Stats and Analytics
The web version simply doesn't have the Stats and Analytics, that are available in the mobile version. The latter isn't super convenient either as the number axes are changing with every screen, and the screen rotation isn't controllable, but at least it's there. I'd like also to have a possibility to export/download that…
To support measurement units ft3
As soon as I subscribed to the auto-assisted plan, I cancelled it. Why ? Because it does not support measurement unit ft3. Tado PMs and senior executives probably not understand the fact that smart meter owners usually have what Tado Energy IQ is offering from their energy suppliers. Tado should aim as the gap in the…
Enable manual override timer when 'Turn off all rooms' has been enabled
I am writing this as the 'Turn off all rooms' button looked really useful but then if someone turns up a rad it will just stay on rather than turning off again in line with the manual timer selected. For example select 'turn off all rooms' in summer and if there was a particularly cold room or cold night then anyone in the…
Turn Off Individual Room
Currently we can turn off the whole heating system with the touch of a button, or we can go into an individual room and change its schedule to get the temperature down to a level where the heating won't kick in until it gets to the frost protection level. But with this cost of heating problem we've got, I would like to be…
Temperature limit on thermostats
Hallo, Is it possible to make the maximum temperature of Tado thermostats (currently 25 ºC/77 ºF) adjustable? Of course my question is related to the climate crisis and the current energy crisis in Europe. Some people do not save energy and their energy use has become extremely expensive. I'm looking for ways to limit…
Allow access to DIY install instructions pre-purchase
Trying to get confidence to buy a TADO wireless receiver is hampered by the lack of supported boiler makes and models listed on the website. I have a Vokera Vision 30c. When you click on 'other' you get stuck in a loop of faqs returning you to the product finder. You need to send an email and wait for a reply (not long). I…
Temperature history and alarms
I would like to suggest a graph per Tado thermostat so I can follow up the change in temperature for instance during the night. Also an alarm function that notifies me when a thermostat goes lower or higher than the set temperature (1) and an alarm that notifies me when the thermostat goes the other way than the set…
Small change to "Boost Heat all Rooms."
During the summer I use the "Boost Heat all Rooms" quick action to activate the heating once a week to keep the pipes clear and exercise the thermostatic valves. It works fine but at the end of the boost period it returns the system to the schedule rather than the state it was in before boost was pressed which, in this…
Disable away mode notifications when heating is off
The away mode notifications work well for me, however they don’t make any sense when the heating is off. So the weather is warm, I’ve turned the heating off, but I still get an away mode notification every time I leave the house. Any reason these couldn’t be disabled automatically while the heating is off?
Control4 Driver
I don’t know if this has been brought up but it’s 2022 and Tado either needs to make a Control4 driver and make the API easily available. My integrator shouldn’t have to search the internet to find the api.
One-click hot water control with 'turn off water' and 'resume schedule' button
I use the mobile app to control my central heating and hot water system. I don't use geofencing as my wife often leaves her phone at home. I do however frequently use the option to 'Turn OFF all rooms' and then 'Resume schedule' later. I would really love a similar option to 'Turn OFF hot water' and then resume the hot…
Boost heating
I would like to be able to select the radiators from a list that I can boost in the morning instead of all radiators. I only need the ones downstairs to come on. ( I work shifts) Why is the logo on the top of the Thermostat facing the wall. :'(
Zones for boost heating
It would be useful to be allowed to create internal zones in regards to boost button, for example only to heat bathrooms or only to boost rooms on ground floor. I live in 2 storey house with only 1 heating zone so when I press boost all house will be heated up, if we could only create up to 5 zones and add rooms of our…
Heating activity improvement
Hi, I believe Heating Activity tab should have an improvement in a way to show correct Heating Activity of the TRV’s which require heat. As an example I have a TRV in my basement which is an independent one, so it doesn’t call for heating. In a warm day, the boiler might be as other heat calling TRVs are not requesting…
Be clearer about what caused the boiler to turn on
I have 6 smart TRVs and the Tado Thermostat. Most of the TRVs are configured without a zone controller so that they will accept heat if the heating is on, but not turn the heating on. However when they are below the desired temperature the graph shows that the heating was on in the same UI state as when they have a…
Option to submit meter readings using ft3
I have quite an old gas meter and the display works in ft3. Is there a way, or can there be a way to use ft3 for readings in the Tado app?
Introduce a learning ability to Early Start for radiators
Using the data a thermostat picks up about how your house heats and cools, and the time taken to reach/maintain a temperature introduce custom smart start/finish to scheduled events . At least add a 'radiator' version of Early Start.
Allow changing temperature if one device in a group of two or more loses connectivity
I initially reported this as a bug to online support, then they told me it works by design and should bring it up here instead. Which doesn't make sense to me but still, they didn't leave me with any options. It appears that if one device in a group is offline, you can't control any of the remaining ones through the UI.…
Alternative scenario
Now first time using Tado during the holidays I am missing the option of an alternative scenario. On home screen have the option to select / create one e.g. Holiday (or select Main as default) To create either you can first make a copy of Main (so you only need to change some blocks of some rooms) or start with an empty…
Air Source Heat Pumps
I have just replaced my Tado controlled gas boiler with a Mitsubishi Air Source Heat Pump. I emailed Tado and enquired if they had any experience in using Tado in conjunction with such a device. The reply came back that I should put my enquiry here. Perhaps Christmas has come early! It doesn't seem the logical place to me…
Add new "Consumption" menu to web interface
Hello there, Please add new "Energy IQ" Consumption menu to web interface. It only available on the app (i dont know, why...) It more comfortable that see it in web interface
[Feature Request] Notify when room temperature drops below set room temperature
I have noticed few times that heating won’t start when water pressure is the boiler is low, it will be useful to know that there is an issue with heating and not wait for couples of hours to realise it.
Copy Paste within room
The new copy-paste option is nice however still missing to do it within a room as for example Monday has same as Wednesday and Friday while other days have differen ones
Allow changing Hot Water “OFF” temperature
Currently, when hot water is “OFF”, the temperature sent to the boiler for hot water is 55 degrees Celsius. This temperature can not be changed on my boiler because the Smart Thermostat overrides it. I want to have periods in my schedule where hot water is “OFF” (so the boiler is not pre-heating water all the time), but…
Do not report a room when it's not assigned to a Zone Controller
Hi team, I've defined a room with a smart TRV which I want to only open and close the valve but does not actually call for heating so I assigned the 'Zone Controller' to 'Not Assigned'. This works perfectly but the problem is this is reported in heating activity and Care & Protect which is actually wrong, since the room is…
WIFI 6 Mesh Wifi or Thread IPv6 to solve range issues
Those with large houses or thick stone walls, will have undoubtedly come across range issues with Tado. They are also increasingly likely to have resolved these issues with mesh WIFI or powerline WIFI adaptors. WIFI 6 routers are not yet commonplace, but offer a low energy solution for TRVs and thermostats. Similarly…
Switching on/off based on humidity
Hello, It would be grate if we could have a function in the app where one can choose to switch on or off based on humidity. For example: if humidity reaches 60% switch on to 23C till humidity is lower then 60% or another value
Meerdere woningen bedienen vanuit 1 tado account
Hi, Ik loop er tegenaan dat ik meerdere woningen wil bedienen. Echter is dit nu niet mogelijk vanuit dezelfde account en moet ik een tweede account aanmaken voor de tweede woning. Daarnaast moet ik bij het wisselen van woning steeds uit- en inloggen. Ik heb het idee dat meer mensen met dit probleem kampen. IT-technisch…
Support boilers with no ability for different levels of heating better
My boiler, like many others, does not support different levels of heating - just on or off. I find it really annoying that my app says 1 flame or “heating to 20.8c” and colours the graph area in when it isn’t actually heating my house. Additionally this makes the stats on how long the heating has been running during the…
Smart Assistant - notifying of temperature not raising as expected
It's more a feature improvement than an actual problem: I've started heating season last week and left the home for few days. The smart valves have been open all the time but temperature was not growing due to malfunction of the heating circulation pump. I've fixed it (it got blocked after summer season not being used) -…