the possibility of allowing the valve to remain open, even if it exceeds 25 degrees
thermostat mode
Hello, the choice to eliminate the possibility of setting the operating mode on the thermostat (legacy mode) to turn off the air conditioner "manually" is wrong; it was a very useful option.
Different setting based on who is at home
Firstly, this function may have been mentioned before. I couldn't find it though. There are 4 of us in the house, me my wife and the two children. All radiators in all rooms have the Tado radiator controls. All 4 of us have access to the app and use location tracking. When just the two of us (my wife and me) are at home, I…
Temporary manual override for childlock on TRV
I would love to have the ability to configure an override code to allow adjusting the temperature on my child locked Smart Radiator Thermostat without using the app. The override code should be first configured via the app and could consist of for example three numbers indicating how many clicks the TRV needs to be turned…
All rooms temporal scheduling
Sometimes you need to set a schedule for all the rooms just for a while, or just for one day because it is a holiday and everyone is in the house, and the reset it with the touch of a button to keep the regular schedule. I think having a button to set a temporal schedule for all the rooms would be useful, instead of…
Merged: Multiple homes
This discussion has been merged.
2023/12 - Change App Schedule Colours to Match Tabs
The tab colours are great but the schedule summary bars are not. Can you change the schedule colours to match the tabs? Example: 18 degrees on a tab has a clear distinct colour but on the schedule bar it is a bland indistinct grey (3rd and 5th block on the right on the attached images).
Use sliders for Scheduling
It is not simple at all to edit a schedule. Please use a more intuitive way. With sliders or contextual menu etc..
Display temperature
Please enable permanent display of room temperature. Graag (mogelijkheid van) permanente weergave van de actuele kamertemperatuur
Simple fix for the smart TRVs
My smart radiator valves can’t heat a room without setting a large temperature offset due to the sensor being too close to the radiator. This feature doesn’t work very well because when the radiator turns off tado thinks my room temperature plummets, and then instantly turns the radiator back on. This seems to be a very…
Merged: how to add a second (and 3th) home with Tado to my app
This discussion has been merged.
Combining the best of Tado and Nest?
I realise the title of this post may sound odd or even controversial but here goes. My system is very conventional (read old fashioned) consisting of a 16 year old Viessman 100 WB1 boiler, gravity fed (tank in roof space) and I believe what is called a Y plan layout with separate two-way valves controlling the heating and…
Notifications for high and low room temps.
There have been a few occasions when a Tado smart radiator valve has come loose from the radiator and allowed unrestricted flow. This resulted in the room overheating. To identify when this happened used IFTTT to monitor room temp and alert me if they were too high or too low. I want to reduce my reliance on IFTTT and I…
Easy schedule or temperature change
Currently changing schedule is not that easy, we need to go through each device and each time block separately and then adjust it. Most of the time we want to change temperature level but each room might have different time schedule, then we always end up in changing one by one. This is really time consuming and tedious.…
Data & Analytics Room Selection
Would be nice to have a quick way of changing between rooms in the data and analysis section of the app. Currently need to go all the way back out and back into a different room. A drop down menu to change room would be nice
Export schedules and name devices
Hey, a couple of things I thought would be worth sharing that could improve the app/experience. 1) the ability to nickname devices within a room. I get the xxx needs new batteries email but don't know which radiator in the room. If I could nickname them I'd know which needs replacing easily rather than needing to check. 2)…
More compatible heat pumps
Increase Zone Controller Max Rooms
I ran into the limit of 10 rooms on one Zone Controller and I need it set to 12 rooms. I am sure this has also affected other Tado users retrofitting a complete house.
Reset of meter counter
Hi, I have recently got replacement of meter device from gas company, and it has counter "reset" to some value that is smaller than last value I have entered in application. Current support recommendation is to delete all past records, and to start over from time when this meter was installed - with loosing all history…
Show current temperature on TRVs
Would it be possible to have an option to show the current temperature on the TRV? I have the child lock enabled on all my thermostats and when you spin the wheel it flashes the programmed temperature. It would be nice if there was a way to nudge the dial and display the current temperature without having to open the app…
Radiator Fans
Hi Could you look at the possibility of add on-product such as a radiator fan kit... fans that clip under the radiator, controlled by the Tado valve, so when valve turns on, the fans help circulate the air around the radiator?... this would make a great add-on to Tado and help make it stand out from the other smart valve…
May I kindly request you to stop using odd numbers on the Y axis of your graph?
I can’t believe you still ignore so many of your clients asking for an update on this feature since 2019. It’s quite easy to address the issue by either stop using odd values on the Y axis for temperature and humidity or, allow the user to manually adapt it with his own preferences. Sorry but having horizontal graduation…
Turn on radiator valve for maintenance
Not sure if this is already implemented but I couldn't find it. It would be nice if we can open the radiator valves for maintenance even if the temperature is way above 25º. I needed to manually open all the radiator valves for maintenance.
Heating to text size
Please make the heating to text size and font colour more readable.
Switched Fused spur / smart plug controller
Hi, I really like Tado and we have smart thermostats on all our radiators. However, we also like our electric fire on in the living room from time to time. It would be nice if there was a switched fused spur or smart plug option so we could control all our heating devices through Tado. We could control the fire through a…