Real Support
Your e-mail/chat only support service with a promise to get back within 24 hours is rubbish. I have been a TADO user for years and have been happy until moving home and now cant use my new system. I am currently applying to my Credit Card company to have the £1500 I just spent returned. This is because my questions are not…
Overzicht sherm en kamer temperatuut
Op het overzicht scerm staat staat de huidige temp in grote cijfers aangeven, als je in een kamer kijkt staat deze temp. In kleine cijfers, het is veel makkelijker (leesbaarder) om in beide gevaal de huidigeen de ingestelde temp in grote cijfers aan te geven
Extensie voor internet bridge
Gelieve een “access point” / “repeater” functie te bouwen van jullie bestaande internet bridge. Mijn woning heeft 2 volwaardige verdiepingen en het bereik van de huidige internet bridge is niet voldoende. Een bijkomende bridge (per verdieping) lijkt mij geen onmogelijke opdracht. Jullie hebben reeds de hardware. Zet daar…
one time heating for short time
Hi, I have idea if is it possible to add in your app one time heating time. For example if I have heating plan in smart schedule, but something change in one day and I know it need heating 3 hours early, but I don't want to change the plan.
Add top and bottom holes to the wall plate of the smart thermostat
I have seen that some wall boxes are rotated by 90 degrees, leaving the screws that hold the wall plate on the top and bottom, instead of right and left. To fix this I had to drill two holes in the wall plate of the smart thermostat to be able to screw it to the wall box. Improvements suggested: 1. Add top and bottom slots…
Artificial intelligence heating to desired temp
When I set the heating I select a room and temperature. Instead, could the app calculate how long it ‘normally’ takes to heat the room to that temp. Could the app then initiate heating, to the temp at the desired time. This is something I try to calculate but I think some development and an intelligent app could do it…
[Feature Request] Notify when room temperature drops below set room temperature
I have noticed few times that heating won’t start when water pressure is the boiler is low, it will be useful to know that there is an issue with heating and not wait for couples of hours to realise it.
Knippen en plakken airco thermostaat
Heel fijn dat je kunt plakken en knippen in de thermostaten en radiatorknop, maar dit kan in de airco thermostaat nog steeds niet.
Humidity indicator
Could have added humidity level in HomeKit nearby temperature like little ⭕️
Window open notification
Window open notification could tweak little bit to show which window is open on quick notification. So user doesn’t have to open app always. or an announcement system [ smart speaker] if a window open
would be really great if developers can adds widget for both android and iOS.
GPS location without Google play services
Hi, I'm not using Google play services and since tado relys to location service of Google play services, this won't work for me. There are other apps with autonomous GPS location. Can tap please add those function to their app? Otherwise this feature will not work properly for many customers which don't use Google play…
Tado app - Feature request - Swipe to dismiss room detail view
Hi everyone, On the Tado app for iPhone, it would be very appreciated to add a swipe to dismiss feature when being on the details of a room. Right now the only way to dismiss the room view is to click on the cross on the top left of the screen which is not handy one handed. Same thing on an iPad, it would be very handy to…
Possibility to set next day as a Sunday to follow that particular schedule in all rooms
One button back-to-schedule
Possibility to set with one button to put all rooms back-to-schedule
Manual overwrite schedule
Using the app now for six months given current cold days I notice the overwrite of the schedule is not that user friendly. In stead of scrolling I would have prefere to see options (as u button) like for X hour (X as duration to set), till Y time (Y as end time to set) or till next stage
Copy Paste within room
The new copy-paste option is nice however still missing to do it within a room as for example Monday has same as Wednesday and Friday while other days have differen ones
Bug: Switching on via alexa routines sets temp to 21 degrees
If you use Alexa routines to switch off and on a thermostat then it will always default to 21 degrees instead of the schedule (even if the schedule is for it to be off anyway.) This means a basic functions like disabling the heating when the ring alarm is armed or disabling unoccupied parts of the house are impossible.
When using Turn off all rooms, add ability to resume schedule at selected time and date
I like the turn off all rooms option for when I go away but I would like the ability to be able to resume schedule at a certain time and date so I can set it for when I know I'm returning.
Different colour radiator thermostats
We have raw metal radiators and the white radiator thermostat valves look out of place - I may try painting them but think would be a nice idea if Tado offered black and grey etc… as opposed to just white?
Indicate the operating mode of temperature sensors on the home screen.
On the app, the main screen with tiles for each room, add a symbol to the tile indicating if the sensor is in Controller / Independent mode and/or has been locally set.
Ability to link rooms
Have the ability to link rooms together so changing the temperature on 1 room will change the rooms that are linked together. Maybe add a global change too so you can change the whole house in 1 go.
Adjust whole HOME by 1 degree up/down
It would be great if you could increase or decrease the whole HOME (every currently active room) by 1 degree just by using one control.
IOS Home Screen Widgets
Quick glance/quick change widgets for room temps. Basically, the tiles we already have inside the app, but on the Home Screen.
All for one
Allow manual 'Turn Off All' to accept a temperature value.
Add 0.5 degree granularity to Smart Thermostat manual mode
0.5 degree granularity was recently added to the Smart Radiator Thermostat. I would also like to be able to raise the temperature manually by 0.5 degrees from the Smart Thermostat on my wall, instead of having to open the app.
Allow changing Hot Water “OFF” temperature
Currently, when hot water is “OFF”, the temperature sent to the boiler for hot water is 55 degrees Celsius. This temperature can not be changed on my boiler because the Smart Thermostat overrides it. I want to have periods in my schedule where hot water is “OFF” (so the boiler is not pre-heating water all the time), but…
Alexa commands
Can we please include the "boost heating" command in future Alexa integration updates?
second Temperature Sensor in same room
For large rooms TRVs don’t work well. If you could assign a second temperature sensor to the same room the localised effect of the TRV sensor could be counteracted and compensated for.
change "turn off all rooms" in an away button
how often do you turn of all rooms ? isn't it more likely that you want to activate away ? my suggestion is to move the home / geofencing functionality to the top and move the "turn off all rooms" to a tile below.