Alternative scenario
Now first time using Tado during the holidays I am missing the option of an alternative scenario. On home screen have the option to select / create one e.g. Holiday (or select Main as default) To create either you can first make a copy of Main (so you only need to change some blocks of some rooms) or start with an empty…
widget for geofencing
dear community, it would be nice to add a widget to the app to provide the possibility to manually toggle the away/home from the phone desktop
Leave valve open when batteries low
When the batteries go flat, I have found that the heating keeps trying to heat that room, but with the valve closed it won't, so the system either needs to turn that room off or personally I'd rather it leave the valve open so it can heat the room, with the rest of the house.
The Graphs on the app should also be posible to view in a browser. This with the option to download "raw" data, like in a CSV. Thank you
Change comfort scale
I find 18C comfortable, yet Tado tells me that I’m cold (even 19.5C is considered cold, whereas it’s uncomfortably warm for me). I’d like to be able to change the comfort scale, so I’m not prompted to “put on a jumper”, “snuggle under a blanket”, or “turn the heating up”. When we’re meant to be saving energy and resources,…
Time display on temperature graphs
When you display the temperature graph from the tado app (iOS) you can touch the display to show the actual temperature. But the time is missing on the pop-up. Can this be included?
Full Air-conditioning Control
I have a house in France that I rent out with 5 air Mitsubishi Conditioning units. These units are inverter units so can perform the following tasks: cool,heat,dehumidify, fan, the IR controllers interface looks to of been created by the same guy that invented scientific calculators. Great if you know what you are doing…
Window (No.) open detected
Hi. Hope all is well. Window open dedicated does not tell me which window is open and sometime I am notified even though all my windows are closed. This tells me that draught is somewhat coming in but I don’t know from which window. It would be really helpful to be able to identify which window is open, this is so that one…
Air Source Heat Pumps
I have just replaced my Tado controlled gas boiler with a Mitsubishi Air Source Heat Pump. I emailed Tado and enquired if they had any experience in using Tado in conjunction with such a device. The reply came back that I should put my enquiry here. Perhaps Christmas has come early! It doesn't seem the logical place to me…
Allow output of temperature,
Hello, I would like to record the temperature every time it changed to my spreadsheet, currently I can do this by creating an individual recipe for every temperature rise and every temperature fall, obviously this would take a long a time. Would it be possible to create a query which simply reports the temp, or a trigger…
Maximum heating setting-lock
So many people have younger adults who may want to set the heating at silly temperatures. So my idea is a max temp setting-which can be controlled by an admin for the house? I think this is a good thing for many. Also avoids errors if knocking to 23 instead of 21 for example.
Include heating graphs in features without having to pay extra
I have only just purchased and installed the Tado system in my home, at huge cost with 12 TRV's to try and get even heating and where I want it. To check its working I really want to see what the temperature has been over a period of time to see how well its working, and when the boiler has been on and off, to see if I…
connect app to your gas and electric provider
Wouldn't it be great if there was some way to connect your app with your electric and gas provider to get an accurate idea of not only consumption but cost. I realise that at this time you have to enter your gas usage manually but if the it was linked or even if you could add the gas price to the app this would be more…
Return temperature sensor (on radiator) connected with the thermostat on the inlet
Tado should produce a temperature sensor that can be mounted on the return pipe from the radiator. The temperature measurement must then be connected via the hub to the thermostat on the radiator inlet, so that the thermostat can turn off the heat if the return temperature becomes too high. In the setting of the…
Meter Reading in Kwh
It appears you can record your tariff in kwh and set Kwh as your preferred measurement, but the add reading menu only states m2. Either this kwh needs to be added as a meter reading option or if the value entered is whatever you set your preferred measurement to, then the reference to m2 in the add meter reading ui needs…
Multiple schedules in one room
It would be great to be able to generate different schedules for different devices in the same Room. I have an UFH with wired thermostat and a radiator with RTV in the same physical room. Weekday mornings heat is only needed for one hour, so UFH better stays off. The radiator would be much better controlled by a wall…
Schedule a one-time time slot, to overrule the week schedule
I would like to schedule a one-time time slot. For instance: in my home office, temperature is low by default, because I work a lot outdoors. But tomorrow from 10am - 12pm I have a meeting, so then I want it to be warm. So default temperature is low, set in my Smart Schedule. But I'd also like to tell the app 'make sure…
Irresponsive/malfunctioning unit alert
Hi! I had a couple of instances where one of the heating units in the apartment were irresponsive, due to something bouncing / slightly misplacing the Tado regulator. The issue, once discovered was quite easy to fix (by recalibrating the regulator), but it was not obvious to catch. I was thinking it should be relatively…
Fireplace detection
During winter season I regularly use my fireplace, the increasing temperature will soon enough shut off my ac unit (heating). So far so good. I usually set he ac unit in fan mode to help distribute the heat. I’ve tried to automate this without much success. I see no support for this in the Tado app. Since HomeKit does not…
Set AC temperature by sensor
There should be a way for Tado to turn ON and OFF the AC to get the given room-temperature choosen in the app (read by the tado sensor). I.E: The AC might have a minimum heat of 17 degrees, but it should be posible for Tado to sett 13 degrees and then have the panel switch the AC OFF at aproximatly 13.5 and then ON again…
Add signal strength indicator to help positioning the gateway
New (quite happy) user here; the radiator thermostat that is the furthest away from the gateway started to drop out and i believe that providing some signal strength indication (or even graphs !) would help placing / optimizing the gateway position and orientation by providing feedback to the adjustments.
Add new "Consumption" menu to web interface
Hello there, Please add new "Energy IQ" Consumption menu to web interface. It only available on the app (i dont know, why...) It more comfortable that see it in web interface
Add WiFi support to Extension kit to get rid of bridge
Seems a logical option for those folk who have a full Tado installation with HW control. Add WiFi support into the Extension kit since it's mains powered. This would remove the need for (and failure risk of) a separate bridge This would almost certainly need to also include an upgrade to mesh capability as many extension…
Auto switch off Airconditioner when temperature falls below threshold temp
Heating with an airconditioner is many times more efficient than with a fossil/solid fuel burning solution. However this efficiency is greatly reduced when the outside temperature falls below 40 degrees F or 5 degrees C as the outside module of the airconditioner starts to freeze and needs to use additional energy to thaw…
Aanpassen aanvoertemperatuur CV
Graag een functie toevoegen om zelf de aanvoertemperatuur voor de CV in te kunnen stellen. Nu moet dat heel omslachtig en tijdrovend via de helpdesk. Ik denk dat iedereen er bij gebaat is, wanneer de klant dit zelf kan aanpassen.
Bring 0.1 temp increments back.
After years of making sufficient improvements to the app, Tado have in my opinion really ruined the rentals settings in the app. Instead of having 0.1 increments we now have 0.5 when manually Channing the temperature. Why why why. There are so many examples of how to do this easily.
switching between accounts
It could be common that families have more than one home (a main one and the second by the sea or in the mountains) then they need to create more than one account to manage different homes thermostats. I can understand, but not completely, your choice to separate account for each home but you have to facilitate the users…
Reorder scene items
It would be great to be able to reorder the commands in a scene list. Presently items are added to the bottom of the list. This means that you cannot insert a new instruction somewhere else in the list and have to start over if you want to make a change. It would be great to be able to drag and drop items within the list
Bridge connectivity
As with many people on the forum, I have had connectivity issues in a house with the router and bridge at one end of the house. In the end, I had to return some sensors back to a non TADO alternative. I have just found that a tp-link powerline adaptor AV 1000, would allow the bridge to be connected remotely to the router.…
A manually set temperature overrides the schedule. Let us know here if you don’t want this
I raised the following with Tado: If you indicate by geofencing that you are not at home, the heating will stop according to schedule, but not by manual settings. In other words, if you manually set the heating higher than according to the schedule and then leave, the heating will remain on. I find this very impractical…