Bespoke Geofencing
Would it be possible to link a specific room to a member of the household so that when that person is away from the house, his or her dedicated room (e.g. Bedroom) is geofenced and their room heating is switched off?
Wireless Receiver supporting more heating Relays (multi zone)
I have a Wavin ahc 9000 controlling my underfloor heating system. As I understand it I can use the wireless receiver to control one channel of the wavin ahc 9000. All the other channels need to have wired connections to the tado smart thermostats. But in my case I have everything wireless, so I can only control 1 rooms…
Let the user set the Price/KWh
Let the user set the Price/KWh on the estimation tool
Update și în limba română
Ar fii foarte bine dacă ați face un update și în limba română
Child lock vs. manual temperature adjustment when offline
Thank you very much for implementing a child lock feature to the radiator thermostats. It is essential as my son is now in the age where he tries out everything digital and he would totally mess up our heating schedule :-) BUT: When child lock is turned on the ability to manually adjust the radiator thermostat in case the…
Do not report a room when it's not assigned to a Zone Controller
Hi team, I've defined a room with a smart TRV which I want to only open and close the valve but does not actually call for heating so I assigned the 'Zone Controller' to 'Not Assigned'. This works perfectly but the problem is this is reported in heating activity and Care & Protect which is actually wrong, since the room is…
[Released] Make the size of the current temperature in the Room Screen bigger
[tado edit]: Scroll down to see our reply from November 15th, 2021. [Original text]: On the room screen, why have Tado made the current room temperature in the room so small that (some of us with poorer eyesight) cannot see what the inside temperature is before moving the scale? this is in the top left of the screen and…
Temperature graph overlap for multiple zones
I would like to be able to add multiple zones to the heating graphs so I can compare the total heated time given by the heating activity and when the heat is actually called for throughout the day. Using underfloor heating for a few zones it may be easier to identify when zones should be heating together to make the system…
Current Temperature Font
Hi, So even though my eye sight isn’t what it used to be, the font size for current temperature is tiny, it really does need to be made bigger and should be a pretty straightforward UI fix.
Badly designed system
I'm kind of annoyed that I even need to post this here so apologies for the tone but I've repeatedly asked by customer support to do it even though I think what I describe below as a bug or at the very least, a highly flawed design. I do not think such issues should be dealt with via an 'ideas and suggestions' category in…
Repeater display on app . . .
From time to time my system's Wireless Receiver loses contact with the Internet Bridge (slow blinking wireless and ! LEDs.) Generally this corrects itself although sometimes I've had to re-pair the units. Last night something unusual happened, no loss of connection but a TRV calling for heat and opening but not triggering…
GUI change - Until you resume / cancel schedule quick action buttons
No consistency between mobile and web apps: Until you resume schedule name appears on the web app Until You Cancel on iOS GUI change request: Add quick action buttons with predefined heating time
WIFI 6 Mesh Wifi or Thread IPv6 to solve range issues
Those with large houses or thick stone walls, will have undoubtedly come across range issues with Tado. They are also increasingly likely to have resolved these issues with mesh WIFI or powerline WIFI adaptors. WIFI 6 routers are not yet commonplace, but offer a low energy solution for TRVs and thermostats. Similarly…
Regulation improvement
The target temperature given to the boiler is rounded because of boiler limitation. In some situations, the the room never reach the target temperature because the regulation compensate in the wrong direction. For example, if I set 20,4°C on the thermostat, the target on the boiler is rounded to 20°C. Thus, if the room…
Rest warmte gebruiken op andere kamer
Ik zou graag de functie willen. Als mijn woonkamer warm is. Ik de radiator op mijn slaapkamer kan open zetten. Zonder dat de cv ketel aangaat. Zodat de rest warmte mijn slaapkamer opwarmt. Mijn slaapkamer hoeft niet zowarm, maar als ik dit nu doet gaat ook de cv ketel weer aan. Wat denken jullie hiervan
Hi, is it possible to add a ‘switch’ in the app to change from winter to summer. This is so that ALL of the heating can be change from either "WINTER HEATING ON" and "SUMMER HEATING OFF".
Temperature labels
I think it would be useful to have an intermediary step in setting the schedules, one whereby I can create a handful of labelled temperatures and then assign them, or use manual temperatures, to blocks of time in the schedule. For instance, I create ‘in-use’ ‘unused’ ‘walk through’ and ‘bathrooms’ labels in temperature…
Sensor Map in app to support internet bridge location.
Provide visualisation in app with internet bridge in middle of map and all connected devices surrounding it showing the current state RSSI value. This will support me in understanding how to change location of internet bridge if I know that one sensor location has -30dbm, another -70dbm another -80dbm then I no longer have…
Multiple Wireless Receivers on one Tado account
I think it would be great to have multiple wireless receivers on one Tado account so for people with more than one zone or more than one boiler can have all the devices on one account rather than split them on two different accounts!
Heating Activity - Total Heating Time is wrong
If a room that is not assigned to a zone controller is the only room 'on', then Care & Protect counts this as Heating Activity even though the boiler is off. This is incorrect, and means the Heating Activity is inaccurate if there are any independent rooms set up. Please change Heating Activity to only include time when…
Tado IFTTT when on/off detected
When any radiator device is switch on or off I'd like IFTTT to receive that information. Many other smart devices already have this feature and for people like myself who have built a smart home hub, the ability to ping/check the status of each radiator would be incredibly useful. Right now my tado section in my own hub…
Please consider Tado app return to 0.1° granularity
I find the app manual temperature now of 0.5c increments to course. please consider returning the 0.1c old variation which was much better if for nothing else for saving gas and the planet if nothing else.
Hot Water Setting
I have a wireless thermostat which gives me a option of hot water control. I have a combi boiler and, as such, I do not use this setting. Its would be great if I could remove this from the Tado Home Screen.
Humidity correction
Discovered a function to set the room temperature correction and would like to have a function to set the a correction for the humidity
Mechanical Ventilation System
Hello everybody I‘m using your thermostat for a floor heating system and it works very well. What I miss is to tell the system that there is a mechanical ventilation system. Will there be an update to configure such a ventilation system, so I don’t get a notification to open a window? Best
Radiator Thermostat Hardware Lock
My bedrooms are heated via district heating, so I do not have a central thermostat that turns on or off the heating. My house can be booked by AirBnb guests. When I have guests, I am not at home. I have already noticed that detaching the radiator thermostat from its mount, is very easy to do. I would like to have an…
App Tile Swipe functionality
I would like to suggest adding tile swipe functionality. This would be to enable a swipe to the next device/thermostat after selection from the main dashboard. The app currently requires you to exit and select to enter the settings for another device. Retaining current functionality whilst adding the swipe to the next…
Temperature measuring device
For rooms where you have multiple devices such as two radiators with TRV’s or also a controller it would be great if you could select more than one device or allow Tado to use the average temperature across multiple devices in that room. In my living room, I have two radiators. Selecting one as the primary measuring device…
Tado app to show total amount of heating hours used for a month
This seems like a no brainer to add to the app. The info is already there if you look at the day-by-graph but it's hard work to add this up manually.
Notification when manual mode
I think a notification when somebody in the family select it woulf really help. Aldo considering thag Alexa and Google somtimes misunderstand pur command and change temperature without our pur will.