App update notes
Hello, my suggestion is to make a visible note what is new in the new versions, because I download it but i don't have time to explore the whole software for new features. Also it is going to be wonderful if the app checks for updates by itself, because many users don't have autoupdate enabled in the Play store. And I am…
Connexion wifi avec ac control v3+
Il serait intéressant de pouvoir commander et régler en Wifi les climatiseurs connectés plutôt ( ou en plus) de l infrarouge. Cela affranchirait les distances et le positionnement difficile du TADO pas forcément en face. Exemple Toshiba Haori connecté qui utilise l appli Toshiba Home.
Open raam detectie aangeven per ruimte / show open window detection per room
Ik heb een oude grote woning (1895), waarbij de tado app nog wel eens aangeeft een open raam te hebben gevonden, terwijl alle ramen gesloten zijn. Het zou enorm helpend zijn als de app ook aangeeft in welke ruimte de app het open raam heeft gevonden. (En eventueel wat er gevonden, temperatuur daling / tocht / etc.) Hiermee…
Halve graden
Wij zouden het wel prettig vinden om op de muurconsole ook halve graden te kunnen instellen, niet iedereen heeft de app waarmee het wel kan. Laat je horen ;-)
Temporary User
It would be nice to be able to add a user for a limited time. With guests staying, they can conrol tado, but only until a certain date/time and be able to activate geofencing.
Energy IQ, district heating
Please add Gj as unit, or better, allow cutomisation of units, so you can choose energy unit and currency freely. We are not all on M3, Kwh and €….. kind rgds Henrik
Child lock for Airco controllers
Add a feature to the smart ac controllers just like child lock on the thermostats. Our help in the household sometimes trigger the smart ac controller when we aren’t home and this enables the airco controllers. Currently I configured the tado app to revert any manual input after 1 minute, but with a feature similar to…
Geo Fencing Position Override
The geo fence is based on a location and a radius. The location is determined by the address given to the home but cannot be overridden. It is problematic when a building or a unit is far from the street (courtyards, especially in Berlin), or for houses built far from the road and requires to increase the radius. It should…
Display must be on all the time
I would like to request tado to add continuous display feature which shows temperature or another animated messages ..which makes it very cool ..hope everyone wants it too
Emoji's in Room Names
It would be great to be able to "color" code the rooms with emoji's for an even nicer overview in the app homescreen. Currently some emoji's work fine (e.g. "✨ Bedroom"), while others result in an error (e.g. "🪴 Living Room"). The error after submitting a name with a "faulty" emoji:
Homepage tile ideas (outside temp & wood burner temp)
Hi, just something that would be good to see would be ability to add a tile that displays outside home temp (via weather info source) and wood burner temp (of course would require additional hardware)
Control non smart TVR radiators independently
The system must have the capability to turn my heating system on but shut the smart TVR’s. That way I could heat my towel radiator without needing to heat another room unnecessarily. Surely the wireless receiver could call to heat whilst the smart TVR are closed thus heating all non smart TVR equipped rads.
Boiler modulation + zone valve control
I would like the option to use my extension kit to control the boiler via opentherm, but still have my wired thermostats click over when that sensor calls for demand so that I can use it for my zone valves. Really don’t understand why this isn’t an option, many home in the UK have zone valves meaning boiler modulation…
13 amp controller
Make the wireless thermostat capable of switching 13amps for heaters etc.
Lodgers tado app
I need my lodger to tell tado when he is away or at home But I feel for security he should not be able to adjust the control on the heating etc
Prijsplafond in de app (grafiek)
Mijn suggestie om het prijsplafond in de grafieken te plotten. Op die manier is het verbruik tov het plafond nog inzichtelijker. Lijkt mij ideaal.
Programmation de la température souhaitée
Plutôt que de dire : Je souhaite régler la température à 20° à partir de 7h, je préférerais dire qu'à 7h30 il doit faire 20° dans la pièce. Tado détermine ensuite l'heure à laquelle il doit commencer à chauffer davantage. Ceci permet de ne pas trop changer sa programmation en fonction de la meteo
Aansturing CV-ketel in app
Ik heb mijn Tado bedrade thermostaat inmiddels enkele weken en ben erg tevreden. In de app mis ik echter nog een ‘statusmelding’ dat mijn CV-ketel wel/niet brandt. Op dit moment zie ik alleen de actuele temperatuur en een doeltemperatuur, op basis hiervan moet ik er maar van uitgaan dat de ketel daadwerkelijk wordt…
Meerdere woningen onder eenzelfde account
ik vind Tado een zeer goede oplossing maar momenteel zie ik het als te onhandig om Tado te installeren en te beheren in meerdere woningen tegelijk om deze op afstand te kunnen volgen en instellen. hiervoor moet je immers werken met verschillende accounts op verschillende toestellen om alles praktisch direct open en bij de…
Blocage de thermostat a distance
Bonjour, ce serait bien de développer un blocage d'un thermostat a distance et que lorsqu'on a des locations, comme ça on gère le chauffage et il n'y a pas d'abus avec des réglages de chauffage a + de 25 Degrés...
Heating Off minimum Temp
Hi. I notice if I set my Central Heating schedule to OFF in a time slot (IE: at night) the temperature drops dramatically and it goes very cold with no Antifrost protection. Yet. If I am AWAY from home and the heating goes OFF as I am not present I can set a Minimum temp to heat my home (while I not here as its in AWAY…
viessman eco mode for DHW
I own an viessmann vitodens B1KF on opentherm protocol apired with tado v3, since i changed to opentherm my eco mod(preheat) option disappeared from both boiler screen and vicare app. its not on viessmann side i ve talked to viessmann and they said this: "Have you spoke to Tado about the DHW temp setting ? The ECO stays On…
Powered Smart TRVs
Could you introduce AC-powered smart TRVs with a rechargeable battery backup please? Haven't had enough use of the units on battery so far, but want to get away from constantly changing batteries in the household. Take this a step further and have them communicate across the home power cabling to the Internet bridge.
Electric towel rail controller
I keep hearing that in the UK, a huge amount of energy is wasted through the inefficient use of electric towel rails. Namely, they are dumb with on/off switches and are not managed alongside the heat output of the main central heating system. Therefore they are left on for long periods. Tado, how about producing an…
Relais vloerverwarming bij 1 golfje ook volledig open
Blijkens antwoord van Tado is een als relais ingestelde slimme bedrade thermostaat op een Honeywell Zoneklep maar 33pc van de tijd open bij een warmtevraag van een golfje. Dat betekent dat als je temperatuursensor in de kamer met vloerverwarming een warmte vraag naar de ketel stuurt, de zoneklep niet geopend wordt; voor…
Set A/C mode across schedular
I have an a/c unit that I use to cool the house in the summer and heat in the winter. Using the tado a/c controller, if I set the a/c mode to auto it creates a problem. When a scheduled time block has a lower temperature than the one before it, the a/c will actively start to cool. In the winter this is not a desired…
Home Assistant boiler data/control
It would be nice if the data/control to en from the boiler would be integrated in home assistant. This would give a better image of how much gas we are actually using. These info would make nice graphs. Knowledge is power!
fonction iFeel Clim Gree
Bonjour, a quand la fonction iFeel intégrée au tado pour une meilleure efficacité et gestion de nos climes.
Hot water tank smart thermostat
I think there is a market to provide a variation on the Smart Thermostat in the form of a unit with a temperature sensor on a cable, to allow the user to install in a thermal water store. This can give the flexibility for hybrid systems that have multiple heat sources for the store such as Solar thermal, biomass and oil or…
Connect to enery supplier as a service
It would make it a lot easier and simpler to have a service that connects to the energy suppliers. This would make the the usage and money part of the application a lot more accurate to manage. I have already seen this service offered by some online applications.