Goedemiddag, Wil toch even reageren op onderstaande mail van jullie. Misschien dat jullie er iets mee kunnen?! Ik heb een Herz adapter M30 inwendig naar M28 uitwendig gekocht waar een messing sukje bij zat wat over de pen van de kraan past. Ik heb enkel het messing stukje op de en gezet en….. tadaaa, de Tado knop werkt.…
Visitors pre-set
It's probably been suggested before but I'd love a preset for certain rooms so you can quickly switch between occupied and unoccupied. For example we have 2 X guest bedrooms. When visitors come it would be really helpful to have a preset to quickly switch the heating schedule on just for their rooms. When unoccupied we…
Heating Manual Adjustment Notification
We have multiple people in the house and it would be handy to receive a notification when the heating is manually adjusted from the schedule.
A Hot Water Boost button in the app
There is no option in the Tado app AT ALL to switch your hot water (only) on for a predetermined time - e.g. 30 or 60 mins. SO many times I've needed extra hot water, outside of the my usual / programmed schedule and at irregular / varying times of day, so I've put the hot water on manually and then forgotten and it's been…
App Ideas - 'call for heat' alignment
Issue: my heating is on a lot through the day. I'd like better visibility of when the boiler has been triggered (called for heat) and by what. And better control so I can (or the system automatically will) try to align devices calling for heat (so perhaps 3 devices call for heat together for an hour, then all go off for an…
Tado energie-zuinig?
Tado presenteert zich als de oplossing voor teveel energieverbruik. Alleen de temperaturen die jullie adviseren (de voor-ingestelde temperaturen, maar ook die geadviseerde temperatuur in de tab klimaatcomfort), zijn hoger dan de in nederland geadviseerde 19 graden. Lijkt mij niet erg energie-zuinig. Als bv mijn woonkamer…
Raam open
Ik wil zelf kunnen aangeven dat de raam open staat. Hij detecteert niet dat het open staat. Als ik zelf opgeef dan wil ik ook tijdsduur meegeven voor hoelang ik denk dat het raam nog openstaat
Schema - zomer / winter
Wanneer het winter wordt, wil ik overschakelen van een “zomer” schema naar “winter” schema ipv alles moeten aanpassen
Worcester Bosch Greenstar 8000 and EMS
Please can you configure the Tado wired unit to work with the Worcester Bosch Greenstar 8000 and EMS
Extend open window time
Is it possibile to extend or to modify the open window time? So when you are doing the spring cleaning or leaving the window open due fry smell (in the kitchen) leaving longer then 15 minutes? And having a smooth warm up after the windows are closes
Heat transfer profiles to choose from
My old Honeywell thermostat had 4 profiles I could choose from. Each profile represented a different type of heat transfer speed. For example, hot air heating is a quick heating method. Convector heating a slower one. Both have their cons and pros. What currently happens is that when you use the Tado thermostat for hot…
Comfort setting rather than temperature
As an option, why do we need to set a temperature at all? Why don't we set air comfort instead. I really couldn't care what the temperature is per room, the figure is irrelevant to me, I just want it to be "pleasant" in each room. Given the temperature to achieve "pleasant" can change depending on humidity etc it would be…
Bridge range extender
Nearly all my issues with tado revolve around lack of connection between the radiator thermostats and the bridge. Surely either a more powerful Bridge or a bridge extender could be developed
Diffret status for thermostats that are not linked to a zone
In order to stop a room calling for heat and switching on the boiler (like a toilet, closet etc) you can remove the zone controller for the room. It would be good to acknoladge this on the tile in the app.. currently regardless of the zone set for the room it will say "heating to" i think the rooms that are assigned a zone…
Date scheduling
Hi, it will be a great opportunity to be able to schedule from starting date and end date, please. The away option is not an option I like to use because off security. What will happen if some one hack my Tado account, and they have full information that I am away. So please add the option to scheduling from starting date…
Add detailed status info to tado app for Wireless Receiver connection problems
I recently reported that the wireless link and error LEDs on my Wireless Receiver were often flashing together to indicate a lost connection. tado support said they have access to detailed connection status information with date / time of error events. This type of data would be very useful for us customers to help…
Add Zone Control switching to schedule . . .
It would be useful if the zone controller / non zone controller switch could be made a feature of the schedule. There are times here when I’d like to heat a room individually (because no other rooms are on then and it needs to be able to call for heat) but for all it’s other “sessions” the rest of the house is being heated…
Better preseve room temperature
I noticed that tado is not good at keeping a stable room temperature. Instead of turning the heating on in advance while temperature is dropping close the level, it turns on when it’s just below. But that will be too late and thus after some time it increases the power to get the temperature higher which is waste of…
Keep the radiator valve open for a while after the temperature has been reached.
So the smart thermostat button works like this. You set a temperature like 20 degrees. However the room is19 degrees. Tado turns the valve of the radiator open and your central heating boiler starts heating. However after the temperature has been reached, Tado gives a stop signal but immetiately shuts down the radiator…
Show the water temp that goes into a radiator or warn if too low
So, I had an issue with our central heating. Two-story apartment, the lower floor was fine, the upper floor not so much. Out of three radiators upstairs, one was kinda happening, the rest cold. I noticed it was a bit chilly. I played around with the two cold ones, removed the thermostat, and eventually called the landlord…
WiFi 6 capability/upgrade
Hi with 3 floors to my house the wireless capability to speak to a single bridge may be causing issues for me. Is there a solution that provides far. Ore effective wifi6 capability or comparability with a wifi6mesh network? TIA
dealing better with low battery: add a new battery state "yellow"
i have noticed a couple times that i get a tado e-mail that a device needs new batteries but when i look at the app it will show a green battery icon and "good" the cause is, i think: during a cold night the batteries have lower capacity and the e-mail get sent. the app will also show a red icon when looked at right after…
Relative units in Energy IQ setup
In residential buildings there are still some individual radiator meters. In the Energy IQ setup one can only give kWh or m3 as unit but this is only available on a building level. Can something be done to use individual meter readings from Techem meters for example?
Redundancy in the event of internet loss of server faults
Currently Tado does not have an effective method of controlling their system locally if the internet goes down or if their is a fault on their servers. Can tado re assess this and provide a way to still use the heating controller locally via a smart phone connected to the same WIFI network as the Tado devices, so that in…
UK Customer Service Telephone Number
Currently no UK customer service telephone number is available. This is not good for Elderly people who are less technically endowed then other generations and when they have a fault just want to speak to someone to get the fault rectified especially in the Middle of a UK winter. It causes allot of anxiety. Given the…
Community Support..
Because there seems to be no input from Tado in this community support why don't they follow Sky's model whereby there are superusers that can elevate some queries to Tado directly for online support vie a chat process. Seems to work ok for them and would greatly reduce the frustration some do have with no input from Tado…
Settings after signal loss and auto-reconnect
Regarding the wireless receiver of the central heating, it is undesirable for it to remain on when there is no signal. I have returned several times to a home with tropical temperatures after the signal was lossed for unknown reason (so far) and the heater remains (last setting before disconnection). Can't this be set to…
Antifreeze & déactivation possibilty
Hello, Support told me that it s not possible to deactivate or change the antofreeze temperature. The minimum temperature when you set to off is 5°C. I would like to be abble to set the antifreeze temperature at a temperature below 5°C (as set by default). And also to be abble to deactivate completely a radiator head. This…
Offline notification
My Internet Bridge went off-line and I didn't realise for hours. A simple reset was all it took to fix the issue, which I could have done way sooner if I'd realised. Tado sends other notifications, like a thermostat needing batteries. I would like Tado to send me a notification, either push-notification in the app, or…
Switching between Zone Controller and No Zone Controller/ Universal Switch
Please could you incorporate a universal switch for Zone Controller, so that the user could switch all his TRVs to "No zone controller" and back to the specific Zone Controller with a single toggle button? Currently, it's really annoying having to go to Settings -- Rooms & Devices -- The name of a TRV -- scroll to the very…