.set all rooms at same time
Add a button that will reduce the temperature by 1 degrees at every press and another the minus 1 deg. So you can set your complete system up or down at a touch
Show energyIQ in GBP
Show consumption costs in GBP in energyIQ
Create limits for heating
To create a limit for the heating for when someone is staying over
Boost by 5° not up to 25°
I have my heating relatively low but if it dips a few degrees and I want to boost it I don’t want to boost to the maximum 25. 5° more than the current temp would be enough. In this age of trying to be energy efficient and a fuel crisis maxing out the temp is illogical
make geofencing free.
I was always surprised that geofencing needed a subscription. When receiving this email below. Geofencing has a much bigger impact. So make geofencing free. "Take action now to reduce energy consumption in a joint effort Hello Robert, Did you know that lowering your home temperature by 1°C will reduce energy consumption by…
Unify AC V3+ experience with the rest of the Tado products
Hi, I have multiple Tado products in my home - 5x RTV, 1x Thermostat, 1x Home Bridge, 1x AC controller. The experience across these devices is so different that the AC controller almost feels like it was made by a different company (it is not great). Would it be possible to enable pairing of the AC controller with the Tado…
Heat pump simulation mode
With ASHPs being pushed so aggressively in the U.K. and with Tado users likely being on the forefront of heating efficiency, it seems to me that a ‘simulation’ mode would be helpful. The idea would be that tado (when linked to digital connections) would cap the max water temp at 55 deg and ideally target lower temps. It…
hi guys any chance of a feature that allows you to block rooms together. i.e. upstairs/downstairs/bedrooms. you could simply call them zones. if you can and the boost into this aswell so hitting "boost upstairs" would heat everything in your "upstairs" zone. tell me what you think, thanks
Set a maximum radiator temperature, to keep the boiler condensing efficiently.
Hi, Tado achieves a lot of its efficiency by modulating the boiler temperature. However, the variability in environmental temperature makes it very difficult to produce a room temperature profile that will not a some point be caught out, resulting in the boiler going to its maximum output temperature for a short period of…
Add WPA3 support to AC V3+ Controller
Hi, would it be possible to add support for WPA3 to the Smart AC V3+ controller? This security protocol is becoming the new standard, and right now, at least on my network, it is the only device that doesn't support this protocol. Cheers
Extra safety feature
For some reason my Tado heated up to 57c after a change of installation in the setup menu. Therefore I think a check/failsafe in the firmware of the Tado for when the temperature goes up to more then 30c in a short period it should turn itself of and give a notice in the app. It melted My Tado wired where you press to turn…
Add Humididty to Climatecomfort screen
Could you add humidity next to C° on the screen ? See screen capture Thx
Essential Tado App Improvements
Hi everyone, I have been asked by Tado to post my request that the IQ energy facility within our Tado Apps be updated to include our electricity readings. This because... wait for it, you're not going to believe this... So us Tado Customers can vote on whether this should be included within the App. I can almost hear the…
"Advance Heating" Feature
This is a standard feature in most heating systems - some form of control to advance the heating to its next programmed state. Scenario - it's 22:00 and I want to go to bed early and turn the heating off. The heating is programmed to be on until 23:00. Of course if I TURN OFF all rooms that works, but the problem here is…
3rd party temperature sensors
It would be a great improvement if one could have the ability to use a temperature sensor already in the room (which is i.e., HomeKit compatible) to control the radiator valves. This will give a much more accurate temperature control in each room. If you already have a temperature sensor in the room used for another…
Add support of CAN-Bus
Many pellet boilers manufacturers (Froling, Guntamatic, Hargassner, Herz, ....) are using CAN-Bus modulating thermostats. Would be great if Tado could support CAN-Bus protocol in order to replace these thermostats, in modulating mode
Maximum Temperature of the Boiler
I use tado on eBus interface. I want to set up myself the maxim temperature from the boiler. The condensing boilers are most efficient at 55-60%.
Changing the maximum flow temperature myself
Initial problem: Hello, i have a Ferroli Bluehelix PRO 32C heating central. I use tado for 3 years now. After last update of Tado APP to version 6.0.2 (9826) i found following bug. I limit maximum temperature of heating using heating buttons on my boiler to 55C. After this update, maximum flow temperature is reseting…
6.38 crashes on my iOS device but 6.37 doesn’t
After reporting a crashing bug I saw on iOS. I’ve been prompted to help by suggesting a feature after relating the information that I essentially rolled back the version from 6.38 to 6.37. So I guess the new feature could be: How about new beta test 6.38 doesn’t crash like 6.37 didn’t? :) The application //started showing.…
Radiator thermostat colours.
Does any one agree with me that it would be really useful if there was a range of colours for the radiator thermostats? They could be available to match the many colours of radiators that are available. My new radiators are anthracite and the white Tado thermostats seem a little out of place.
Early Start Phone App UI changes.
I was asked by Tado˚ to start this discussion, so here goes. In the Web App when the room is calling for heat due to "Early Start" it is shown in the UI like this. But, this does not show in the Phone App, so you think the room is calling for heat for no reason and can be confusing...
Boiler service anniversary date
I've just installed Tado and I'm quite impressed. A concept/product which lives up to the hype. I was though surprised that in the care and protect section though there doesn't seem to be any option to add a boiler history, eg install date and then service anniversary. An oversight when there is an option to book a…
UX improvement: long-press
Would be very nice if the iPhone app allowed me to “long-press” on a room to quickly turn the heat off or resume its schedule.
Google Assistant An Alexa new (hot) keywords (resume schedule or resume heating schedule)
I am missing a feature for the google assistant and alexa. Feature to say "resume schedule" or "resume heating schedule" I think that this will benefit a lot of people. when you do a manual overwrite of your schedule it does not automatically resume the heating schedule Dutch : Ik mis het commando "schema hervatten of "…
Notification requests...what does the community think?
2 requests I would like to see on the app: 1. The status of the heating indicator on the receiver whether on or off I would like to see in the app on the home page. I know you can see it by clicking into the individual rooms but this doesn't tell you if the heating on receiver is on or not. This only tell you the…
No Zone Controller via Schedule
I did search but could not find anything regarding this, I would like to see the ability to assign a rooms ability to allow the room NOT to call for heat the room during the day, and at night allow the room to call for heat. This would allow the room to not drop temperature too far during the day. What do you guys think ?
Activate Home mode via timer or at a specific time
It would great if I could schedule to active home mode at specific time. e.g. 3 hrs before I get home from a weekend vacation.
I love my TADO product but whilst I appreciate you think you’re moving into the future by only allowing online chat to consumers but for me it’s very limiting/time consuming and in my humble opinion would not make me buy your product.
Named schedules for different situations
I have a 4 bedroom house in which I live with my wife, however, we often have visitors. We only need certain rooms heated for our own use but we have a childrens bedroom which we want heated to a specific schedule when our grand children stay over. We also have a bedroom and bathroom which we only want to heat when we have…
Add new colour to the Temperature graph for "Early Start"
As title say's I think it would be nice to add a different colour to the graph that depicts when "Early Start" was invoked. to this graph