Monitoring of Connectivity
Useful if the app could monitor connectivity of the Tado Internet Bridge to both he internet and Tado Cloud and notify the user if there is an issue
som om versus 24 hour
why not chance the app, so people have the choice to set time schedule between am pm and 24 hours schedule, IT would make i easyer for som people.
Add Time Block
Currently this is quite crude. The app adds a time block from 10:00 to 12 :00. But usually the user needs to insert a split a current time block which could be anytime if the day. I suggest to move the "Add Time Block" into the Edit Time Block. This is where the Delete Time Block currently lives so this is neater. More…
Open window detection only when heating and without Auto-Assist
First: The automatic suspension is a really efficient tool, but I absolutely don't see any reason why we should pay for it? As I don't have auto-assist I receive a push notification whenever an open window is detected. The effort for tado of disabling the heating in the room for 15 minutes is lower than the effort of…
Air comfort notification
Can the app please push a notification if one of the rooms is going from high to low air comfort with a recommendation of what to do -> Open window, set higher temperature. Can the air comfort be shown in the main tiles (for instance small point) of the app?
Air Source Heat Pump
Hi, I currently have a tado controlling my hot water and central heating. I would like to update my central heating to use a ashp, are tado controllers compatible with this type heating system
Req. App intigration Homey
Hi Do you plan to make a integration with homey bridge? thanks for a great product \Søren
Swipe from left to close room thermostat pop-up for Tado app on iPhone
When clicking on any of the rooms to change the temperature, I have to somewhat awkwardly (or use my other hand) press the little cross in the top left corner. It would be a lot easier if I could either swipe from the left to go back, or swipe down to close (as it comes in from the bottom). Other than that I think the app…
Verhoog de maximale instelbare ruimtetemperatuur
Graag de maximale instelbare ruimtetemperatuur verhogen.. dan wordt het installeren in de zomer eenvoudiger.. anders moet je de thermostaten in de koelkast leggen om het systeem te testen.. Als je deze maximaal 35 graden kan zetten dan heb je geen probleem met instellen..
Batterijen Tado leeg.. deze batterijen zijn de beste vervangers..
Als de batterijen leeg zijn, vervang ze dan door oplaadbare batterijen 1,5 volt lithium.. Wel zo duurzaam en gaan een leven lang mee... stop de verspilling.. https://amzn.to/396MPaC
Boost Heating for selected rooms
The Boost Heating is a very cool feature. Wish it was there for selected rooms. I may wish to heat the living room at just the click of one button.
an option operating mode working like a signal generator just like the physical remote control
when I ask Siri to turn on the air conditioner, tado sends out turn-on signal. when I ask Siri to turn off the air conditioner, tado sends out turn-off signal. lower, raise the temperature by one degree, two degrees ... set the air conditioner temp to xx degrees ... no matter what state tado is in. This mode replaces a…
origin of an order
Virtual assistants are increasingly present in homes. And Tado, interact with them very easily. It would be a very valuable information if, in the activity graph, in addition to other information (temperature, humidity, climate ...) the origin of a machine start-up order could be reflected. And so, to know if it has been…
Native support for Gree Air Conditioner
As all Gree Air Conditioner Units come with Wi-Fi it would be great to have a native support in the Tado Hub without the need of an extra Smart AC Control. In my case I have all Smart Radiator Thermostat on each radiator and Wireless Temperature Sensor in each room. I like that both of those require no connection to the…
Away Mode (Pet friendly)
The away mode is great, but I a have a cat and maybe it could be great to have an away mode “pet friendly”. Making sure that the house is neither extremly cold or hot so my pet is confy in it.
Tado needs the following. A way of cycling all the valves at least once a week during summer, and running the central heating for a couple of minutes to prevent valves seizing, to prevent pumps calcifying in hard water areas, and to prevent dead spots where sludge settles and to cycle inhibitor. All that is needed is a 10…
Ability to limit/control how much a TRV opens a radiator - control speed/aggressiveness of heating
I've 2 TRV's in a couple of rooms, and in both cases I find that it'd be beneficial to limit the amount that one of the radiators contribute to the heating. eg. in case of a study, I don't want the radiator right beside me blasting out full heat, roasting me before the whole room heats up. I could remove the TRV from that…
Gentle heating curve
Find it more pleasant when tado° heats my room slowly (as it does if the set-point is just 1° above the current temp on a smart TRV). Would be great to have a way to choose to have it heat up gently in this way (i.e. presumably with a lower flow rate) all the time.
Integration with Verisure
I’ve recently discovered that Verisure devices (alarm) placed in different areas of the house also record temperature and would love it if it would be possible for tado to use this information as well.
Improve readability of serial numbers in the iOS app
The serial numbers in the iOS app are displayed in fairly small, grey text. They are only really readable for people with perfect eyesight — even with my reading glasses on, I struggled. Could the font size be increased, and the colour changed to something much darker to provide better contrast — if not on the device list…
Option for Valve fully Open as max temp is only 25°c
As you can only set temperature to a maximum 25°c, after that can we have a fully open valve option. Yes sometimes some of us want hotter than 25°c
Radiator Maintenance Setting
I have Tado on my boiler and all of my radiators. My central heating system (combi boiler) is maintained every year by an engineer. The engineer needs to be able to turn on the boiler and for all the radiator valves to be open. There needs to be a maintenance mode in the app which simply turns on the boiler and opens all…
TRVs for bathrooms
I know you have https://support.tado.com/en/articles/3403596-can-i-use-tado-in-my-bathroom but it would be nice to have some for smaller bathrooms (i.e. where the towel rail is <1m from the shower.
Summer mode
My heating does not need to be and is not on during summer. I do however keep getting geofencing messages when everyone leaves the house. This is a complete waste of time and an annoyance when all heating is off anyway.
Set the "Sleep" functionality of my Midea Air Condition from the App
Issue The air condition Midea Silent Cool 26 Pro WF is equipped with a so-called "Sleep" functionality. Activating the feature via the included remote control or on the device itself makes the AC turn into a more silent operation mode, the fan speed is set to "Auto". Tado is not respecting this setting and is always…
Smart Temperature Sensor in Homekit
I really wish that Tado Temperature Sensor was treaded as Temperature/Humidity Sensor in HomeKit rather then Thermostat. It’s useless in Home app tbh and it has humidity hidden from Status bar. Also it creates useless tile in home. I realy had to use one in one room and now i have 2 thermostats.
Hide Hot Water Option
Have recently moved from a system boiler to a combi boiler. Still have the hot water option even though it is now defunct, would be good to be able to hide it in the settings.
Merged: Latest version of App.
This discussion has been merged.
Advance Programme Setting
Hi I have my heating system set up to come on at a specific time. Sometimes I get home early and want to turn the schedule on rather than wait for the schedule to kick in. At present if you boost the system ALL the radiators come on. Turning them on individually is a pain I have contacted Tado and there is no way around…
Suppress Open Window Notification if room already warm
I keep getting notifications of open windows asking if I want to turn the heating off in a room which is good. However I keep getting them while the temperature of the room is already above what I had set. This means that the heating in that should already be turned off. Would it make sense to not send the notification if…