Extra functions V3+
It would be particularly nice to be able to have a few "free" functions in the app that you can program yourself. I have a function on my Mitsubishi heat pump that is not supported now. And if you can program a mobile phone to be a remote control, then surely it is also possible for Tado??
Ability to weight the heating across multiple radiators in a single room
I would like to be able to disable one of the radiators in my living room when, for example, we have a Christmas Tree in front of it and rely on the remaining radiator to heat the room.
display changes made via app or siri on tado smart ac control unit
display changes made via app or siri on tado smart ac control unit
mode control via tado smart ac control unit
pls allow to control cool/dry mode
fan control via tado smart ac control unit
pls enable fan control on tado smart ac control unit (speed and louver/swing if possible but at least speed)
Energy IQ Improvement - independent TRV
Hello, A bit of context first. I moved into a new house and went all in with Tado products to make heating easier to manage this winter. My setup is as follows: Ground Floor has underfloor water heating and 2 Tado wired thermostats (Kitchen and Living Room) Upstairs has 4 Tado TRV (Bedrooms and Bath) + 1 additional…
Slim schema koppelen tussen ruimtes
Zou het niet handig zijn als je het slimme schema van de ene ruimte kan koppelen aan de andere ruimte. Meestal zijn er verschillende ruimtes in een huis die op dezelfde tijdstippen verwarmd moeten worden. Is ook handig als er meer dan 7 radiatoren in één ruimte zijn. Dan kun je de ruimte virtueel splitsen op deze manier,…
Show the wireless receivers ON/OFF graph
A single TRV can call for heat all night. And the only way to check that is to go into every single TRVs graph. Which can be many!
Show an overall ON/OFF graph
Show and overall ON/OFF graph that shows all thermostats. So that you can see what has been calling for heat. It will help with optimizing the schedule.
One-off schedule
Hi, Would like to be able to overwrite the programmed schedule, but in anticipation. Ie if I know that tomorrow morning I will have to wake up 1hr earlier than usual, I'd like to preschedule my heating to go on 1hr earlier, but not have to adjust my regular schedule as it's for 1 time only. Right now, I'm only able to…
Hot Water button irrelevant
Hi, I'm using a separate boiler for my hot water (heat pump), not connected to the burner I'm using for my heating. As such, the hot water function is irrelevant and I would like to make the button disappear from my home screen. I also had to create a schedule for the hot water to be "always off". It would be much simpler…
Multiple Internet gateways
My Internet gateway failed to get a reliable signal to a radiator valve through a single wall. Can we have either multiple gateways or use the normal house WiFi instead in order to fill in dead spots?
Disable Away mode when thermostat is scheduled to Off
When thermostat is scheduled to Off and I leave home, it switch to Away mode and start heating when temperature is lower than set in Away mode. This is the wrong logic for how this function works. When the schedule is set to off, the thermostat should not turn on when I am not at home.
Connect Energy flip and Tado.
By connect Energy flip and Tado, tarifs and gas/electricity consumption can be synchronised. This will improve both apps.
POE option in Bridge
As the range of the bridge is a bit limited, a Power over Ethernet option in the brigde would be very handy. Then you are more flexible to bring power and ethernet to the bridge at a central place in the house.
Bridge not in pairing mode by default
The bridge is by default quite slutty; always in pairing mode. No need for that in my opinion. This could just be turned on when you want to add a device. Some background: One of my devices was connected to the bridge of the neighbours. They did not turn off their pairing mode.
Interface (Home Screen)
Hi, after a couple of week using Tado, I have some suggestions :-) 1) make it possible to choose a day of the week and see the day schedule of the devices 2) increase the font size of 'set to/heating to' information 3) add the humidity % to the buttons (also in readable font size) 4) add 'HOME/AWAY' button at top of the…
Energy IQ - Brennwerte & weitere Daten
Hi, zunächst mal: Die Energy IQ Funktion ist echt toll! Wir geben immer Kubikmeter-Werte unseres Gaszählers ein. Der Preis ist allerdings in €/kWh. Es wäre erstens toll, wenn man den Preis noch akkurater angeben könnte (in Cent/kWh bspw, und vor allem, wenn man die Brennwerte sowie Zustandszahl des Gasversorgers angeben…
samenwerking thermostaat & slimme airco bediening
Ik ben op zoek naar een mogelijkheid om mijn airco units slim te maken maar ook om deze samen te laten werken met de thermostaat. Bijvoorbeeld, ik wil 's morgens het huis opwarmen (o.a. vloerverwarming) met de CV ketel waarna ik het huis op temperatuur wil houden met airco units. Ik ga nu met home assistant beide…
Activity indication on Home page
It would be great to have an indication of c/h current activity in your home. This can be as simple as the 3 wave bars, as seen when you go to each room individually, all ‘“or’ed” together displayed at the top of the home page. This allows you to know at a glance what is currently happening with the system. E.g A room is…
Manual/ schedule indicator to show on dashboard tile
I have Tado in my house and I love the flexibility of the system, especially as a user can turn up or down a room as they need. By often the manual intervention means that stat is the set to remain like that until it is returned to automatic either by the stat or by the app. Can we have an indicator in the app that shows…
Verwarmingsstatus in tegels ruimten
Ik zou het handig vinden als op het thuis scherm in de tegels rechtsboven de 0/1/2/3 verticale golfjes zouden staan. Dan zou het in één oogopslag duidelijk zijn te zien welke ruimte een actieve warmtevraag heeft en of dat overeenkomt met hetgeen jezelf verwachtte.
Hot water boost
Can we have a hot water boost facility that is timed. Having to let the boiler run until its next schedule is un necessary and wasteful should you forget to stop it.
Foutrapportage - Foutmeldingen van je ketel weergeven in de app (bv. te weinig druk)
Bij mijn huidige thermostaat van Remeha krijg ik foutmeldingen zoals bijvoorbeeld dat er te weinig druk is, of kan ik zien wanneer de brander actief is. Wanneer ik overschakel naar Tado zou ik geen enkele van dergelijke meldingen meer krijgen. Zie ook:…
Gestion de plusieurs maison depuis le même compte
Bonjour, J'utilise le système Tado pour gérer 2 logements, et j'ai été surpris lors de la création de la 2ème installation de ne trouver aucune option pour ajouter cette dernière. Après quelques recherches j'ai trouvé d'autres utilisateurs confronté au même problème, et la seule solution semble être de créer un 2ème compte…
Colour code on air to air pump modes
The modes on the smart ac3, is colored blue for all modes except for heating, a small thing, but in fan mode it is confusing, as it is not cooling but just transfering air, make it light green so it is different from cold
Set max heating water temperature from the app.
This is essential for all hybrid heat pump installations.
chaudière en sécurité
bonjour. ma chaudière électrique ortli cer s'est mise en sécurité car il n'y avait plus assez de pression dans le circuit d'eau ( circuit avec radiateur). le thermostat v3+ ne m'a jamais prévenu que la chaudière ne chauffait plus ni même que la chaudière se trouvait en sécurité. Serait-il possible que l'appli ou le…
Be able to name devices rather than refer to them just by number
I would like to be able to name my Smart TRVs rather than them being numbers only. It would then be easier to know which one needs new batteries when the email comes through if there are more than 1 device in a room or area.
Geen functie/symbool gebruik warm kraanwater op thermostaat
Volgens bijgaand artikel van support heeft de slimme thermostaat een symbool voor warm water productie. https://support.tado.com/nl/articles/3387237-wat-betekenen-de-symbolen-op-het-display-van-de-slimme-thermostaat-of-de-draadloze-temperatuursensor Op mijn (recent geplaatste) thermostaat krijg ik dit echter niet op mijn…