Sensor Map in app to support internet bridge location.
Provide visualisation in app with internet bridge in middle of map and all connected devices surrounding it showing the current state RSSI value. This will support me in understanding how to change location of internet bridge if I know that one sensor location has -30dbm, another -70dbm another -80dbm then I no longer have…
Multiple Wireless Receivers on one Tado account
I think it would be great to have multiple wireless receivers on one Tado account so for people with more than one zone or more than one boiler can have all the devices on one account rather than split them on two different accounts!
Additional physical sensors (presence, doors closed) for more targeted routines
Hi! It would be great to have couple of additional sensor types to allow more customised routines: - presence/motion sensor - door/window open sensor These sensors could be additional conditions to the routines, e.g.: - heat bathroom to 23 degrees only when the door is closed - heat Office to 21 degrees Monday-Friday 8-18…
Badly designed system
I'm kind of annoyed that I even need to post this here so apologies for the tone but I've repeatedly asked by customer support to do it even though I think what I describe below as a bug or at the very least, a highly flawed design. I do not think such issues should be dealt with via an 'ideas and suggestions' category in…
Battery Warning TRV
Can you please provide a warning when battery low. At present a warning is given and TRV has already failed. Please give a warning earlier before the trv fails
Tado IFTTT when on/off detected
When any radiator device is switch on or off I'd like IFTTT to receive that information. Many other smart devices already have this feature and for people like myself who have built a smart home hub, the ability to ping/check the status of each radiator would be incredibly useful. Right now my tado section in my own hub…
Auto return to room schedule when temp has been manually set
The schedules are real flexible but sometimes you need to boost the temp. This you can do easily via the app or stat. What would be usefully would be able to select return to to normal automatic schedule on the next timed change to the room temp. We have had a number of occasions where someone felt cold tweaked the stat or…
Please consider Tado app return to 0.1° granularity
I find the app manual temperature now of 0.5c increments to course. please consider returning the 0.1c old variation which was much better if for nothing else for saving gas and the planet if nothing else.
Mechanical Ventilation System
Hello everybody I‘m using your thermostat for a floor heating system and it works very well. What I miss is to tell the system that there is a mechanical ventilation system. Will there be an update to configure such a ventilation system, so I don’t get a notification to open a window? Best
Apple Watch App
Please make an Apple Watch App!
Temporary off with timer
The current whole-house on/off feature is manually off, then manually on. It would be helpful to set a timer, so that we can turn the whole system off for a certain amount of time only.
Change currency on estimated energy report
Currently the beta “estimated energy report” appears to be fixed as EUR currency. This should be configurable so users can select their home currency e.g GBP
Add hot water boost - instead of manual control under hot water settings
In order to boost the hot water for a time period (eg 1 hour) you have to go into Rooms & devices, settings, hot water and then finally access the manual control. It would be a lot easier and more user-friendly and intuitive if there was a simple boost button under Hot water icon. In case anyone is following all the…
App Tile Swipe functionality
I would like to suggest adding tile swipe functionality. This would be to enable a swipe to the next device/thermostat after selection from the main dashboard. The app currently requires you to exit and select to enter the settings for another device. Retaining current functionality whilst adding the swipe to the next…
Radiator Thermostat Hardware Lock
My bedrooms are heated via district heating, so I do not have a central thermostat that turns on or off the heating. My house can be booked by AirBnb guests. When I have guests, I am not at home. I have already noticed that detaching the radiator thermostat from its mount, is very easy to do. I would like to have an…
Tado app to show total amount of heating hours used for a month
This seems like a no brainer to add to the app. The info is already there if you look at the day-by-graph but it's hard work to add this up manually.
Heating Activity - Total Heating Time is wrong
If a room that is not assigned to a zone controller is the only room 'on', then Care & Protect counts this as Heating Activity even though the boiler is off. This is incorrect, and means the Heating Activity is inaccurate if there are any independent rooms set up. Please change Heating Activity to only include time when…
Temperature measuring device
For rooms where you have multiple devices such as two radiators with TRV’s or also a controller it would be great if you could select more than one device or allow Tado to use the average temperature across multiple devices in that room. In my living room, I have two radiators. Selecting one as the primary measuring device…
Notification when manual mode
I think a notification when somebody in the family select it woulf really help. Aldo considering thag Alexa and Google somtimes misunderstand pur command and change temperature without our pur will.
Open Window Reminder Notification
How often do you forget to close a window? It happens constantly to me that I open a window and totally forget about it. Tado of course detects the open window and pauses heating for 15 minutes. But after the timer expires, Tado resumes heating despite the window still being open. Therefore, I would suggest to add a…
Extend on/off period - temporary schedule change
I often want to make a temporary change to the schedule. It would be useful to make an adjustment just for the current state. If you could edit the time of the "next change" displayed on the room or hot water screen then this would be easy. The usual stored schedule would resume later.
Bespoke Geofencing
Would it be possible to link a specific room to a member of the household so that when that person is away from the house, his or her dedicated room (e.g. Bedroom) is geofenced and their room heating is switched off?
Not a new idea. Just common sense
I join the clamour for the bridges to act as repeaters. I have a large 18th century house with a barn wing and two heating circuits from one, large boiler. It took me ages to get tech support to explain how to control which room linked to which heating circuit, but I did have to buy to starter packs - so I have two bridges…
Limit the amount of heat a room can request (three flames)
It would be awesome if we could limit the amount of heat a room can request. This could be based upon the three heating indicators already shown in the app. This way we could limit a room with in floor heating to only request low heated water since it does not make sense to run the system at 70 degrees because the intake…
Open window detection
So we have child lock on, on our tado radiators, since we have a one year old who loves to turn the knob like a roulette table. What I've noticed is that shortly after she's been playing with it, we invariably get an open window warning. My take is that she warms up the knob and it then cools down and the tado simply looks…
Home page indication for rooms on altered schedule
I am new to this, and messing with the schedules to set it up comfortably. I've noticed when I make a manual change to a room schedule, and then return to the homepage, the room icons show the set temps, but the button at the top right says Resume Schedule All Rooms. What you can't tell is which room(s) are set outside the…
Switching on/off based on humidity
Hello, It would be grate if we could have a function in the app where one can choose to switch on or off based on humidity. For example: if humidity reaches 60% switch on to 23C till humidity is lower then 60% or another value
Predefined Heating Schedules
Maybe like a gallery of predefined schedules by tado with the opportunity to download schedules from other users of the community. For example: Winter, „Summer“, HomeOffice days etc.
Meerdere woningen bedienen vanuit 1 tado account
Hi, Ik loop er tegenaan dat ik meerdere woningen wil bedienen. Echter is dit nu niet mogelijk vanuit dezelfde account en moet ik een tweede account aanmaken voor de tweede woning. Daarnaast moet ik bij het wisselen van woning steeds uit- en inloggen. Ik heb het idee dat meer mensen met dit probleem kampen. IT-technisch…
types of user, limits to app, maximum temperatures - increased efficiency and security
Hi, I have had a Tado system for years and would like to suggest the following app and thermostat features: 1) User levels in the app Guest / User - geofencing only Child - As guest + can use the app to manually adjust permitted thermostats within limits. Member - As guest & child + can adjust schedules for permitted…