Joined or Separated Rooms
Hi guys, I've had Tado now for a couple of months and one thing I am not sure of is as follow. Any advise or real world examples would be great. I currently have 8 TRV's across 4 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and my office. Originally I had every TRV setup within it's own room zone (apart from the living room which has…
Tado v Nest 2020
Probably a bit provocative to ask this on this forum but has anybody had any real world experience with Tado V3+ and Nest v3? I've had a Tado v1 for a I think 3-4 years now and was looking to upgrade... in fact I went and bought the Nest v3 as it seemed to have better press reviews and liked the idea of it integrating with…
I have followed the wiring but my extension kit has no power
Boiler: Ferroli DOMIcondens HE 26 C
Download Data
Hi, is it possible to somehow download the heating data for my house? I want to use this to see which rooms are losing heat the quickest to then determine if there is anything I can do to improve this?
More schedule options
Master schedule over all radiator valves, ability to save custom schedules and easily switch between them. E.g. Summer winter week1 week2 March april... So i dnt need to keep programing, just programme once. Then choose.
Boiler turning on when not required
Hi - any ideas why our boiler would turn on when no radiator valve is calling for heat? I cannot find any way in the app of finding out what's asking the boiler to turn on but something clearly is. I would love to know how much this taro system costs me by turning the boiler on completely on its own, it's very frustrating.
Tado Radiator Valves not triggering boiler
I have invested in a Tado system that comprises of... -1 Tado Thermostat (Located in Hall) -1 Tado Extension Kit (In order to control hot water as well) -6 Tado Radiator Valves Hot water triggering - Working perfectly. Changing Temperature on Thermostat, and it firing the boiler if necessary - Working perfectly Individual…
Won't send installation instructions
Hi, We purchased our tado and went to do set up. However they apparently needed to generate instructions for our Danfoss TS715Si . which would take 2 days. Fine, so we waited and got an email today, asking where the thermostat was and if it was for heating as that thermostat is usually for hot water. I confirmed it was for…
Network Failed and system control
Should the my network or the network bridge fail I know that I can control my room stat manually. However, my understanding is that any manual temp change on the stat is only good until the next schedule change as programmed in settings, should this be the setting adopted. My question is, with no app connection to the stat…
Boiler not firing up
So got my new thermostat and extension kit today and all has been installed (old thermostat was wireless and kept existing backplate/wiring from old receiver for the extension kit) Everything is connected but the boiler isnt firing up when i increase the temperature. Any ideas? Thanks!
Boiler not firing up
So got my new thermostat and extension kit today and all has been installed (old thermostat was wireless and kept existing backplate/wiring from old receiver for the extension kit) Everything is connected but the boiler isnt firing up when i increase the temperature. Any ideas? Thanks!
Connect more then one electric radiator to the wall-mounted thermostat
Im planning to buy the wall-mounted thermostat and connect two or maybe 3-4 radiators to one thermostat. Is that possible? The radiators are approximately 1500 W each. Is there a limit of how much effect the thermostat can handle? Also im planning to buy one separate thermostat for electric floor heating in a bathroom.…
Faulty Thermostat
I have just got around to fitting the Tado system received via EOn and their tariff deal to discover the Smart Thermostat is faulty and doesn't work. Just to double check we placed it in a bag, in the fridge and the thermostat stated it was 23.5 degrees - which is clearly wrong!! What do we do to get a free replacement…
Adding smart thermostat
Had tado for around 2 years, had an extension built and want to add another smart thermostat into the other room. We currently have the wireless thermostat in the living room and wanted the same for the extension but can only find the wired version which obviously will be no good. Thanks in advance
Hi Has anyone else noticed that their savings % is 0 for all months. Different figures were shown before but they have all changed to 0 - anyone know why. All the other stats are there.
If I have the heating on continuous and the room reaches the desired temperature and the radiators go off, even though the heating is on (yellow) will we not be charged until it drops below the temperature set? Thank you
What is the relationship between radiator, thermostat and extension kit?
I used to have just smart valves everywhere, the thermostat in the hall, and an old analog style timer in permanently ON position for heating. Worked a charm. I added the extension kit and can now control HW too - great - except something has changed. The radiator valves no longer turn the boiler on. The thermostat does,…
My thermostat gets back to OFF constantly
Room temperature is reported correctly on the cloud (and smartphone) However I cannot change the desired temperature from my smartphone. When I change it manually on the Tado, it flashes twice. if I press the buton on the thermostat again, it shows the room temperature and the OFF. Another scenario is I change manually to…
how can I add people onto the App?
Hello Can anyone help me please? I'm in USA at the moment. The Tado is in my house in UK and the tenants need to put the heating on ! Can I add them to the App so they can control it? Thank you in anticipation Maria
Tado app not working, web controls fine
I have been experiencing no connectivity on the App but website is letting me manage my devices. On the App it just says , failed to connect to server. Tried wiping cache , reinstalling etc.
App error
Is there a problem with the app?, i'm getting this error message, "TadoKit.TadoCloud.Error (2)"
Underfloor heating and rads
I have a underfloor water heating to ground floor ,one zone ,controlled by smart thermostat First floor all rads ,individually controlled by rad valve smart thermostats, Both ground floor and first floor have motorised valves.in the circuit IE one for underfloor one for rads What is the wiring into extension kit ,do I need…
replace this valve?
Ive managed to replace all the other valves in my house, but i cant work out how to get this one off. Any ideas?
If I only hear half the radiators in my home am I going to pay less heating g cost than if I were to heat the whole house?
Tado solution for multiple Timers for Under floor heating and Radiator heating & Water
Could anyone help with clarifying what I need in a Tado setup, if I have a combination of underfloor heating for bathrooms, downstair living area and radiators in each bedroom. I am looking into making my house Heating and Water system work with a Smart thermostat product like Tado and understand Tado does have a solution…
What Tado solution is there for multiple timers for heating and water
Hi Tado community. I wondered if anyone can help advise what I would kit I need for Tado. I have 3 Timers in the house. a) A Drayton timer controls the regular hot water and Radiatior heating like any UK house hold. b) Two other Danfoss (one upstairs and one downstairs) controls when the Underfloor heating is pumped around…
Heat 3 radiators at same time with one command
Hi, I have set up my tado with TRVs throughout the house. Now with Hive I could set up a quick command so if I wanted to heat upstairs I could link them as a group and a temperature, then when I pressed the command it would heat all of the upstairs rads for an hour . Can I do this with tado or do I need to send a command…
Won't let me press continue button on instructions page
Hi, just installed extension kit and thermostat. For each instalation when I got to a certain page when I press continue, it thinks about it but then nothing happens and can't move onto the next page. Is this normal and means I have finished? For the extension kit it was when I finished pairing and confirmed a connection…
Won't let me press continue button on instructions page
Hi, just installed extension kit and thermostat. For each instalation when I got to a certain page when I press continue, it thinks about it but then nothing happens and can't move onto the next page. Is this normal and means I have finished? For the extension kit it was when I finished pairing and confirmed a connection…
Why is the Smart AC Control V3+ $999 USD in the online store?
Why is the Smart AC Control V3+ $999 USD in the online store? Seems like it should be more like $99. I have selected United States as the country on the web page. I see that the product is sold via Amazon.co.uk, any plan to sell on Amazon.com in the US?