Smart AC Thermostat Battery Pack & Homekit Upgrade
Hello folks! I'm a tado enthusiast and I built quite an ecosystem at home: always felt that tado products have an extra kick both in design and experience customization which made me choose them above the competitors. I was a bit turned off by the Smart AC Thermostat USB cable hanging along the wall and plugged in the…
Build own iOS app or use iOS shortcuts - use API to allow multi home support
Hi, Has anyone played with the idea of either building their own iOS app or using iOS shortcuts / automation to make API calls? Specifically making an API call to set home or away status based on geolocation. I don’t need any more multi home support than geolocation, everything else is OK in the web interface (if I have…
Ventilation remote solution needed
Hi, could you please help me to find the right device to add to my existing tado° set (Wireless temp sensor+wireless receiver+internet bridge) which work perfectly to heat the house, but not to cool it down. I would need to control the existing manual ON/OFF ventilation switch as well, based on the inside temperature in…
Silence mode activation for Vaillant (GREE) airco
I have a Vaillant airco, which is acutely a GREE airco. I’m really happy with the Tado remote, but i can’t select silence mode. It is the mode I use the most. Please add this function to the Tado remote
Switch unused rooms off
Dear Tado, Please can we have a function in the app to simply switch off the smart valve completely. For example, we have a guest room which needs to be off. If we have guests we can switch it on. Whilst I appreciate I can turn the temp down, it would be better to have it showing as a completely different colour in the…
Billing option for gas tanks and oil heating.
Add to the billing option the ability to put in the cost per KWh for the fuel bought.
email reminder to turn on the AC when temperature is high
Hello, I'm on holiday away from home when I checked the room temperature at home it was 43°C!! I turned on the AC at once. It would be great if a email reminder could be sent when the temperature starts to rise. I can then switch my AC on when away from home.
Wired underfloor control
Hey. After leaving a house with neostats on all electrical and water controlled underfloor heating to a house with radiators, and electric and water based underfloor heating its frustrating that I need two systems/controlers to operate the house. So a thermostat that con control electric underfloor heating through a floor…
Away days
I would like the ability to set Frost /away setting for a set number of days.
Manually switching off individual rooms
Sometimes it is easy to switch off one room, for example the one that is still cold in the morning but is heated by the sun while nobody is there. The only way to do this is to turn the temperature down, or first switch off all the rooms and then switch some of them back on.
Bug/Fix - Alexa Voice Duration Skill Integration, there is an Environment Crisis!
Alexa accepts the instruction "Alexa, turn on my hot water for 1 minute" and then turns on the hot water forever more ! Tado Alexa integration only recognizes the "Alexa, turn on my hot water" without the time constraint sub-clause (utterance). No warning, no nothing... Opps - hot water all night!!! - Lots of expensive oil…
UI improvement
I think I’ve said this before but I wish there was a way to have a master temperature as opposed to setting each individual block.
Can you not have a Forum for tech issues
The guys at the shop do seem a little under pressure. Keeping a website uncluttered is always good but I’ve just spent (Typ waiting time 30 min.) a significant time trying to get a data sheet/ engineering evaluation of the Rad controllers they don’t appear to have one ( the eng/evl I can understand but the data sheet ) ?…
When in thermostat - At desired temp switch to Fan instead of turning unit of
Today the Tado turns the AC of when going outside temp range. It would be better to go over to Fan mode to continue to circulate air
Wi-Fi dropping out - and not communicating with all products in household.
Hi, Not sure if your Tado customers are aware that the problems they are encountering, are quite easily solvable 99 times out of 100. I had the same problem when I installed a Ring door bell, the wi-fi router was at one end of the property and the ring door bell was at the other, and I could not control the Ring door bell…
Wireless Smart Thermostat
Hello, I would like this feature to be considered by your community members - To be able to turn on all radiators in the property at the touch of a button on the wireless smart thermostat, as you can on the App on a mobile phone/tablet - (Boost Heating All Rooms) - this to me is more convenient. At present the wireless…
More than one setting for each room
I have two rooms for which I regularly change the settings. I would like to be able to have two alternative settings for each room so that I can switch between the two and not have to completely reset the room each time.
Support for UFH pumps
I have a single room with underfloor heating and would like to switch the manifold pump when the room calls for heat. This avoids inefficiency from circulation when the boiler is off. Ideally the pump would only be enabled when the room calls for heat, but it would also be okay whenever the boiler is on. I would prefer to…
Show energyIQ in GBP
Show consumption costs in GBP in energyIQ
Graph room switching
It would be great if you could swipe up and down on the daily graphs to see other rooms. Alternatively it would be great if you could overlay different rooms on over each other to compare the temp/heating in different rooms. Currently to look at another room you have to back out, go to the room and reopen the graph. Thanks!
Unify AC V3+ experience with the rest of the Tado products
Hi, I have multiple Tado products in my home - 5x RTV, 1x Thermostat, 1x Home Bridge, 1x AC controller. The experience across these devices is so different that the AC controller almost feels like it was made by a different company (it is not great). Would it be possible to enable pairing of the AC controller with the Tado…
Add WPA3 support to AC V3+ Controller
Hi, would it be possible to add support for WPA3 to the Smart AC V3+ controller? This security protocol is becoming the new standard, and right now, at least on my network, it is the only device that doesn't support this protocol. Cheers
Extra safety feature
For some reason my Tado heated up to 57c after a change of installation in the setup menu. Therefore I think a check/failsafe in the firmware of the Tado for when the temperature goes up to more then 30c in a short period it should turn itself of and give a notice in the app. It melted My Tado wired where you press to turn…
Add support of CAN-Bus
Many pellet boilers manufacturers (Froling, Guntamatic, Hargassner, Herz, ....) are using CAN-Bus modulating thermostats. Would be great if Tado could support CAN-Bus protocol in order to replace these thermostats, in modulating mode
6.38 crashes on my iOS device but 6.37 doesn’t
After reporting a crashing bug I saw on iOS. I’ve been prompted to help by suggesting a feature after relating the information that I essentially rolled back the version from 6.38 to 6.37. So I guess the new feature could be: How about new beta test 6.38 doesn’t crash like 6.37 didn’t? :) The application //started showing.…
No Zone Controller via Schedule
I did search but could not find anything regarding this, I would like to see the ability to assign a rooms ability to allow the room NOT to call for heat the room during the day, and at night allow the room to call for heat. This would allow the room to not drop temperature too far during the day. What do you guys think ?
Notification requests...what does the community think?
2 requests I would like to see on the app: 1. The status of the heating indicator on the receiver whether on or off I would like to see in the app on the home page. I know you can see it by clicking into the individual rooms but this doesn't tell you if the heating on receiver is on or not. This only tell you the…
Activate Home mode via timer or at a specific time
It would great if I could schedule to active home mode at specific time. e.g. 3 hrs before I get home from a weekend vacation.
More controls over temporary temperature changes
When it comes to the room controls when you manually override the set temperature it would be good to have the following options: A shortcut to bring forward / advance to the next programmed setting e.g. if it's 1pm and the heating schedule will change from 10C to 20C at 2pm, I could press a button which will automatically…
Silent Operation during defined hours
We have manual TRVs before. Of course, they didn't shut off when we left the house, but at least they don't make a sound. Currently our Tado TRVs wake me up at night, despite sleeping with earplugs. The entire family are a bit surprised by the noise these TRVs make.. So, I want to suggest Tado adds a "silent operation"…