What to do with old room thermostat
I've had Tado for almost a year now. When I initially set it up, somewhere in the instructions I think it said you can either remove the existing room thermostat, or turn it up to the maxmimum. I opted for the latter - I Honeywell T6306B1028 room thermostat in my hall which I've had on maximum for the last 11 months and…
Heat line info in the app
Hi , Can someone please tell me what the three squiggle heat lines are beside the temperature on the room app? Ie It is set to 20 the room is currently 19 so the room is heating. Sometimes only one line is showing and the other two are greyed out. Sometimes all three lines are highlighted. I guess that one line means the…
How to interpret the symbols that indicate the smart thermostat (V3+) is requesting heat?
My smart thermostat is connected to the "NO" and "COM" connections and hooked up to an non-modulating (old school) on/off boiler. I'm trying to decypher the meaning of the icons in the Tado app showing 1, 2 or 3 wavy lines. I was assuming they all mean that the thermostat is requesting heat from the boiler, but that…
wired + wireless thermostat for 2x zones
Hi all, ok so let me quickly explain how it looks. I have 2x zones. 1x thermostat Tado wired, already set up.. everything works great. 1x ordinary thermostat, simple wiring The ordinary thermostat I want to replace for wireless, no need to control the hot water, just want to have a connection in the app and change the…
New wireless receiver install and no hot water S-plan
Hi, I've installed the wireless receiver today, my heating is s-plan. The heating portion of the system is working as expected but the hot water system is unable to switch on. I've verified the physical connections are working correctly by bridging the hot water to live (my setup is live + neutral for power and a single…
can one have more than 25 devices?
Hi, I have quite a large house with a single heater. 4 wire less temp sensor, 16 radiators, one airco, and one central thermostat (22 devices). I have read that you can have 25 devices in one heating zone. Does this mean that I can only add 3 more radiators?
Anyone seen heating staying on when app has turned it off?
Hi all, I have Smart Thermostat extension kit to control both heating and hot-water. I have recently noticed this situation: starting with both heating and hot-water turned on, then turning off heating, the extension kit continues to "demand" heating. The app says heating IS off but it is not and it is not controlled by…
Hoe interfereert de TADO thermostaat met de slimme knoppen?
Ik wil op alle radiatoren in mijn huis de TADO knop installeren, ook in het hoofdvertrek met 3 radiatoren. Wat is dan de functie van de thermostaat? Waar moet ik die installeren zodat de thermostaat niet interfereert met de afzonderlijke knoppen in datzelfde vertrek? Graag jullie wijze adviezen, Henk
Heating not turning on despite thermostat indicating temp lower than setting
Hi I'm a new Tado user and installed a smart Thermostat kit without any problems and had it working fine. Now though the Stat is reading 16 degrees. I have the smart schedule set so the heating should be on now and temp should be 16.5 degrees. The heating isn't coming on unless I press boost or increase the temp on smart…
IFTTT delays
Is there any news about current IFTTT/Tado issues? From here the applet activation delays make it totally unusable.
Zone controller
Hi! Struggling with a newly installed system, hoping you can help. I have 2 zones in my combi CH system: a wireless receiver connected to 1x 2-port valve, and a wired thermostat connected to the other 2-port valve. The wireless temperature sensor/ reciever act as a zone controller for downstairs UFH. The wired thermostat…
Why my thermostat keep disconnecting
The app shows everything is fine but then the unit connected to the boiler show alarm, the warning light and WiFi keep blinking! However if I make any changed in the app, let's say tune on one of the tado valves it just doesn't do anything, it shows it on the app with new changes but the change doesn't apply to the valve…
Different week programms
Hello, is there a way, or workaround via e.g. home from apple, to have different schedules for different weeks. We live one week with the kids and another week without the kids and in the week that the kids are not at home there room don't need to be heated. We have the thermostat and in all rooms the smart radiator. We…
heat pump air to water and tado
hello guys i own this tado devices: I was using pellet burner but recently i switched to air to water heat pump elterm etm-lq for my radiator heating system. sorry specification is in bulgarian but i suppose it may be used google translate it isnt available in any other language the heat pump controler is dixell i also…
TRV and Thermostat in same room
I have a single circuit heating system. I can put TRV's in other room which will affect radiators in these rooms, but as it is single system if heating is required in any of the rooms main room radiators will heat up also. If I put TRV's on radiators in this main room, can I prevent "overheating" of this room when there is…
Smart Thermostat does not stop working
Hello, My smart thermostat does not stop working even though the temperature has been met in all rooms. Any actions that could fix it? Thank you.
Smart thermostat does wi-fi?
This statement: tado˚ smart radiator thermostat The tado˚ smart radiator thermostat is more than just a simple thermostat. It includes advanced algorithms, sensors, Wi-fi, and several other features. In addition, the thermostats have built-in learning capabilities. They can "learn" when people are active. They heat or cool…
Config Menu ID for Ideal Logic Combi 35
Hi Trying to configure my boiler. Does anyone know the Config Menu ID code for Ideal Logic Combi 35 ? As its not in the installer manual Thankyou Clive
Lack of flow through SRVS
Can I ask if anyone is still having issues with getting flow through SRVs when boiler is called. Have spent a considerable time with support getting valves opened and delaying boiler calls. If you have issues what type of valve do you have? I have new Danfoss RAS C2 and I understand that other systems have had to update…
Wireless Temperature Sensor doesn't work
Hi, I bought a Wireless Temperature Sensor to improve the temperature in my bedroom. In the bedroom there are already two Smart Radiator Thermostat. When I added the new sensor in the room seems it was not able to switch on the boiler, instead the configuration without the new device works like a charm. My complete…
Use Humidity to Modify Temperature
The humidity information seems pointless to have in the Tado thermostat system as it stands. Why not use the humidity to modify the temperature setting to allow "feels like" temperature functionality? The relationship between humidity and apparent temperature is that, for roughly a 10% increase in humidity, the apparent…
Are Tado hot and cold settings right?
It is a warm sunny day, my bedroom registers 19.9 and Tado says”your room is too cold, turn on the heating”. It feels a good comfortable temperature to me and with heating costs and the environmental need to save energy I think they need to revise their advice on comfortable room settings. Am I particularly hardy or do…
Main Smart Thermostat unit
Hey. When all radiators have a Tado TRV does the main Smart Thermostat become redundant? Eg: if all TRVs are set to say 20 and the ambient temperature by each TRV is 20 or more then nothing can happen even if the main Smart Thermostat is set to 20 and the ambient temperature by the main Smart Thermostat is 15. :/ :/
Old valves / system
Hi, I have a old systen, valves and bridge. When using the new app I cannot register the products because they do not have the same information (QR code / auth code) just serial numbers. Anyone know how to add these old parts to the new app? Steve
Replacing Heatmiser DS-SB with Tado Smart Thermostap
Hi, I’m trying to replace the dial thermostats for the UFH at my flat, and I’m having some trouble with the wiring. The instructions tell me to label 3 wires, but the existing thermostat has 4. As per the wiring diagram, the Heatmiser thermostat has a Switch Live (SL), Live (L), Neutral (N) and a Timer Live. My confusion…
Switched live question
I have set up the wireless receiver to operate in switched live - i want to use as a timer for underfloor pump - the problem i have is that the CH NO (Switched live OP) is always on even when i set CH to off i.e. there is always mains voltage - what am i missing?.
Tado with BOSCH heat tronic 3500
Is there someone who successfully connected tado with BOSCH heat tronic 3500 electric heater ? Please help.
OpenTherm with Y plan setup
Hi, We have an Ideal Logic Max Heat 24 boiler which has OpenTherm compatibility that I'm looking to take advantage of. We have a Tado wired thermostat working in wireless mode after we invested in the wireless add-on receiver a number of years ago. Both the thermostat and receiver appear to have low-voltage terminal…
How to control multiple radiators in a room from a wireless temperature sensor
I recall once seeing a setting whereby I could assign a single device to control other devices. I want to use a wireless temperature sensor to control two radiators in a bedroom. I don't want it to control the boiler, just the radiators. My house is divided into zones and the boiler is controlled by the zone demand and a…
Can I control floor heating room and boiler with same thermostat?
I have some radiator thermostats upstairs. Downstairs I have 4 rooms with floor heating. All 4 rooms have a wired thermostat. The one in the living room I now have as main thermostat to control the boiler. But now I cannot control the floor heating in the living room. I created a schema of how I have/want it. But I'm…