Gestion de plusieurs maison depuis le même compte
Bonjour, J'utilise le système Tado pour gérer 2 logements, et j'ai été surpris lors de la création de la 2ème installation de ne trouver aucune option pour ajouter cette dernière. Après quelques recherches j'ai trouvé d'autres utilisateurs confronté au même problème, et la seule solution semble être de créer un 2ème compte…
Colour code on air to air pump modes
The modes on the smart ac3, is colored blue for all modes except for heating, a small thing, but in fan mode it is confusing, as it is not cooling but just transfering air, make it light green so it is different from cold
Set max heating water temperature from the app.
This is essential for all hybrid heat pump installations.
chaudière en sécurité
bonjour. ma chaudière électrique ortli cer s'est mise en sécurité car il n'y avait plus assez de pression dans le circuit d'eau ( circuit avec radiateur). le thermostat v3+ ne m'a jamais prévenu que la chaudière ne chauffait plus ni même que la chaudière se trouvait en sécurité. Serait-il possible que l'appli ou le…
Be able to name devices rather than refer to them just by number
I would like to be able to name my Smart TRVs rather than them being numbers only. It would then be easier to know which one needs new batteries when the email comes through if there are more than 1 device in a room or area.
Geen functie/symbool gebruik warm kraanwater op thermostaat
Volgens bijgaand artikel van support heeft de slimme thermostaat een symbool voor warm water productie. https://support.tado.com/nl/articles/3387237-wat-betekenen-de-symbolen-op-het-display-van-de-slimme-thermostaat-of-de-draadloze-temperatuursensor Op mijn (recent geplaatste) thermostaat krijg ik dit echter niet op mijn…
More than one tariff rate in energy IQ
Would it be so difficult to have more than one tariff rate? I have 2 tariff rates. One rate for the first 2kwh and another for the rest over 2kwh. So the costs costs shown in energy iq are not accurate at all.
User configuration of "Early Start"
It would be good, if WE could set how long it takes for OUR ROOMS to heat by 1˚c (each room should have it own setting), then early start may actually be useful. Time to heat by 1˚c: 0hrs 30mins So if the room has a target temperature of 19˚c, and the current temperature is 16˚c, early start would kick in 1 hr 30 mins…
Restore single tap for manually override
Hi, In a recent app release (maybe 7.0.0) the ability to single tap to set a manual schedule was removed. Please bring it back! Before this was removed, it was possible to tap on the HW switch or room slider which would invoke a manual schedule that could then be edited and adjusted. Since the change, it's now necessary…
NEW DEVICE - Multiple Heating Zone Controller Extension Kit
Currently where you have a “System Boiler” that heats your hot water in a cylinder there is only one device available that can control your hot water separate to one heating zone. The extension kit. Larger homes are now being fitted with multiple heating zone control, particularly where you may have a split between…
Lock/Limit Selection of Temperature on Thermostat via App
I currently have a Tado installed in an air BnB and recently I had a guest which turned the temperature upto maximum for a couple of days. It would be a good feature to be able to allow us to limit what temperature the Tado could be set to within the App. For example, limiting it to 22C or even locking it completely.
Away Mode by Mobile Device
So my wife and I work from home, yet on some days (random days) either of us may go into the office. We work in 2 separate rooms at home. Because I do not know the days either of us will be in the office I need i remember to turn the programmed heating off in the room in which no one will be working that day, and…
Dry clothes function
I have a dehumidifier and together with the room humid graph I known when I need to turn heater on, open windows (when humid outside in lower than inside, it could be found in local forecast) . I see when cloths are drying by the humid going up, but after 85 it doesn't dry than I have options, open windows, turn on the…
Add silent mode to app and API
Many aircons have a silent mode for at night. I use his mode very often and it can only be enabled with the original remote. It would be great if the silent mode is added to the app and to the API so domotica developers can use it too.
Add decimal to the usage amount
The city heating is measuring in giga joules. My usage last month was 0.356 GJ and a unit costs €45.26. Currently it is not possible add meter readings because it will be too inaccurate. So please add the possibility to have 4 digits behind a decimal.
GeoFencing early start
SUGGESTION: Provide for GeoFencing to be programmed or set in advance. For example - I'm going out in 2 hours time. I'd like GeoFencing to start in say 1 hour. And could such programming be regular (every Tue/Fri, weekdays, etc) as well as occasional
Allow the swapping of Smart TRV data from room to another room
What i mean is that if you need to swap a TRV from one room to another (very rare occurence) like I have had to do (moving noiser TRV from bedrooms to other areas) then i would like the option to keep the statastic from its original placement onto the new TRV. Looking at my Energy IQ today shows one room used 3m3 of gas…
Hot water schedule
is it possible to create a separate schedule for the hot water when in away mode? it is really annoying not being able to adjust the hot water schedule more accurately and automatically when we are not at home.
Enable Temperature Sensor & Radiator Thermostat to display temperature in Fahrenheit
I live in the USA and own 4 temperature sensors and 5 radiator thermostats. The app shows the temperature settings and readouts in Fahrenheit, but the temperature sensors and the radiator thermostats do not, which makes it extremely not user-friendly for imperial countries. Furthermore, you cannot choose the choice of…
Tado A/C controller wall mount missing by design?
Hi, I have three A/C controllers and each one was only supplied with a temporary sticky pad to fix to the wall? Is this right? Am I missing a part? One keeps falling off the wall and have tried other sticky pads but none seem to work, seems a huge oversight to create something that should be mounted to the wall with only a…
Extra functie: 15 kamers ipv 10
Graag meer dan de 10 kamers die nu aangeboden worden. Dat is echt te weinig
Single place to review when a boiler has been called for heat
You should be able to see within an area of the app, every time the boiler has been called for heat across all your devices. This would then show you how often the boiler is on, and therefore allow you to potentially reduce your energy consumption, and tweak the settings for your house to heat it efficiently and…
Mobile app should be near real time up to date
The mobile app lags significantly behind the thermostats and relevant heating systems. This makes it very confusing when the boiler is calling for heat, but the Tado app shows that nothing is heating. I've also had it, whereby the thermostats are saying 25 degrees yet the app is showing that no heat is being requested.
Geo/account koppelen
Om bijvoorbeeld 1 kamer aan 1 persoon te koppelen zodat als deze persoon de woning verlaat de verwarming reageert op de geo. Dan zou je het account van deze persoon/ telefoon aan een radiatorknop/pen moet kunnen toewijzen. Nu reageren allen knoppen op de geo van iedereen. Je kan alleen knoppen uitsluiten van geo. Toewijzen…
Area expansion for Tado acount; 2nd internet bridge for better coverage in larger housing
The Tado system can currently work with 1 internet bridge to communicate between the devices. In a situation of a larger space of multiple 3+ floors 1 internet bridge is no sufficient to communicate with all devices. In my case I have a house with 4 floors and 3 thermostats on one floor are not in range (als not after…
Lock openings
Hi! My termostat in my bathroom are connected at the bottom to my towel rack and the thermostat are very close too the heat pipe, so the thermostat belive it is warmer in the bathroom compare to actally temperature. So I wanted that to be possible to lock the openings on the thermostat without to check the temperature in…
Merged: Heating profiles
This discussion has been merged.
Ac and valve in same room
Can you please make it possible for ac and boiler to be in the same room and see what would be thr best energy usr to heat if for one room mostly would be beter for the ac part to take ocer the heating
Beta channel
I did sign up to the beta version of the App, and it would be great to be able to: See the a brief list of changes (new features / fixed bugs), so one could look closer and test it Get a button directly in the app, that would allow to provide a feedback in a form of a bug/ticket with few clicks directly from the app Unless…
Missing data in web-app
Hi Tado´s I really miss the fact that in your browser app there is access to the same data about operations as in your Google app. When it is found on the mobile, it means that the information has been collected about how the individual thermostats operate, heat, humidity, etc. But in your web app, keg can only see a very…