Timed Boost Function with a physical button
Hi All, would it be possible with a firmware update to setup the button on the thermostat to act as a boost button also. Its more for the older generation who find navigating mobile phones a pain. I have been looking into using a smart switch and IFTTT to try and mimic this boost function but can not. Although I have got a…
Combineren van (actieve) Tado Smart Thermostaat en (passieve) Ventilatieroosters
Ben erg happy met Tado Thermostaat en Smart Radiatorknoppen. Ik vroeg met af of het nuttig zou zijn om ook de ventilatieroosters op ramen en deuren automatisch open en dicht te schuiven. Bijvoorbeeld als radiator op uit dan ventilatie rooster automatisch open, en als radiator aan het ventilatierooster dicht tenzij bepaalde…
Gestione di più abitazioni con la stessa APP tado°
Mi è stato chiesto dal servizio clienti di tado° di postare la mia richiesta tecnica in questo forum, visto un mio problema irrisolto. Sarebbe utile (almeno per me) poter gestire con la stessa APP tado° più abitazioni cosa oggi possibile soltanto creando un nuovo utente e gestendo una abitazione con la APP e l’altra da…
Percentuale della batteria
Buongiorno, all’interno dell’app è presente l’indicatore della batteria che, al momento, riporta perennemente 100% anche se il reale livello è più basso se non al limite, di li a poco si potrebbe ricevere la mail di batteria quasi scarica. Detto questo, è ipotizzabile implementare il corretto livello in percentuale della…
Scenes & Controller
I have just installed Tado with 2 zones and 20 radiator units, very happy with the results, my house feels much more even in heat and now I can turn on the floors separately. I would love a wall mounted dedicated LED touch screen panel that ran the app, showing you the entire house control, using the app is great but it…
TRV Improvements
I've been using Tado for a while now but just with a singel thermostat controlling the whole house. I've recently purchased Smart TRVs to control each romm granularly. I'm just testing one currently, in the same room as the thermostat. I appreciate this isn't going to achieve much on its own, but it's just so I can test…
Schedule Icon on Rooms Tiles
It would really be useful in the main screen of the app on the different tiles indicating the room temperatures to show an icon whether the schedule for that room is on or not. I find myself often manually adjusting temperature got some reason and afterwards forgetting to resume the schedule. Showing the status of the…
Electric underfloor heating on/off only
I understand that electric underfloor heating is not supported by tado. I was wondering however, for people who already have EUFH (eg in a bathroom controlled by a third party product) and are running a tado system controlling their various radiators, could they use a smart thermostat to control the EUFH. Using the normal…
Panasonic Peneloop PRO rechargeable batteries
Regarding rechargeable AA batteries, tado° advises to use Panasonic Eneloop NiMH 1900 mAh batteries. But there is a successor from Panasonic: Peneloop PRO Ni-MH 2500 mAh. They seem to be better, but the tado° helpdesk has no experience yet and suggested me to place this on this Community. Has anyone experience with this…
week week regeling in de schema's van de app
Gezien de kinderen om de week thuis zijn zou het handig zijn dit ook zo te kunnen programmeren in de schedules van de desbetreffende kamers in de app. Zo kan de verwarming in hun kamer de week dat ze niet thuis zijn op minimum worden gezezt, liefst automatisch.
Vorrei suggerire l'opzione di avere nell account app tado un amministratore che abbia solo lui la possibilità di impostare i parametri dando la possibilita ad altri utenti della casa solo di attivare e disattivare termosifoni o condizionatori in modo che non vengano modificate impostazioni o cancellati dispositivi in modo…
Fenster offen bei Fußbodenheizung
Hallo, ist es nicht sinnvoller bei der Fenster offen Erkennung die Temperatur einer Fußbodenheizung runterzufahren anstatt auszuschalten? Eine Fußbodenheizung braucht doch ewig bis sie wieder anspringt?
Opening of Tado to other home automation systems (JEEDOM)
Hello, Thanks to the thermostatic heads, I have a temperature and humidity sensor in each room of my house I would like to be able to use this data to manage the speed of my VMC via my Jeedom home automation system A connectivity with Jeedom for this would be great (local API ?) Thanks Pierre
Worcester Bosch Greenstar 4000 System GR4700iW 12 S NG system 12kw
I am planning on purchasing a new system boiler, Worcester Bosch Greenstar 4000 series 12kW its got some very good green features of being able to modulates down to 1.9kW central heating output. I also plan to have a 250L unvented tank. https://www.wolseley.co.uk/product/worcester-greenstar-4000-system-12kw/ The Worcester…
Choose if you want TRV to turn boiler on
I would like to have the ability to disable a TRV turning on the boiler when room temperature drops below its setting. This would allow service engineers to flush the heating system without the boiler being turned on. It would also allow the TRV to act in “dumb mode”, stopping a room from over heating but stop it being…
Modalita away programmabile
Modalita away programmabile giornalmente come avviene per la modalità home
Black cover plate
You cannot buy a black cover plate, perhaps there are more people who would like it and maybe then they will get them on the market
Better block temperature indication in the schedule.
I thought it was great that the schedule had blue blocks for when I wanted it cold (at night and while at work) and orange blocks for when you wanted it warm, nice and easy to see what's going on. But then I saw that the warm block were set to 25 and thought that was ridiculous, so I set them to 18, and suddenly it's all…
App colours based on heating on or off
It makes no sense to have the app colours be based on a subjective assessment of the temperature the room is set to. It would be far better to have the colours change from, for example, green when at temperature and not heating and orange when heating. When I look at the app, I want to know quickly which rooms are heating…
Child locks for all devices
It would be good to have child locks for all devices, wireless thermostats and wireless AC controls. Wireless AC controls need to be fitted to make them smart but ideally want them to not be manually controlled by the occupant
Option for room thermostats not to trigger boiler
Please make an option for your smart stats to just behave like a stat, with the heating controlled by the main house thermostat. I bought 2 room smart thermostats for less frequently used rooms, set their profile to a lower temp to save energy, but when the rooms get cold first in the night (because they were colder in the…
Allow Tado App to display independent Temperture readings
I don't want to put a £70+ tado device with a IP20 or IP30 rating in my 99% humidity Bathroom, but I would like to be able to see the reading from a (much cheaper) none Tado Alexa enabled measurement device. Can this skill be added?
Boiler constantly on not turning off when temp reached
Hello, I have just set my Tado v3+ wireless system up to my baxi 105 he boiler and the problem I have is the central heating is constantly on. I have capped the old thermostat as to the instructions and wired the receiver to the boiler as to the instructions. So currently I am running off my old timer system. If I ask the…
IFFT Fan Speed Selector
Is there a reason why selecting a fan speed in IFFT isn’t an available option. It has a drop down menu for it however just states “no fan speed options available”. Is this something that will be offered eventually?
Auto turn off and reset of smart thermostat
When a smart thermostat is on during its timed schedule and it loses connection to the bridge. Can it be written in software to automatically shut the valve and to reset it. 1. So it doesn't continue to heat the room without control. 2. The reset allows it to reconnect to the bridge automatically. The fact that the…
(Slim) gebruik van de maximale keteltemperatuur om gasverbruik significant te verlagen
Het algemene advies is om de temperatuur van de CV ketel zo laag mogelijk te zetten omdat dat het efficiëntste is. Ik zie dat Tado daar niet automatisch gebruik van maakt omdat de opwarmingstijd van de kamers veel korter is als de maximum temperatuur van de CV ketel hoger is. Ik heb dit getest met temperaturen tussen 55 en…
App update notes
Hello, my suggestion is to make a visible note what is new in the new versions, because I download it but i don't have time to explore the whole software for new features. Also it is going to be wonderful if the app checks for updates by itself, because many users don't have autoupdate enabled in the Play store. And I am…
Connexion wifi avec ac control v3+
Il serait intéressant de pouvoir commander et régler en Wifi les climatiseurs connectés plutôt ( ou en plus) de l infrarouge. Cela affranchirait les distances et le positionnement difficile du TADO pas forcément en face. Exemple Toshiba Haori connecté qui utilise l appli Toshiba Home.
Open raam detectie aangeven per ruimte / show open window detection per room
Ik heb een oude grote woning (1895), waarbij de tado app nog wel eens aangeeft een open raam te hebben gevonden, terwijl alle ramen gesloten zijn. Het zou enorm helpend zijn als de app ook aangeeft in welke ruimte de app het open raam heeft gevonden. (En eventueel wat er gevonden, temperatuur daling / tocht / etc.) Hiermee…
Halve graden
Wij zouden het wel prettig vinden om op de muurconsole ook halve graden te kunnen instellen, niet iedereen heeft de app waarmee het wel kan. Laat je horen ;-)