App translation in Romanian
Hi Tado community, Any idea if a translation of the app would be soon available in Romanian as well? I am willing to support this effort in my spare time, maybe there are other community members that would like to contribute as well. Best, Andrei
Flexible Schedules
I think it would be cool to have a way to make different schedules for your house. For example a geust schedule where your geust bedroom and your dining room turn to different heating schedules, whereas perhaps normally your geust bedroom would be off or run on a lower heat I also think there should be a geofencing control…
App colours based on heating on or off
It makes no sense to have the app colours be based on a subjective assessment of the temperature the room is set to. It would be far better to have the colours change from, for example, green when at temperature and not heating and orange when heating. When I look at the app, I want to know quickly which rooms are heating…
Child locks for all devices
It would be good to have child locks for all devices, wireless thermostats and wireless AC controls. Wireless AC controls need to be fitted to make them smart but ideally want them to not be manually controlled by the occupant
Option for room thermostats not to trigger boiler
Please make an option for your smart stats to just behave like a stat, with the heating controlled by the main house thermostat. I bought 2 room smart thermostats for less frequently used rooms, set their profile to a lower temp to save energy, but when the rooms get cold first in the night (because they were colder in the…
A configuration option to delay geofencing (returning home)
I propose a configuration option to delay heating (when automatic geofencing is used) when returning home. This could be useful for single person households where primary mode of transportation is cycling. Rationale: Most of the time I travel by bike. When I return home, heating is not necessary for about 30 - 60 minutes,…
Allow Tado App to display independent Temperture readings
I don't want to put a £70+ tado device with a IP20 or IP30 rating in my 99% humidity Bathroom, but I would like to be able to see the reading from a (much cheaper) none Tado Alexa enabled measurement device. Can this skill be added?
Boiler constantly on not turning off when temp reached
Hello, I have just set my Tado v3+ wireless system up to my baxi 105 he boiler and the problem I have is the central heating is constantly on. I have capped the old thermostat as to the instructions and wired the receiver to the boiler as to the instructions. So currently I am running off my old timer system. If I ask the…
IFFT Fan Speed Selector
Is there a reason why selecting a fan speed in IFFT isn’t an available option. It has a drop down menu for it however just states “no fan speed options available”. Is this something that will be offered eventually?
Cheap Secondary Thermostats and Bridge extender
These are much requested features that I believe should be added.
Auto turn off and reset of smart thermostat
When a smart thermostat is on during its timed schedule and it loses connection to the bridge. Can it be written in software to automatically shut the valve and to reset it. 1. So it doesn't continue to heat the room without control. 2. The reset allows it to reconnect to the bridge automatically. The fact that the…
Manual adjust graph axis
I would like to be able to adjust the axis of the temperature graphs in the Tado app. Currently this goes automatically hence graph axes jump every day and is different for each room. That makes it difficult to compare different days or rooms and makes it difficult to observe how quickly a room heats up or cools down. I…
(Slim) gebruik van de maximale keteltemperatuur om gasverbruik significant te verlagen
Het algemene advies is om de temperatuur van de CV ketel zo laag mogelijk te zetten omdat dat het efficiëntste is. Ik zie dat Tado daar niet automatisch gebruik van maakt omdat de opwarmingstijd van de kamers veel korter is als de maximum temperatuur van de CV ketel hoger is. Ik heb dit getest met temperaturen tussen 55 en…
App update notes
Hello, my suggestion is to make a visible note what is new in the new versions, because I download it but i don't have time to explore the whole software for new features. Also it is going to be wonderful if the app checks for updates by itself, because many users don't have autoupdate enabled in the Play store. And I am…
a few month later nothing new ? I don’t want to buy dead products…
Add Boiler Flow Rate temp to heating graph
Keep a record of the boiler flow rate temp on the heating graph
Energy IQ should also work in the desktop environment
Currently it only works in the app which is strange because usually apps are more restrictive.
Extension LED status on the app.
Would it be possible to display the extension kit LEDs status on the app.
Connexion wifi avec ac control v3+
Il serait intéressant de pouvoir commander et régler en Wifi les climatiseurs connectés plutôt ( ou en plus) de l infrarouge. Cela affranchirait les distances et le positionnement difficile du TADO pas forcément en face. Exemple Toshiba Haori connecté qui utilise l appli Toshiba Home.
Help make Tado better: Create subgroups in the forum and let Tado experts comment to content
As a newbie in the Tado world, I am confused by the lack accuracy, when I go through the complaints and problems. The smart radiator thermostats are often described as valves, and the discussions are further blurred by expectations to regulation performance based on a system with a boiler, while I have district heating,…
Energy efficiency idea: Heating schedule coalescence
My house has seven rooms, each with its own schedule. I can copy and paste schedules between rooms, but I tend not to do that because I want to tailor the timings based upon actual usage. Also, I created the scheduled years ago, before the copy and paste feature was added to the app. I know some rooms have similar times…
Open raam detectie aangeven per ruimte / show open window detection per room
Ik heb een oude grote woning (1895), waarbij de tado app nog wel eens aangeeft een open raam te hebben gevonden, terwijl alle ramen gesloten zijn. Het zou enorm helpend zijn als de app ook aangeeft in welke ruimte de app het open raam heeft gevonden. (En eventueel wat er gevonden, temperatuur daling / tocht / etc.) Hiermee…
Halve graden
Wij zouden het wel prettig vinden om op de muurconsole ook halve graden te kunnen instellen, niet iedereen heeft de app waarmee het wel kan. Laat je horen ;-)
Set hot water temperature through HomeKit
HomeKit integration was a main driver for me to choose tado. I don't like being dependent on cloud services for things that are practically local to my house, so I have configured HomeAssistant to use it through the HomeKit integration. However, after installing it, I found out that there is an important feature that is…
Landscape mode
I am using my Mobil in the Car and I using the Mobil as a navigation (Android) and if I won't to se the temperature on my Tado Ind my home it is problematic, now Landscape mode ? I can't se the status in My home ! Almost every other apps is using the landscape mode. Best regards Bo Cramer
Allow additional schedules in addition to Home and Away
It would be great if it was possible to have additional schedules in Tado. I’d like if you were able to add additional schedules, such as “day shift” and “night shift” or “staycation”, so you can easily change schedules to meet your requirements. For example it I found i needed to change my normal schedule to account for…
[Energy IQ] Allow for new meter and continue entering meter readings
When replacing a meter, it becomes hard to continue entering meter readings as one has to add the last old meter reading to the new meter readings (and sometimes even subtract the first new meter reading from that number too). Under Energy IQ, provide a meter reset button, with for the date of changeover: ++ the first new…
Individual geofencing
I recently bought 4 Tado radiator valves for my home and was under the impression that I could individually geofence these. For example, I work from an office 3x per week and on these days I was hoping for the Tado radiator valve in my home office to recognise I’m away and not heat the office, whilst the rest of the house…
Temporary User
It would be nice to be able to add a user for a limited time. With guests staying, they can conrol tado, but only until a certain date/time and be able to activate geofencing.
Toshiba/ others Pure addition in V3+
Many AC's have nowadays this PURE functionally which uses plasma to burn small particles in the air. Would it be possible to enable this funtion in TADO V3+. It's very irritating since I cannot use this at all. If I enable it in my remote then every time I swicth any setting s from TADO this PURE function gets off. I know…