Tado Support
This has to be better. It’s the only real serious downside for me in the U.K. No phone number to call in emergency. No instant answer via online chat. It’s not good enough.
Merged: Ability to manage more than 1 Home
This discussion has been merged.
Hot water control like in V3 - other device control i.e. Apple Home, Google Home or Home Assistant
I have found it impossible to see any control of the hot water in any of the Matter/Thread control systems. It is impossible to add the wireless controller X to any of Apple Home, Google Home or Home Assistant. The only place that hot water can be controlled is through the app, and then only with the facility to set a…
Calendar viewer
Hi all in my previous smart thermostat I was a calendar viewer that was very useful, basically is a calendar with a month viewer where for each days where the thermostat was on, appear a red dot under the day, this is very useful to have a fast view of the days where the thermostat operate, and by clicking on the…
Tado Wifi enabled Hot Water Cylinder Temperature Thermostat Display & Controller
As far as I can understand, if you do not have a smart (oil or gas) boiler or a boiler that can separately control and heat only your hot water you are limited to the control and heating of your hot water cylinder by timer schedules only. However a timer schedule cannot detect if you already have enough supply or hot…
Airco integration in Tado X
Can you make it possible to integrate my airco’s in the Tado X environment. I own two Mitsubishi SRK60-ZSX-W airco’s and would like to control them together with the Smart Thermostat and Radiator thermostats into one system. Thanks.
Add new "fingertap on top"-functionality for X devices
It is possible to hold your finger on an X device in order to start configuring it, i.e. place your finger on the display, wait until the circle is completed, (re)configure as desired. Firstly, I would like the duration to be massively increased, e.g. 30 seconds, in order to make it more child safe, i.e. retain the…
Schedules and shared custody
I have my kids in shared custody and need to manage the schedule manually to lower heating in their room on the week they are not present. I really think that shared custody is more common these days and that Tado should consider managing that in a easier way in the app so this is dealt with more transparently. I…
Incorporate fixed costs and taxes in the calculation of energy expenditure
Dear Tado team, I would like to propose an improvement that I consider useful for many users: the possibility of including fixed costs and taxes in the calculation of total energy expenditure. Currently, the application only allows the variable rate per kWh to be entered, which may underestimate the real energy costs, as…
A questo link: potete trovare un supporto, da me creato, per fissare il termostato TADO X alle cassette elettriche mod. 503 in uso in Italia.
Merged: Add support for alternative schedules
This discussion has been merged.
Notificación al móvil en caso de encendido/apagado de calefacción
Una sencilla forma de saber si se ha puesto en marcha la calefacción en nuestra casa (o en una estancia de ella) a través de una notificación al móvil (tira o globo) especialmente si nos encontramos fuera de nuestro hogar. Igualmente se podría notificar apagado de calefacción. Estas notificaciones podrían activarse o…
Humidity visualization and routine with modality home, away
It would be useful to have an indication of the humidity directly on the room box to have an immediate idea of the environmental well-being. Also on the environmental well-being box to have a summary of the situation without clicking on it. It would be useful to have the possibility of programming the "home" or "away"…
Home planning quiz
I have just installed a heat pump and I know I will need a heatpump optimizer, but I don't know if I need a Programmer with Hot Water Control also. It would be useful to have a way to get the best possible solution for one's home based on a quick quiz to design the right system for one's home
Enhancement to Energy EQ - add specified radiator output to rooms
To assist Energy EQ in estimating the amount of energy/cost per room, allow the addition of the total radiator BTU output per room. Even without knowing system flow temperature, as long as the total radiator BTU specs per room were added (all need to be at the same rated temp as not all use 70 degrees), combined with the…
Note Option
I would find it really useful if there was a note field for each device. When changing batteries if I could record when I actually change batteries it would help understanding how long they last before replacement - could obviously also be used to record any other useful info.
Merged: Features Tado X Early Start - Profiles Scheduling
This discussion has been merged.
Global slider to adjust temperature within schedules.
Could we have a global setting to increase or decrease the temperature asked for by the TRVs whilst in a current running schedule. For example I have a current schedule running for beginning of Autumn here in the UK, but sometimes it's colder than expected or even a bit warmer than expected. The ability to adjust a global…
[Released] Adjust support expectations; replace the bot with a form
tl;dr: Having a support chat is giving a false impression of one actually getting one-on-one, immediate support. I do however understand why tado absolutely wants people to go through the bot instead of just sending an email. So how about we compromise and everyone gets something they want… Long version: Looking through…
Automating Home/Away process
Apologies if this has been raised before but I couldn’t find a reference. When setting the system to “Away” provide an option to revert to “Home” either by setting a future date (preferred option) or at least by giving the number of days user will be away. This would save user forgetting or if out of internet connection…
Which Room is Requesting Heat
Tado is full of so many great functions it's hard to debug your setup when fine tuning your settings. It would ge great to see a page that shows which rooms (that are assigned to the boiler) are actually requesting heat - knowing what the system is doing and not assuming what is occurring. This would support my efforts in…
External thermometer for tado.
Do taxi make an external thermometer that links in wth the tado app? If they do, I can't find one. It would be very useful if I could remotely monitor the outside temperature as well as the inside temp.
Tado X suggestions
(I originally messaged this direct to Tado but they asked me to repost it here.) I have read that currently your Tado X heat pump controller supports only some makes of ASHP as of yet but based on customer requests you will add more. I am therefore contacting you to suggest both Samsung Mono HT Quiet, and Daikin Altherma 3…
Todo app is telling me I’m useing more than I am
Improve the temperature differential by applying a feedback loop
Every house is different. Boilers and plumbing is different. This leads to the temperature rising gradient being specific to each installation. So far so good? Now we often find a situation where a tado rad stat or room stat is set for, say, 18 degrees cent, but one later finds that the actual temperature is higher. It…
Hide Tiles
On the homescreen there are tiles that I never use and would like to hide. It would be nice to be able to hide the following tiles: auto-assist, air comfort, energy IQ, Care & Protect.
Valve moving when out of heating season
It's usual that the long pressed valve needles are stuck. If the valves move them on a setupable time period (daily, weekly, etc) this should be avoidable.
Fault detection if no temperature change detected
If a room has an temperature increase demand but there is no change in temperature for a given time period a warning should be triggered by Tado. My boiler has an issue that it needs resetting Every soften I only find out after an hour so after i get cold. That the system is not working. But the Tado ‘care & protect’ tab…
Volledig open, volledig gesloten instelling
Beste Tado, Het zou zeer handig zijn om een kleine instelling toe te voegen aan de instellingen voor de slimme radiatorknoppen. Namelijk een instelling dat hij volledig open gaat als er warmte vraag is, en volledig gesloten gaat als er geen warmte vraag meer is. Dus een instelling toevoegen voor niet stapsgewijs inregelen,…
Temperature cap by room
Can we please have the ability to set a cap on target temperatures by room on the app