Smart thermostat installation
How do I wire up a smart thermostat in the Uk ? What are the connections? what size RCB do I require in the consumer unit? is there a booklet I can down load ?
Radiators coming on
Hi, it's 24°C today and my heating is set to come on when temps drop to 19. 5 and yet the radiators are on! This has happened more than once. Tado app says heating not been on. Any ideas what's going on here? Thanks!
Smart AC V3+: Thermostatic vs Non-Thermostatic
Hi. I've just purchased and setup a Smart AC V3+. Given the options between configuring it in Thermostatic vs Non-Thermostatic mode, what are the pros/cons? I've tried both, and the Thermostatic appears to be a lot more limited to only heat and cool and specified temperature, where-as Non-thermostatic gives me additional…
Can I control more than 10 rooms?
The Tado system is great and I have been steadily adding Smart radiator thermostats to every room. Just bought one for the study and fitted it but in the set up I get: "Assignment to new room by user not possible yet." Realised this is the 11th room. Is there any way I can get this to work or must I send it back for a…
Connect tado cooling V1 to homekit
I have the first generation of taco cooling and it does not have a homekit number printed on the device. How do i connect the device to my homekit??
tado ac not worked in homeassistant
tado ac control does not work in homeassistant. The air conditioner does not support the heat function, so I did not set it on the device, but I see the heat key error in the homeassistant log.
Electric under floor heating
Hi, I’m looking to install under floor heating in a summer house and can’t work out if I need a smart thermostat, extension kit or both to be able to control it. I’m not an electrician, but i’m guessing I would have mains live and neutral coming from a circuit breaker box, which would need to go into the Tado and then out…
I have a wired thermostat, what do i need to do to turn it wireless
I have a controller that I am going to replace with the extender so that i can control hot water. With my current system I have a wired thermostat that I would like to remove. I am assuming that I need to bridge across the Live/Switched live. so it ignore my thermostat and uses just the tado thermostat. Any advice welcomed
Smart schedule
Hi all, I've just upgraded my boiler and installed 12 smart TRV (one in each room in the house). Is there anyway of copying a Smart Schedule schedule for one from and applying it to other rooms, e.g. one for child bedrooms, one for adult bedrooms, etc? Many thanks.
Availability in the US
Just wondering if anyone can provide insight as to when or if the Tado Smart Radiator valve system will ever available in the US? Thanks much.
Simultaneous electric and central heating switching?
Can a Tado thermostat simultaneously call for heat (central heating) and switch electric self regulating underfloor heating? (I turn both on or off at same time).
Free upgrade to V3+ App
I’ve noticed Tado is now offering free upgrade for existing users until 31 August 2019 Has anyone done it? Will I lose any of the existing features? I seem to remember that manual control ‘until next automatic change’ wasn’t available in V3+ but only in V3
What's the difference between v2 and v3 devices?
When I read the FAQ, I think the difference between v2 and v3 is Internet Bridge. If I change the v2 device's internet bridge to v3 bridge, will it change to v3 device? Will the device support Apple home kit?
Why do i need an extention kit?
I have the thermostat and bridge and already have weirless wall thermostat so why would i need an extention kit?
I was chating on line but chat box disapeared? what time is chat available
Tado V2 Geofencing
Hi, I am long term user of Tado V2. I have noticed in recent energy saving reports that the geofencing / away mode hours has dropped significantly (as have the savings reported). Is there any reason for this? Has anything altered with the app I'm using (v5.6.2) since Tado introduced the subscription service? Both my wife…
Do radiator controllers also control the heating demand
Hi. Just installing tado room thermostat plus extension kit plus a few radiator thermostats. The room thermostat is wireless and the extension kit switches both heating and water. Obviously the room thermostat will switch the heating on when needed but what about the radiator thermostats? If a room is cold surely they can…
Tado closes discussions once the technical question has been answered
Still on app V3 and no option to update to V3+
Hi. I have a smart thermostat and extension kit (both V3) installed in my home, and the app I am using on my iPhone is still V3, and I want to use the V3+ as it looks a bit better (not sure about the £20 price tag though!). From what I’ve seen, this should be an option to upgrade on the menu screen, on the app - but there…
Disable relay when used purely as sensor
I have a number of smart thermostats that I use purely as temperature sensing devices for larger rooms, or those with poor TRV placement. They link back to an extension kit. This works well, but I note that the relay is still powered in these modules even though they are not wired. The resulting click and power consumption…
Use extension kit as timber switch for electric u/floor heating?
I have a bathroom that will have a central heating towel radiator (wet) to provide space heating and electric underfloor heating to take chill off tiles/dry off wet room areas. Can I use the Tado extension kit's hot water timer function to instead switch (via separate relay?) the electric u/floor heating? An independent…
Wiring up extension kit. Boiler doesnt fire up
Hi, Ive been running the old V1 Tado for years without issue, recently the thermostat started playing up so I bought the newer Smart Thermostat starter kit and today I received the extension kit. I had hoped it would be a simple swap but as always no such luck.. I can control the heating by pressing the extension button…
Using Tado radiator valves with Hive smart thermostat
I have Hive system consisting of smart thermostat, boiler controller and internet hub which works very well. I recently bought newly introduced Hive smart trvs for all bar one of my radiators to give complete control of room temperatures. I have had big problems getting them to work properly and Hive seem to be using…
Adding a second tado just to control timed on/off of a second hot water boiler
Another pre-sales enquiry Hi there. My house also has a second hot water boiler which has a wired Danfloss timer programmer. Not a thermostat just timed off/on. I want to replace this with some tado device because of the geo-fencing savings. Basically when I'm away I don't want the boiler to fire. So my question - can a…
v2/v3/v3+ upgrade question
I've recently started to replace a number of thermostats in my house with Tado room thermostats. I have underfloor heating all downstairs with wired thermostats controlling 5 rooms. Upstairs I have a single hallway thermostat and radiator valves in the bedrooms (upstairs is a separate heating circuit). I've now have 4…
Extension kit backplate wiring
I am trying to replace my old boiler programmer with the extension kit. It's already on a standard backplate so it should fit on just need to move one wire. However, the existing wiring is a bit weird. 1) there's a couple of neutral cables stuffed into point 4 where the existing programmer doesn't even have a pin. I'm…
Lost my Home
Evening All, I am having a few issues with my Tado and home. Recently my Brother in Law invited me to join his home on Tado as we were looking after his house, however when i accepted the email i then went back to check my home which was no longer there. This was fine as i thought i would just have to recreate my home…
Setting Up Multiple Zones
Hi there, Just wondering if anyone could provide a little advice. My house is set up roughly as below with wired connections shown in orange and water connections in blue. There are 2 zones. The livingroom (zone 1) and the rest of house (zone 2). I have a thermostat in the livingroom which is only attached to radiators…
The picture on the box of the Tado horizontal thermostatic valve
How can a valve be installed like this? https://images.app.goo.gl/gZVPDaQVUMFVNJaQ9 https://images.app.goo.gl/YULgCxenHp8iwA6n8
Temperature Issues
Hi all, The temperature in my thermostat is set to 21 degrees, the room temperature is 23 degrees but the heating is on. Any ideas? Thank you, Alex