Away Mode by Mobile Device
So my wife and I work from home, yet on some days (random days) either of us may go into the office. We work in 2 separate rooms at home. Because I do not know the days either of us will be in the office I need i remember to turn the programmed heating off in the room in which no one will be working that day, and…
Lock wireless thermostat
Can I lock my wireless thermostat ? If not when will this feature be available Thanks
connect app to your gas and electric provider
Wouldn't it be great if there was some way to connect your app with your electric and gas provider to get an accurate idea of not only consumption but cost. I realise that at this time you have to enter your gas usage manually but if the it was linked or even if you could add the gas price to the app this would be more…
Switch all off for 1,2,3 hours
Any chance of a function to switch off all heating for a set period and for it then to return automatically to schedule? Thinking of when, for example, we go to bed early and heating doesn’t need to be on. It’s possible to switch off, but need to wake up and remember to switch back on for the morning. Automatic resumption…
Heating graphs on webpage
It would be really useful if the webpage could show the heating graphs that can be viewed on the phone app. It could also be useful to be able to download the graph data in some form.
EnergyIQ compare to same month last year not previous month
The energyIQ graph compare the last month with the current month. This doesn’t make much sense because any changes are likely to be seasonal and weather dependent rather than as a result of any actions. It helps to reduce energy usage and costs if we are comparing year on year consumption
Show temperature with one digit on the smart thermostate
Hi, It would be great if the temperature you want shows on the display of the smart thermostate with one digit instead of zero digits. It is strange that the current temperature of the room is shown with one digit but if you change the desired temperature for instance to 19.5 degrees it shows as 20 degrees. Why not show…
Merged: Heating Schedule based on number of people at home
This discussion has been merged.
Be more intelligent with humidity warnings in Air Comfort
Right now you get warnings that your humidity is too high or may cause mould at certain hard coded values i.e. greater than 60% RH or greater than 70% RH for mould. However, humidity is only an issue when it is colder outside and humid air reaches a surface that causes it to reach its dew point by cooling down and causing…
Tado 3-Way Controller
It would be great for Tado to develop a replacement to a 3 way controller. I have 2 heating zones and a DHW. Tado wired thermostats and radiator valves control the heating zones, but the 3 way controller has to be set so the heating is 'Always On' for Tado to control them. The water is still programmed by the 3-way…
Simply show heating on and which rooms requesting on the App
When I open the app I want to (really need to) be able to simply see: Has Tado requested my heating to be on? Which smart radiator room(s) is triggering the request We've just fitted smart radiator thermostats, and our heating is on unexpectedly. Driving me mad trying to work out why it is on (or off!!!). The heating has…
Dry clothes function
I have a dehumidifier and together with the room humid graph I known when I need to turn heater on, open windows (when humid outside in lower than inside, it could be found in local forecast) . I see when cloths are drying by the humid going up, but after 85 it doesn't dry than I have options, open windows, turn on the…
Moved: Update the app so it works properly with iPhone 14 pro camera….
This discussion has been moved.
Control hot water with wireless reciever from more then 1 thermostat
I have 2 tado thermostats, one upstairs and one down stairs but can only turn the hot water on manually from one of them via wireless reciever, only a minor issue but think it would be useful to be able to control from both!
Add silent mode to app and API
Many aircons have a silent mode for at night. I use his mode very often and it can only be enabled with the original remote. It would be great if the silent mode is added to the app and to the API so domotica developers can use it too.
Battery log
I have a couple of dozen devices. I'm changing batteries all the time. I can't remember when I changed batteries last. This is information that's useful to know – to monitor the quality of batteries, or usage of the devices. There's no way to do this with the current app. You change dead batteries, and if the time and date…
Add decimal to the usage amount
The city heating is measuring in giga joules. My usage last month was 0.356 GJ and a unit costs €45.26. Currently it is not possible add meter readings because it will be too inaccurate. So please add the possibility to have 4 digits behind a decimal.
Feature To Assist With Balancing Radiators
Create a feature using the inbuilt thermometer in the radiator valves to work out order to balance radiators. It could work out time to temp for each radiator and advise you if there are any getting hotter slower/quicker.
GeoFencing early start
SUGGESTION: Provide for GeoFencing to be programmed or set in advance. For example - I'm going out in 2 hours time. I'd like GeoFencing to start in say 1 hour. And could such programming be regular (every Tue/Fri, weekdays, etc) as well as occasional
Boiler Protection
As many combi boilers continue to run even after shutting off (to prevent internal overheating) Would it be possible to add a feature where you can select a room to act as a bypass valve. This would be as simple as when the command is sent to the boiler to turn off, the nominated valve opens to prevent possible damage to…
Allow the swapping of Smart TRV data from room to another room
What i mean is that if you need to swap a TRV from one room to another (very rare occurence) like I have had to do (moving noiser TRV from bedrooms to other areas) then i would like the option to keep the statastic from its original placement onto the new TRV. Looking at my Energy IQ today shows one room used 3m3 of gas…
Virtual Tado TRV as workaround for lack of a bridge range extender
As I have a large 3 storey home with a side extension for which the tado bridge cannot communicate to all of the TRV's/radiators on my property and no sight of a hardware/software fix anytime soon, I intend to implement a workaround using Samsung smartthings and some temperature sensors to give me ability for the rooms out…
Thread is the future of smart home connectivity and will also help people struggling with Tado range issues. Thread should also help grow network size without overwhelming the system as it becomes more resilient.
Hot water schedule
is it possible to create a separate schedule for the hot water when in away mode? it is really annoying not being able to adjust the hot water schedule more accurately and automatically when we are not at home.
Enable Temperature Sensor & Radiator Thermostat to display temperature in Fahrenheit
I live in the USA and own 4 temperature sensors and 5 radiator thermostats. The app shows the temperature settings and readouts in Fahrenheit, but the temperature sensors and the radiator thermostats do not, which makes it extremely not user-friendly for imperial countries. Furthermore, you cannot choose the choice of…
3 modes for radiator thermostats: Off, Open start boiler, Open dont start boiler
There are times when I'd like a room to warm up "if the heating is on anyway" but I can't justify running the boiler just for that one room, this is possible on a permanent basis by not setting a zone controller, but I'd like the ability to schedule it. e.g. In my bedroom I'd like the radiator to heat up on a morning…
Eco->Comfort slider for each SRT
There's a few of us that want the SRTs to work slightly differently. I want them more open so there is more over shoot and more residual heat, some want them more open to stop too much heat being returned and others want them more closed and having tight control on the temperature. I suggest an Eco-> comfort slider so in…
Smart Assistant - notifying of temperature not raising as expected
It's more a feature improvement than an actual problem: I've started heating season last week and left the home for few days. The smart valves have been open all the time but temperature was not growing due to malfunction of the heating circulation pump. I've fixed it (it got blocked after summer season not being used) -…
Mixed buttons logic in the graph view
Hi, I've observed, that on the Android app, at graph view, the weather button follow different logic than the other two. When it is checked/enabled (black background) the weather data is gone, when it is disabled/unchecked (gray background) the weather data is shown. Meanwhile humidity and heating follow exactly opposite…
Tado A/C controller wall mount missing by design?
Hi, I have three A/C controllers and each one was only supplied with a temporary sticky pad to fix to the wall? Is this right? Am I missing a part? One keeps falling off the wall and have tried other sticky pads but none seem to work, seems a huge oversight to create something that should be mounted to the wall with only a…