Wireless Reciever EU
Hello Tried to wire in the wireless receiver EU version to my Vaillant boiler using the bus + & - connections from the Boiler to the receiver but the receiver was totally dead. Tado have informed me I also need to wire in the L & N just asking if anybody has wired in the EU receiver like this
Server Down?
Anyone having problems?
Can someone help me please opened up app today to find nothing but a orange screen no options
Are Tado servers offline? Cloud led keeps blinking. Disconnected the Bridge and connecting back doesn’t help. It’s several hours offline now.
What is the difference between horizontal and vertical actuators
What is the difference between horizontal and vertical actuator valves apart from the display? I have a kit of vertical actuators but one of my valves is horizontal. Can I use a vertical unit on a horizontal valve. Regards Phil
What happens if I have two Tado Wireless Temperature Sensors?
I'm wondering what happens if I have two Tado° Wireless Temperature Sensors? If I have one of the sensors in Bedroom and the other one in the living room and each one set to a different temperature, which of the sensors will control my boiler?
Rooms cold with Tado TRV
I have tado trv on the radiators and the house was noticably colder than previous. After looking around tado forums, I notice that a lot of people are saying the TRV is too close to the rad and the sensor is not looking at the real room temperature. tado response is to buy a wireless temperature sensor and have them in the…
Extension kit with Glow-worm Ultracom 30CXi
Extension Kit eBUS mode & Glow-worm Ultracom 30CXi - all help greatly appreciated! I've had the Tado system working with the Wireless Receiver for a short while but wanted to take full advantage of the boilers modulating capabilities which means having it connected via eBUS rather than relay. As such, I did some research,…
Wired Thermostat with the Extension Kit Wireless Receiver
In my old house I just used the wired thermostat for heating as I had an instant hot water set up. In my new house I now have traditional heating and hot water controller. If I get the Extension Kit Wireless Receiver (by itself) can I still use that with my wired thermostat; or should I just bin (resale) the wired one and…
Reduce heating percentage
I have installed Tado all over the house, and in general I am happy with the functionality. How-ever, since the install - my heating-bill has increased quite a bit. With the help from our heating-company (district heating), we narrowed the issue down to the valves being too aggressive when trying to adjust the heat. The…
Combi randomly fires up at night
System installed and all seems to work ok. Wireless thermostat, bridge, 7 TRV's. No connection issues, good signal. The combi comes on 2-3 times a night for a short period (a few minutes). It wasn't demanded to do so by any of the connected items. It doesn't heat any of the rads. We don't have the heating on at night and…
Display query
What is the panel underneath the mounting plate on the display, I can't quite see the point of it?
Taco and Viessman Vitodens 100
Hi, I have a Viessmann Vitodens 100 and it has been running off a Delta More wireless thermostat for a couple of years. Today I purchased a Tado V3 heating and hot water thermostat kit and also a number of Tado smart radiator valves. The valves are on back order so I thought I would switch the existing wireless thermostat…
Spanner on TRV
Hi. I have a spanner that flashes on a smart TRV. No error codes. It flashes 10/15 times. Please help
What do i need to get opentherm to work?
Hi, could someone please explain how i get opentherm to work on my baxi 836 combi boiler to work as I've just found out that the wireless v3+ starter kit in the uk don't include opentherm? I have read that the eu starter kit and possibly the eu Add-on / extender kit is opentherm compatible unlike the uk version? If so do i…
How can I get a multi-zone installation when there's an incompatibility with the existing Thermostat
My actual installation is : Vaillant VC BE 376/3-5-H (only heating / no warm Water) Vaillant VRC 430 Thermostat (ground floor) Vaillant VR-81 1st floor I managed to install Tado on the ground floor & it works perfectly. Once I tried to install a second Tado wired Thermostat on the first floor (replacing the VR-81), I got…
Generally happy but need some advice on a noisy radiator
Hi all, I've had my Tado system installed for about a month now and generally happy. I'm very impressed with the control I now get across my whole heating system. I've installed the Wireless Thermostat kit, and put TRVs on every radiator, apart from the towel radiators in the two bathrooms. The strange issue I now have is…
Energy IQ monthly totals
The Energy IQ feature is clearly useful and still a work in progress. It'll be good when it's finished. Meanwhile, for November 2022 the graph shows November 2021 as having consumed 76kWh . . . but if I scroll back to Nov 21 the consumption that month was recorded as only 49kWh . . . Is this just a bug which will be fixed…
Wired Thermostat Relay Mode
I have a Tado Wired Thermostat wired into an underfloor wiring station (Heatmiser UH4). It replaced a cheap Heatmiser Thermostat. The Tado Thermostat is trying to call for both low and medium heat settings but only the high heat setting activates the zone in the wiring center. So, either can I modulate the wiring center…
Tado smart wireless thermostat controlled 3rd party relay via Home Assistant
Hi All I would like to controll my floorheat pump with Tado wireless smart thermostat, Using Home Assistant. The goal is simple. If the (scheduled) smart thermostat need a heating, and swich on the boiler, the relay should be swicth on as well. In the home assistant I see a lots of state info from the Smart thermostat, (eg…
Hot water missing from app
I'm a UK user and have just installed the wireless receiver to replace a wired hot water programmer. I've followed all instructions provided by Tado before and after installing. However there is no icon for hot water on my app! So there is no way to tell the wireless receiver that it should be controlling hot water and set…
How to connect temperatur sensor to termostat
I have just installed one temperature sensor and one radiator thermostat til the Bridge, but how du I connect those to each other
Does a ‘chat’ have a response time of several hours?
The only option to contact tado with a customer service query is via a function they call ‘chat’. In my experience many companies are switching to chat to save cost and it is often frustratingly slow with response from the agent taking many minutes, sometimes up to 5 minutes. However I have never come across a ‘chat’ with…
Experience in installing 1 wired and 1 wireless thermostat on 2 different circuits?
Hello, Has anyone experience in installing: 1 wired thermostat 1 wireless receiver + wireless thermostat each on its respective circuit? I have 1 boiler with 2 citcuits / 2 circulation pump so want to assign 2 zone controlers. I first installed the wired thermostat, bridge and valves and it worked OK. wired thermostat had…
Support Email
Does anybody have a support email address as I’m after a set of installation instructions for a Valliant EcoFit Pure 835 Combi boiler Thanks
Help! UFH and HW working but no CH.
Afternoon All, Over the weekend I installed the following equipment in my parents house and now they have no CH unless I manually open the CH valve and either Hot Water or Underfloor Heating are active. Wireless Receiver Internet Bridge 4no. smart TRV (basic) 1no. Wireless Temperature Sensor 1no. Wired smart thermostat…
Tado Thermostat Wiring to replace Hive
Hi, Trying to install my Tado Wireless Starter Kit V3+ with Hot Water Control. I have a combo boiler Viessman Vitoden BK35 I notice the existing cable going into the boiler from the old hive thermostat was missing the black wire. The Bar Code to help with the install isn't working so I'm stuck with no connection. Below…
How to clean smart thermostat
Hi all Slightly random question. We’ve had a lot of work done and as such our smart thermostat is covered in finger marks from all the tradespeople removing the thermostat for plastering / decorating I’ve tried to clean it with a damp cloth and a few other light cleaners but nothing seems to work Any tips ?
TRV got mad after battery change
Hi all I have a TRV VA02 which seems to be gone mad after battery replacement. I was away two weeks ago, I can't remember if the TRV was reporting low battery or not, but when I got back the TRV was offline. I replaced battery, with alcaline batteries but the TRV did not switch on again. I though batteries, even if brand…
Time base/Timezone of Tado app
I am wondering on what timezone my tado app and thermostats are running. Why I want to know is because I set all my thermostats to start heating to 21 degrees at 7 am and drop heating to 16 degrees at 10 pm. Last night, after getting awake around 1am, I noticed my heater was warming up again. While the room temperature was…