Single graph to show when heating was called
I have an interesting situation where according to my gas meter I'm using gas during the night, however there's no simple way to see which room is causing this to be triggered without looking at each graph in turn. Can we have a single graph which shows when heating was called for each room please.
Varios termostatos y varias válvulas termostáticas
Buenos días.yo ya tengo en dos viviendas los termostatos y cabezales termostaáticos Mi duda es la siguiente.Tengo un hotel con tres zonas gobernadas por bombas y termostatos independientes .Quiero montar Todo cableado.Mi duda es la siguiente: *Quiero poner en cada habitación una válvula termostáticamente .Puedo hacer q…
Display on/off on home screen
It would be good if we can see which radiator is on or off without having to click into the room.
Unlock SRT manually
Would it be possible to allow a feature (that can be activated or not) to manually unlock the SRT using a 3 digit “code”. You could configure a code in the app and then input it using the SRT, turning it up and down in a certain sequence (like for safe) to input the code to unlock it when you don’t have your phone.
Hot water control when away
At present if your geolocation setting is set to away then the hot water status can either be on (constantly) or off. This does not work well if you have a regular heating pattern for water (say 3 times a day) and you are out during one time period which stops the heating cycle. It would be better to give an option to…
Master temperature
I’d love it if there was a way to have a unified master temperature. It’s always baffled me why you would not have the option to set the temperature of the rooms/thermostat and then just alter the on off times.
Improve wireless temperature sensor clip
The clip that attaches the unit to the wall mount (backplate) does not hold the unit in place well enough. Even when taking the unit out of the original packaging the clip didn't hold the backplate and the sensor device together. It's only a 1/4mm half spherical bump and doesn't seat strongly enough. I reported this to…
easier accommodation of Landlords for BTL properties
Hi, I have Tado in our home. We have smart thermostats on all our radiators and I really like the system. I am also a landlord for 2 BTL properties and wondered about setting it up in them. I can't see how to go about this with the current system. I wouldn't want tenants to pair devices to their own account, because…
I think it would be a good idea to have the option to add or remove the booster button on the app as some time it get pressed by mistake and it cost a lot more to use as well due to high prices of gas
Colour coding for rooms heating up
Can I suggest using a different colour in the app for those rooms that are heating?
Verbetering usercase Slimme Aircobediening V3+
Ik gebruik de Slimme Aircobediening V3+ in combinatie met een Fujitsu Airco installatie. Deze Fujitsu heeft een aanzienlijke afwijking tussen de waargenomen temperatuur en de werkelijke temperatuur waarbij de Fujitsu een tot wel 5 graden hogere temperatuur aangeeft dan de door Tado gemeten temperatuur. Doordat de Slimme…
App display bug
I have two radiators in lounge that have linked tado smart valves. Recently, I found that one of the radiators was not getting warm. Investigation showed that the return spring on the valve pin had failed and the valve was stuck down. Because I couldn't get around to depressurising the system to swop out the valve, I…
Stop linking the password reset back to the App
If I need to change password, or have forgotten my password, the password e mail automatically links back to the app. The app then does not allow for a password reset. So you can only ask for a reset, get the link, go back to the app. The result is that you go around in circles and can’t log in or reset your password! The…
Don’t update schedule state after Heating Boost
Currently if the schedule is disabled after pressing heating boost, the schedule is then turned back on. I propose that the schedule should remain off after the boost button is pressed if it was off to begin with or remain on if it was on to begin with. As it stands it’s very difficult for me to just turn on the heating…
Away suggestion silence if not heating
Our schedule is set to 12° during the day. The house is typically cooling slowly from 19°, and rarely gets below 17°. Why does Tado feel the need to warn me that we're out and suggest setting Away Mode? Each month it then tries to tell me that if only we paid for the upgrade, it could have automatically set Away Mode and…
Problèmes pour commander la climatisation réversible à distance de 2 maisons
Après avoir enregistrer (sur iPhone) sur un HomePod et sur l’application Tado un AC control V3 pour le domicile A en utilisant le nom X (propriétaire de l’iPhone), la gestion de la climatisation se fait tout à fait normalement du domicile A,comme à distance de celui ci.( bien sûr faut laisser le wifi branché en…
[Bug][App][Android] Incorrect airco vertical swing icon
When selecting the vertical swing for my airconditioning, it shows me the wrong icon for mid-down. It's the same as mid. The screen after does show the correct icon for that setting. Screenshot: https://photos.app.goo.gl/kQB2HnjwytG8utQN6
[Bug][App][Android] Toolbar behind statusbar
I'd like to report a visual bug in the tado app. I'm an android software engineer myself, so here is the technical bug report: The top of the climate comfort activity/fragment (page) is partly hidden behind the status bar, so either the windowInsets are incorrect, or the toolbar is missing the top padding with the size of…
Night mode/motor noise reduction
It is really great device for every room.... except bedroom. As you can see - last night staring with 0:00 until 08:00 thermostat adjusted more than 30 times using its motor - during just one night. Close to morning when it does this it wakes me up hours before alarm goes on. I came up with a possible solution after…
Wi-Fi Bridge
Hi, As I understood, the bridge is communicating over Radio frequency 868Mhz, not wifi. That is the true limitation off the bridge. Is there any possibility to have a bridge v4 that communicate over Wi-Fi ? So people just needs CPL (Communication Power Line) in their house to extend the setup ? Regards,
Make Tado with multiple zones (more) fit for (hybrid) heatpumps
Dear Tado, Pleas make Tado with multiple zones (more) fit for (hybrid) heat pumps. This is now not yet in place for instance with the Dutch Quatt heat pump.
Provide multi room support for external temperature sensor
Now you can just set the temperature reading to one room, it would be ideal to allow the sensor to be used for more rooms/valves. You can limit maybe the number of rooms so to avoid selling one temperature sensor for a whole house, but on the other hand you cannot think I should spend hundreds of Euros for just this…
Bypass offset settings when valve is closed
If valve is fully stopped, then bypass offset so to provide the most correct temperature
Radiator Thermostat Vertical design
If we get a Next Generation with Thread/MATTER? (Hopefully to help with range) Radiator thermostat radiator valves keep the same connection at the bottom of the TRV like the current design. Do most of us have the TRV vertical on their radiators like most in UK or positioned horizontal?
Send start/stop request for pump floor heating
I know there is an (unsuported) API. Where you can check for temperature changes every 5 minutes. In my opinion, the long interval (5 minutes) makes the API useless. I am looking to control the pump of the floor heating. At the moment I do this with a termperatuur sensor on the heating-pipe (towards the floor heating).…
Fix the formula that converts cubic metres to kWh
I give readings to Tado from my gas meter. The monthly cost however is vastly out. The cubic metres are the same as my bill, the tariff is the same but in Tado my bill will apparently be less. I have just switched between suppliers having moved into a new house and they both naturally have about the same calculation to…
Pouvoir programmer la réactivation du chauffage
Comme chez Netatmo lorsque j'indique quitter la maison en hiver, j'aimerai pourvoir indiquer une date et heure d'activation de réactivation. Ceci pour tout la maison mais aussi pour chaque pièce.
An IFTTT applet to reset Tado to OWNER'S smart schedule every 30 mins. For Landlords or parents!
I don't know how IFTTT applets are made, whether someone one there does it or someone at Tado has to Okay it but other smart controls have anti-tamper applets for this purpose. 30 mins would be enough to give someone a heating boost. Please see thread:…
Better accessibility support in the mobile app
Hi there, Due to the lack of features in the web app (which is bizarre enough on it's own), I'm forced to use the mobile app on a tablet to access a dashboard on a device large enough to read and interact with as I age and my eyesight increasingly worsens. I'm cool with getting old (ok no I'm not, but there's no one to…