Toggle wireless receiver to keep central heating always on
If you have a multiple central heating zones on a s-plan or y-plan system (common in the UK), you require your wired thermostats to take command of your heating (as they are wired to valves that divert central heating to the zones). This doesn't mean the heating is always on, it just delegates control to the thermostats as…
Merged: how to add a second (and 3th) home with Tado to my app
This discussion has been merged.
Combining the best of Tado and Nest?
I realise the title of this post may sound odd or even controversial but here goes. My system is very conventional (read old fashioned) consisting of a 16 year old Viessman 100 WB1 boiler, gravity fed (tank in roof space) and I believe what is called a Y plan layout with separate two-way valves controlling the heating and…
Hot water tank thermostat controller
Hi I would like to request a hot water tank thermostat and controller so both temp can be seen and profiles set.. Tado can then weekly exercise the systems hot water valve so it does not seize closed. Jas
Weekly valve exercise TVRs + hot water valve + zone valves
Hi I used to have I terrrier units and they would weekly exercise the valves i.e. fully open and close to ensure valves do not stick. Also with boiler and separate hot water tank valve and central heating valve needs a weekly poke to open and close both. I have solar so in summer and a emersion element so neither of the…
Room heat indicators in house overview.
Hi Tado. Can we get the 3 little heat indicator line on all the room tabs in the home overview. It really annoying to have to go in to the room to see if this room is heating or not at that moment.
Support for the EMS2 bus - Bosch Condens
Bosch / Junkers / Nefit boilers with the EMS2 bus have been on the market for many years now, have a large chunk of the European market share but Tado only supports relay operation for them. I myself have a Condens 2300i boiler and while the relay mode works up to a point, the TPI algorithm operating the relay can't avoid…
Working Support
Here is a really novel idea. A support service that actually supports its customers! Having run into an issue, finding out that all support is now via the chat bot. Only to find that no support engineer has even looked at the request in nearly 48 hours. Disgraceful!
Postponed buying 8 Tado thermostats, looking for other solution!
Postponed my idea to install 8 tado thermostats, because it appears that, nevertheless many people ask for this integration, still nothing happens. If it comes to brands that cannot be integrated with Smartthings, there are a lot more cheaper ones on the market I figured...
Indicate which device is the measuring device for a group.
When looking at devices in a group (room) could you highlight the one that is the measuring device (master), as distinct from the others (slaves)? This is under Settings > Rooms & Devices and/or place the measuring device at the top of the list.
Lowest sepoint temp is 16 degrees
On my Mitsubishi AC can i set the setpoint as low as 5 degrees. In Tado app the lowest setpoint is 16 degrees. Make it possible to have lower setpoint in Tado then 16 degrees!
Boiler demand indication on main page
Hi, it would be great to have the three waves or just a simple red dot by the temperature of each room in the main page. Or at least a way to see at glance if any of the room is forcing the boiler to run. Thanks
Heating status for On/Off mode
I would prefer to see the heating status as a simple on/off symbol rather than the three waves. I have a heating source that does not support opentherm and thereby only works in on/off mode. Why I would need this: This would be useful to really check if my heatpump is working properly: I currently do not always know for…
Telephone Support
Please can we have telephone support, the chat support takes too long whilst I am unable to control my heating. If chat support is going to be the only option, you should reply within the hour and also have agents available outside of normal office hours when people are free to actually contact you. I started the chat on…
Holiday Schedule
Would it be possible to add in a calendar feature to pre-programme upcoming Holidays? E.g. enter a time and date for the holiday to start and for it to end? This would remove the need to remember to switch all heating and hot water to 'Off' as you leave, plus allow for pre-planning and set the holiday parameters (e.g.…
Ability to use Wireless
Tado needs the ability to use multiple wireless temperature thermostats to control different rooms independently.
Notifications for high and low room temps.
There have been a few occasions when a Tado smart radiator valve has come loose from the radiator and allowed unrestricted flow. This resulted in the room overheating. To identify when this happened used IFTTT to monitor room temp and alert me if they were too high or too low. I want to reduce my reliance on IFTTT and I…
Self installation
We have chosen to have our Tado wireless thermostat installed professionally. The pro told us Tado as a product is fab but he says it should not be classed as self installation because once you take off the boiler cover you have broken safety regulations and would need it to be assessed by a professional afterwards.
Smoke sensor Tado
Is there any Tado smoke sensor to be merged with Tado app and heating wireless receiver? If no, is Tado planning to release something related in the future? I just don't want to install "n" number of apps for each smart device I need.
Add Months to schdule
I’m a recent newbie to getting this and I found it really good. I think a great idea would be to add months to the schedules rather than just days. This would then be useful for setting the schedules per summer months and winter months.I had a digital thermostat which did that and I found worked well as never had to touch…
App notification for manual TRV changes
There are probably lots of good reasons for this feature but my use case: Young children, so I have the child lock on the TRVs. Technophobic parents and in-laws who can't change the heating when doing child care in the house. Spinning the TRV would be ideal for them. Easiest solution would be for me to disable TRV child…
Easy schedule or temperature change
Currently changing schedule is not that easy, we need to go through each device and each time block separately and then adjust it. Most of the time we want to change temperature level but each room might have different time schedule, then we always end up in changing one by one. This is really time consuming and tedious.…
Dew-point prevention = minimum temperature based on humidity
Given a specific temperature the air can hold a certain amount of moisture and when this air hits a cold surface it condenses causing moisture and mold. It would make sense to have an option to enable the that the Humidity reading be used to automatically adjust a minimum temperature for a room to Reduce condensation when…
Keep history when meter reaches max or new meter is installed/replaced
Frustrating, as Belgium now forces by law to change to a digital meter. It won't be long before more countries will do this, but Tado gives no option to keep the history. A similar situation would be when the gas meter needs replacement due to malfunction or reaches the max digits it can roll to. Support's answer was:…
Always On Display Thermostat
The option to have the display shown as always on with further options to also be able to dim or brighten it. The option for it to show current room temperature/set temperature/humidity and also possibly time and date.
Set a Minimum Central Heating Flow Temperature (OpenTherm)
Hi, The main purpose of this post is to try and gain an understanding of whether setting a minimum central heating flow temperature is a feature that other users of this forum would value and like to be developed by Tado as part of their algorithms. Are there any other users out there that have abandoned using the…
Data & Analytics Room Selection
Would be nice to have a quick way of changing between rooms in the data and analysis section of the app. Currently need to go all the way back out and back into a different room. A drop down menu to change room would be nice
Export schedules and name devices
Hey, a couple of things I thought would be worth sharing that could improve the app/experience. 1) the ability to nickname devices within a room. I get the xxx needs new batteries email but don't know which radiator in the room. If I could nickname them I'd know which needs replacing easily rather than needing to check. 2)…
Update help/support article 6653049
Regarding this article: https://support.tado.com/en/articles/6653049-the-internet-bridge-doesn-t-connect-to-my-fiber-optic-router-modem-how-can-i-fix-this Even if your router/switch has 1GbE ports that you can configure to 10 Mb/s half-duplex, some devices might still not work with the tado° bridge. One of my switches is a…
poor customer service
logged an issue with my internet bridge and then spent the next 2 days going through some trouble shooting steps which in itself is ok but now i have to change what dns servers i use just to make the internet bridge connect as it does not like using and instead it wants Bing told my router and switch does…