V3+ no longer starting boiler on schedule
V3+ no longer starting boiler on schedule (a month old v3+) since the 1hr time change in the UK, the schedule is no longer working, the panel is not firing the boiler. After some testing yesterday i enabled pairing on the dongle and set the time to come on for a bit in the evening which worked, but this morning it didn't…
Living Room Overheating Due to Tado Radiator Knobs in Bedrooms
Hello, I recently installed a Tado wired thermostat in the living room and four radiator knobs in each of the bedrooms to control the temperature independently. However, I’ve noticed an issue: whenever a radiator knob signals the boiler to heat a bedroom, the living room also starts heating—even when its temperature is…
Stabilizing heat demand pattern for constant set temperature
I live in Scandinavia and often work from home, so I have a consistent heating demand throughout the day. When looking at the temperature/heating graph view, it is clear that the heating demand (and temperature) follows a cyclic pattern with a period of 45min on average. I'd love to post an image but I don't think this…
Hello, I have a boiler for water and heat that has a dual controller and then a thermostat to control the temps. I also have water solar but looking at the diagram this is not controlled by this as I have a separate solar controller. I want a tado V3+ and the values for the radiator. I'm hoping to keep my newborns room at…
Configuration advice for legacy boiler
I have a gravity-fed Potterton Suprema 60 boiler configured in a Y-plan. I recently replaced the Honeywell (water and heating) timer after it broke with a Tado Wireless Receiver and Smart TRV valves in all the bedrooms, lounge and dining room. Some rooms, like the downstairs toilet and conservatory radiators, still have…
Heat-only boiler with programmer and wired thermostat - confused as to the best setup!
Hi, I've tried to do some reading but am getting a little confused as to the best set up for me. Can anyone please help? I have a Baxi 600 heat-only boiler (+ hot water cylinder upstairs), which is connected to a Honeywell ST9400S programmer. There's a wired thermostat in the hallway, and I can control both the central…
Wireless receiver not working after being switched off at the isolator.
So, my wireless receiver had disconnected from the bridge and I asked someone to reset the WiFi on it whilst I was out as my heating wouldn't turn off and the house was like a sauna. Instead of doing a reset, they turned the whole unit and boiler off at the fuse switch for the whole day. I've since tried to turn it back on…
Hi can anyone help me please, I’m looking to buy the v3+ wired thermostat but wasn’t sure if its 240
:) can anyone help, is the v3+ wired thermostat 240v
Switch between rooms in graph nice
When in graph mode, one can change the date range with the ˅ symbol next to the date. It would be so much easier to switch between rooms if there was a ˅ next to the Room/Device name as well. Now I have to go back twice (first to the Room, then to the home screen) to select a new room and view the graph
Flow temperature
Hello everyone, is there a way to remotely view the flow temperature at a specific time?
Care and protect - percentage a radiator valve is open
Hi, I have had a Tado just over a week and have a few teething problems. Firstly there can sometimes be a wifi disconnect from wireless thermostat to boiler which I hope to remedy with a WiFi extender. Secondly, I have one large room which seems to take ages to heat. It has the tado TRV and wireless thermostat in it. This…
Connection Issue...maybe?
Hi Everyone, I have been using (or trying to use) Tado for the last 3 months, got installed early September and have a V3 Setup, with Wireless Receiver, Internet Bridge, 1 Wireless Temp Sensor, and 4 (with 4 more to connect still) Smart Radiator Thermostats. All connected, and working according to the app. My issue has…