Set temperature for selected rooms shortcut
It would be useful if I can select the rooms fast where I would like to set a temperature for the next hour other than doing it individually. Thank you,
Active / Inactive rooms fast switch
I wold like to include a fast button for each room within the main view to mark that room as 'active' or 'inactive'. That way you can switch on/off the room you are currently using with a click. This would be nice.
My thermostat has stopped communicating with the boiler and the heating won’t turn off- what do I?
I have reset everything and replaced batteries in the wired in thermostat
Which Wireless Thermostat Starter Kit?
So a customer has asked me to wire in the new starter kit he has bought. He got the Wireless Smart Thermostat Starter Kit V3+ with Hot Water Control But he tells me he has a combi-boiler. Not hot water tank/separate hot water. Should he have bought the other one? - Wireless Smart Thermostat Starter Kit V3+ (EU Version) -…
Ideal Logic ESP1 35: Do I need a harness to get OT to work?
Hello I have an Ideal Logic ESP1 35 combi boiler which is currently connected to two wired ESI thermostats, which control the heating only (no hot water tank). This week I purchased 1 x Tado wired starter kit (v3), 1 x Tado wired extension kit and 4 x smart TRVs. Reading through a lot of websites and posts on here, I…
Time block call for heat option
In the room time blocks, provide the ability to choose at different times whether thermostat calls for heat, or operates in passive mode
Tado Set Up - New Build Bloor Homes 4 Bed - Help Required Please! Opentherm & Modulation
Hi All, Hope you’re well. I’m very impressed at what I have researched so far on Tado and would like to invest into the ecosystem. I had some questions before purchasing so if you could help resolve, that’d be great. We have a new build property which is 4 bedrooms and set up is as follows: Downstairs: - Thermostat is…
Controlling two heating zones
I have an IDEAL combi boiler which provides automatic hot water. The heating is controlled by a Climote programmer which is wired to the boiler. The heating is in 2 zones, upstairs and downstairs and can be controleld by the Climote app. I want to upgrade to Tado so I can use it with Siri and Homekit and have more…
Smart AC Control V3+ / Setup Quiet Mode
Dear Support, It would be a great plus for the product tado smart ac control v3+ to support quiet mode. The controller already supports fan control and adding this feature will provide the benefit of completely giving away the hard manual controller of an older air condition. Maybe a generic mode could be added for the…
How much energy consumed when tado preset temp < room temp?
Hello I'd like to understand energy consumption when the preset tado thermostat temperature is below the recorded room temperature. I may have incorrectly assumed if thermostat temp < actual room temp then that means no energy is expended? Many thanks
Removing Honeywell Thermostat now no heating
Hi. Is have been using Tado for quite a few years now with the usual set up. Yesterday we had a radiator removed and whilst this was happening the engineer offered to also remove the old Honeywell wall thermostat. I agreed but now we have no heating and recall that the thermostat was rewired so that we could use the Tado…
Downloading my own data from Tado?
Hi, I have not found an option to download my data for further analysis. I love the room graphs in the app, but I need to have the data in a more advanced application to do further analysis and optimization. Anyone knows how to do this? I believe that under GDPR, I can do a request to deliver me all my accumulated data,…
Diagram says to use NO terminal, my existing one uses NC terminal. Does anybody know which I should use Thanks
Allow additional schedules in addition to Home and Away
It would be great if it was possible to have additional schedules in Tado. I’d like if you were able to add additional schedules, such as “day shift” and “night shift” or “staycation”, so you can easily change schedules to meet your requirements. For example it I found i needed to change my normal schedule to account for…
modo frio para el termostato
Actualmente tengo un sistema de suelo radiante/refrigerante y necesitaría que los termostatos tuvieran una función de frío para poder usarlo tanto en invierno como en verano. Esto ya se lleva pidiendo durante años en el foro Tanto en ingles:…
Merged: Smart Radiator summer / maintenance / bleeding mode (leaving the radiator open)
This discussion has been merged.
Have been using Tado for many years, now my heater is no longer compatible?
I have been using a Tado room thermostat with four extra valves for years. The bridge started to regularly loose connection with the thermostat and valves. So I purchased a new bridge and went through the bridge replacement procedure. The thermostat and valves connected to the new bridge without issue, but the procedure…
they are brand new from Screwfix
Ring me on delete xxxxxxx
I’m replacing a Horstmann 425 Diadem with Tado and doesn’t work properly
I’m replacing a Horstmann 425 Diadem and followed the instructions to the letter. On install, it would appear that the HW and CH are reversed and I can’t get them to turn on and stay on. There were 2 bridges between L,2,5 which I retained as instructed. Need help please!
Baxi duo-tec 40 he a . Tips for receiver
Not started the install yet. Just doing my research first. Got a baxi boiler, currently using a salus rt510 tx wireless thermostat. The RF receiver is integrated into the boiler . I'm assuming that will just unplug . Is it a simple swapping the wires out for the new tado receiver . Not looked at where the salus receiver…
Holiday Schedule
Would it be possible to add in a calendar feature to pre-programme upcoming Holidays? E.g. enter a time and date for the holiday to start and for it to end? This would remove the need to remember to switch all heating and hot water to 'Off' as you leave, plus allow for pre-planning and set the holiday parameters (e.g.…
In hoeverre is Opentherm modulerend
Hallo, Ik heb wat temperatuur sensoren op mijn aan- en afvoerleiding bij de CV ketel geplaatst om wat gegevens over temperaturen te registreren. Volgende stap is een Opentherm gateway tussen de thermostaat en de ketel; die staat klaar, maar moet nog aangesloten worden. Bijgaand een screenshot van de registraties. Als ik de…
Motor head stuck on motor base
I frequently find, when changing batteries, that the motor head is stuck in its base and so I end up removing head and base together, then needing to separate the two, then reassemble. When I fit the base to the valve or adaptor I crank it up by hand as tight a I can using anti-slip cloth. I really don't think I should…
TRVs - broken black pins
My experience with tado has been absolutely horrible, I did manage to make '6' TRVs work in my home. Not reliably - two of the really shoddy plastic connectors always act up. Yesterday, for instance, one of the TRVs that I WANTED to be at 16 degrees in one room, actually ended up being (once again) at 32 (!!!) degrees. But…
Bridge range extender
Nearly all my issues with tado revolve around lack of connection between the radiator thermostats and the bridge. Surely either a more powerful Bridge or a bridge extender could be developed
Hi all, a question regrding the wireless temperature sensor.
I have had the starter kit installed for almost a year now. However, I happened to attempt to show my wife how to increase the temperature for the heating to come on but when you press the arrows, it does not allow you to increase the temperature. in other words it does not move. any ideas please. I have tried resetting…
Ecotec Pro 28
Hi newb here looking for some info i am thinking about getting the Tado V3 wireless thermostat kit. What would i need to do with the already working thermostat on my downstairs wall does this need to be decommissioned and just left alone or do i have to put the new tado thermostat in its place ? I had a quick look at a…
Are there line or cad drawing of the tado TRV?
Would love to have some drawings of the dimensions and distances moved by the pin within the tado TRV so that I can use that information to make up an adapter for an old TRV valve… it’s got the correct screw thread to allow the mounting of the tado unit but once connected and the tado TRV has done it’s calibrations all…
Thermostat switched off but radioator is warm and keeps heating
Hi, My Thermostat switched off but radioator is warm and keeps heating.I followed all the steps below but the problem is still there.(VA1380582656) Please,help me,best,s Please remove the Smart Radiator Thermostat from your radiator and take out the batteries for a few minutes. Please re-insert the batteries into the Smart…
Latest update the outside local temperature is not showing in temp graph?
Hi, I have noted that the local exterior temperature is not showing anymore with the Temp & Humidity Graph. It looks like it is there but completely to right and condensed. i am using iOS on apple devices. Not sure if latest update of iOS or Tado is causing this. Anyone else having the same issue? Thanks, Max