Add choice in default setting when battery is dead
When the battery dies on the v3 thermostat the Central heating goes full on. If your not home to notice this in time you might have a big problem, or at least a free sauna. The normally open or normally closed mechanic inside should be changeable. I understand that heating in nordic countries might prefer to have to more…
Make the "energy savings" report more honest
The energy savings report trumps the times where, implicitly, the system has saved money, or meant the heating was on less. However, it doesn't include the times, or nett out, when the heating was on unnecessarily due to Tado pushing users to turn the heating on in already warm enough rooms (i.e if the temperature is…
Talk to customer services
Hi, it’s great that you have the website and the chat link (which isn’t open late hours to support people outside of their working day) so that would be better improved if it was open until 8pm say or even 9pm week days and weekends. I much prefer talking to someone when there is an issue or question, I’ve sent questions…
Please add the heating intensity to main screen
Please add the heating intensity to main screen.
Energy IQ long free trial for cost of living crisis
Has Tado considered offering an extended free trial for Energy IQ this autumn to help people manage energy use during the cost of living crisis? Something like a 3 month trial would help, and might result in more paying customers long term. Also, is it worth revisiting suggested temperatures from both a climate crisis and…
Always on display for wireless smart thermostat
Please enable the feature to allow always on display of room temperature?
Temperature limit on thermostats
Hallo, Is it possible to make the maximum temperature of Tado thermostats (currently 25 ºC/77 ºF) adjustable? Of course my question is related to the climate crisis and the current energy crisis in Europe. Some people do not save energy and their energy use has become extremely expensive. I'm looking for ways to limit…
Lock Set temperature limit peer room
Lock Limit of set temperature - bearing in mind global warming, as well as useful functions: the application lacks setting the maximum temperature in a given room, it is about manually setting to Smart thermostat and Smart radiator to, for example. The maximum possibility of setting the temperature was in the application…
App emergency push notification when bridge connection goes down
When Tado bridge loses connection with the cloud, and thus the mobile app please can the app push a notification to alert the phone user that something has gone bad with the Tado install so that we can fix it ASAP. Examples being no hot water or heating stuck in ON mode if the disconnection has happened whilst asleep.…
Spread temperature range on Tado smart ac control
hi, I have a problem with Smart AC controls funcion. I have an vacation apartment that is heated by AC, and in winter time we set +8C on AC and leave it for whole season, with Tado smart AC I can heat min. to 16C that is too much for me, all I need is frost protection, or to set lowest heating temperatre. Could you spread…
Vane angle positioning on tado Smart AC
Hello! With the latest firmware (100.0) of tado Smart AC Control it is still not possible to control an angle of vanes on an AC unit :( This feature would be quite welcome and I hope for tado's support in this regard. Thanks and regards, Zarko.
Heating icon for rooms on the main view
It would be nice to add a heating icon (similar to what you would see when you tap on a room) to each room on the main view (where all rooms are listed) in mobile apps. When there are many rooms on the main screen, it is hard to say which ones are being heated. I have to compare the current temperature with the programmed…
Please allow me to access my data
Hi, I would like to create different analytic charts from the ones you supply. Please can you give me a way to access my data so that I can download it and create those. The key one I want is a chart to overlay all of the my rooms over each other and see which is the coldest - so I can figure out why and fix it. thanks,…
Energy IQ - Usage is not based on actual meter readings
We were away from home for about one week and wanted to try an experiment with usage data. Our heating was in away mode throughout and did not switch on. I submitted regular meter readings within Energy IQ at the start of April, then on the day we left, and as soon as we returned, and on the following day. The meter…
TADO heating/hot water controller error messages - viewer
We have been using TADO for 2 years, and recently upgraded with a TADO Hot Water/Heating controller unit. The installation was done by professionals, and it all works... .. Except that the unit has the triangle warning light almost permanently on?! No amount of fault finding and re-checking can seem to diagnose why it is…
Portrait graphs
Please make the temperature graphs visible in portrait mode too, now I always need to rotate my phone in order to see the graph - this is quite annoying. For the rest, keep it up! Absolutely love the product, the installation manual, the software, the app, it’s a great product :)
"Advance Heating" Feature
This is a standard feature in most heating systems - some form of control to advance the heating to its next programmed state. Scenario - it's 22:00 and I want to go to bed early and turn the heating off. The heating is programmed to be on until 23:00. Of course if I TURN OFF all rooms that works, but the problem here is…
UX improvement: long-press
Would be very nice if the iPhone app allowed me to “long-press” on a room to quickly turn the heat off or resume its schedule.
Google Assistant An Alexa new (hot) keywords (resume schedule or resume heating schedule)
I am missing a feature for the google assistant and alexa. Feature to say "resume schedule" or "resume heating schedule" I think that this will benefit a lot of people. when you do a manual overwrite of your schedule it does not automatically resume the heating schedule Dutch : Ik mis het commando "schema hervatten of "…
Inefficient radiators
Inefficient or wrongly sized radiators could be identified easier if the durations of use or daily call for heat durations are displayed for each radiator. Any radiator running longer than others (provided it's fairly substantial) would identify that the radiator is performing poorly. The system or app currently shows…
Don't limit UK devices!
I bought a tadoº wireless kit last week and have had an absolute nightmare trying to get it set up, not least because of the terrible customer support from tadoº, but also because it has been decided to cripple the functionality of the devices in the UK! After spending £200 on this tadoº kit, I was faced with a prospect of…
Maximum Temperature of the Boiler
I use tado on eBus interface. I want to set up myself the maxim temperature from the boiler. The condensing boilers are most efficient at 55-60%.
Battery change without dismounting
Re-design your smart radiator valves so that the batteries can be changed without removing the device. This will make it easier for users and will stop the issue of the valve not being mounted properly.
Generate push notification by the app when Internet Bridge cannot be reached
When the Internet Bridge has an issue (either because it hangs or because my Internet connection is down), it would be great if I was notified by the app. That way I can resolve the issue as soon as possible. Currently I have to open the app to see that the app cannot connect to my system. Would be great if this was…
Energy IQ split costs heating/hotwater
Is it possible to split the monthly costs in heating and hot water?
Change Temperatures for all Smart Rad Valves
I'd like the functionality to be able to change the temperature of all the Smart Rad values at the same time, so perhaps reducing the temperature setting all the valves at the same time
Show radiator and boiler relay status in app
Hi, I think it would be nice to see the valve position status in the app. Obviously if the set temp is above the actual temp then Tado wants to open the vale, but it would be nice to see the feedback so you have some confirmation that it has happened without needing to be near the valve. The same would be true of the…
Energy IQ Improvements, look back and electricity
The energy IQ feature is on the right track. I would like to see a few improvements though. Being able to look back to maybe a years worth of inputs by swiping on the graph would be good. Also being able to add your electricity readings in so you can keep tabs on electric radiators/air conditioners etc. Wouldn’t anyone…
Summer eco
Is there a summer eco setting or can we have a summer eco setting? This could work really simple with one on/off toggle like the “Early On” feature (Early on known to us in the industry as weather optimisation). How this could work is the end user could turn on/off summer eco. when on you could set your own summer eco temp…
Option turn off LED
an option for the led display to be turned off, perhaps only when actually used, for example. The display lights up a dark bedroom and can be disturbing.