Maximum heating setting-lock
So many people have younger adults who may want to set the heating at silly temperatures. So my idea is a max temp setting-which can be controlled by an admin for the house? I think this is a good thing for many. Also avoids errors if knocking to 23 instead of 21 for example.
Return temperature sensor (on radiator) connected with the thermostat on the inlet
Tado should produce a temperature sensor that can be mounted on the return pipe from the radiator. The temperature measurement must then be connected via the hub to the thermostat on the radiator inlet, so that the thermostat can turn off the heat if the return temperature becomes too high. In the setting of the…
Multiple schedules in one room
It would be great to be able to generate different schedules for different devices in the same Room. I have an UFH with wired thermostat and a radiator with RTV in the same physical room. Weekday mornings heat is only needed for one hour, so UFH better stays off. The radiator would be much better controlled by a wall…
Schedule a one-time time slot, to overrule the week schedule
I would like to schedule a one-time time slot. For instance: in my home office, temperature is low by default, because I work a lot outdoors. But tomorrow from 10am - 12pm I have a meeting, so then I want it to be warm. So default temperature is low, set in my Smart Schedule. But I'd also like to tell the app 'make sure…
Irresponsive/malfunctioning unit alert
Hi! I had a couple of instances where one of the heating units in the apartment were irresponsive, due to something bouncing / slightly misplacing the Tado regulator. The issue, once discovered was quite easy to fix (by recalibrating the regulator), but it was not obvious to catch. I was thinking it should be relatively…
Set AC temperature by sensor
There should be a way for Tado to turn ON and OFF the AC to get the given room-temperature choosen in the app (read by the tado sensor). I.E: The AC might have a minimum heat of 17 degrees, but it should be posible for Tado to sett 13 degrees and then have the panel switch the AC OFF at aproximatly 13.5 and then ON again…
Add WiFi support to Extension kit to get rid of bridge
Seems a logical option for those folk who have a full Tado installation with HW control. Add WiFi support into the Extension kit since it's mains powered. This would remove the need for (and failure risk of) a separate bridge This would almost certainly need to also include an upgrade to mesh capability as many extension…
Auto switch off Airconditioner when temperature falls below threshold temp
Heating with an airconditioner is many times more efficient than with a fossil/solid fuel burning solution. However this efficiency is greatly reduced when the outside temperature falls below 40 degrees F or 5 degrees C as the outside module of the airconditioner starts to freeze and needs to use additional energy to thaw…
Reorder scene items
It would be great to be able to reorder the commands in a scene list. Presently items are added to the bottom of the list. This means that you cannot insert a new instruction somewhere else in the list and have to start over if you want to make a change. It would be great to be able to drag and drop items within the list
Bridge connectivity
As with many people on the forum, I have had connectivity issues in a house with the router and bridge at one end of the house. In the end, I had to return some sensors back to a non TADO alternative. I have just found that a tp-link powerline adaptor AV 1000, would allow the bridge to be connected remotely to the router.…
Alternate heat source
Would it be possible to have a button for alternate heat source. This would allow tado to work as normal but not trigger the boiler to come on. I have a back boiler that is used during the winter that heats the house and water so the boiler is not required in order to have the radiators open I currently leave tado to do…
Ploegenschema’s toevoegen aan slim schema
Graag een ploegenschema voorzien in de kalender in plaats van enkel een dagelijks/wekelijks. Graag twee-wekelijks, drie-wekelijks of herhalend om de x aantal dagen.
Real Support
Your e-mail/chat only support service with a promise to get back within 24 hours is rubbish. I have been a TADO user for years and have been happy until moving home and now cant use my new system. I am currently applying to my Credit Card company to have the £1500 I just spent returned. This is because my questions are not…
Overzicht sherm en kamer temperatuut
Op het overzicht scerm staat staat de huidige temp in grote cijfers aangeven, als je in een kamer kijkt staat deze temp. In kleine cijfers, het is veel makkelijker (leesbaarder) om in beide gevaal de huidigeen de ingestelde temp in grote cijfers aan te geven
Add top and bottom holes to the wall plate of the smart thermostat
I have seen that some wall boxes are rotated by 90 degrees, leaving the screws that hold the wall plate on the top and bottom, instead of right and left. To fix this I had to drill two holes in the wall plate of the smart thermostat to be able to screw it to the wall box. Improvements suggested: 1. Add top and bottom slots…
Knippen en plakken airco thermostaat
Heel fijn dat je kunt plakken en knippen in de thermostaten en radiatorknop, maar dit kan in de airco thermostaat nog steeds niet.
GPS location without Google play services
Hi, I'm not using Google play services and since tado relys to location service of Google play services, this won't work for me. There are other apps with autonomous GPS location. Can tap please add those function to their app? Otherwise this feature will not work properly for many customers which don't use Google play…
Tado app - Feature request - Swipe to dismiss room detail view
Hi everyone, On the Tado app for iPhone, it would be very appreciated to add a swipe to dismiss feature when being on the details of a room. Right now the only way to dismiss the room view is to click on the cross on the top left of the screen which is not handy one handed. Same thing on an iPad, it would be very handy to…
One button back-to-schedule
Possibility to set with one button to put all rooms back-to-schedule
Manual overwrite schedule
Using the app now for six months given current cold days I notice the overwrite of the schedule is not that user friendly. In stead of scrolling I would have prefere to see options (as u button) like for X hour (X as duration to set), till Y time (Y as end time to set) or till next stage
All for one
Allow manual 'Turn Off All' to accept a temperature value.
change "turn off all rooms" in an away button
how often do you turn of all rooms ? isn't it more likely that you want to activate away ? my suggestion is to move the home / geofencing functionality to the top and move the "turn off all rooms" to a tile below.
Group Histogram
The app has some great features but one thing that would be great is a histogram of all temperatures on the main screen. Then at a glance I can see all the historic temperatures for that day/month and makes it easy to see if a particular room is getting to hot or not warm enough compared to the rest. Also the current…
Tweede scherm voor luchtvochtigheid
Ik heb nu meerdere kamers met TADO smart thermostaat knoppen. Deze worden netjes weergegeven met de juiste temperatuur. Aangezien de luchtvochtigheid een steeds belangrijker element is geworden in huizen die goed geïsoleerd zijn zou het misschien goed zijn om een tweede scherm te tonen met dezelfde opmaak als voor…
Update și în limba română
Ar fii foarte bine dacă ați face un update și în limba română
Regulation improvement
The target temperature given to the boiler is rounded because of boiler limitation. In some situations, the the room never reach the target temperature because the regulation compensate in the wrong direction. For example, if I set 20,4°C on the thermostat, the target on the boiler is rounded to 20°C. Thus, if the room…
Repeater display on app . . .
From time to time my system's Wireless Receiver loses contact with the Internet Bridge (slow blinking wireless and ! LEDs.) Generally this corrects itself although sometimes I've had to re-pair the units. Last night something unusual happened, no loss of connection but a TRV calling for heat and opening but not triggering…
Temperature labels
I think it would be useful to have an intermediary step in setting the schedules, one whereby I can create a handful of labelled temperatures and then assign them, or use manual temperatures, to blocks of time in the schedule. For instance, I create ‘in-use’ ‘unused’ ‘walk through’ and ‘bathrooms’ labels in temperature…
Tado IFTTT when on/off detected
When any radiator device is switch on or off I'd like IFTTT to receive that information. Many other smart devices already have this feature and for people like myself who have built a smart home hub, the ability to ping/check the status of each radiator would be incredibly useful. Right now my tado section in my own hub…
Radiator Thermostat Hardware Lock
My bedrooms are heated via district heating, so I do not have a central thermostat that turns on or off the heating. My house can be booked by AirBnb guests. When I have guests, I am not at home. I have already noticed that detaching the radiator thermostat from its mount, is very easy to do. I would like to have an…