Which hardware for two zones?
Our house has two heating zones: downstairs, controlled by a thermostat in the hallway and a programmer in the utility room, and upstairs, controlled by a separate thermostat/controller. Hot water is also switched on/off with the controller downstairs. I’m not sure what kind of boiler we have yet (just moved in and can’t…
Tado bridge and Vodafone WiFi hub
Has anyone any experience of the reliability/ stability of the tado bridge connected to a Vodafone WiFi Hub router? I believe the model is a THG3000. I'm currently with BT but my contract is up for renewal and BT are playing hardball with negotiating a new deal. When I originally got BT, I had all sorts of issues getting…
Estimated Heating Consumption
After last update (2 days ago) "Estimated Heating Consumption" stops working. Please help! Mac0014
Why is one radiator reaching much higher temperature than the one set
Hi all, I've recently had my tado system installed and it all seems to be working fine - apart from one room which I have set to 15 degrees and yet consistently it seems to reach temperatures of 23 degrees. Any ideas why this may be happening or how to fix it please? Thanks, ruth
I'm considering buying a tado thermostat and I have some questions
Hello I've been looking at buying a smart thermostat but I don't necessarily require all the bell and whistles. I am very privacy-conscious and prefer the ability to control my thermostat without a cloud-based solution. Of course I understand that means none of the cloud-based intelligence would work. To that end, would…
Problem with one radiator + strange bridge.....
No heat from one radiator.... I am having problems with one radiator and only that one. The valve is not stuck, but despite indicating being 100% open, there comes no heat out. If I remove the Tado, the heat is comming. I cannot see any difference visually from the other radiators. I tried with two Tados and both works…
Tado keeps overheat
Hi. I've got problem with my tado thermostat. It looks like it stops responding and keep heating up and only way to stop it it to swich the power supply off to extension box and boiler. It happens randomly. I contacted tado support, but they useless. Keep saying that 3way Vale stuck. I knew that is not the case. But…
Smart radiator thermostat batteries got empty in about 5 weeks - in what state the valve is left?
I am away from home for a week, the batteries were all normal when I left, since a few days ago I saw one of the the smart radiator thermostat's batteries went low then in a couple of days the device went offline. Now I have a couple of questions: In what state was the valve left when the device shut down? Is that normal…
Help on wiring. Baxi Assure Combi. C-Stat 17-M Thermostat
This is what I have labeled the cable. Is it ok? Also I am not sure about the yellow and green cable goes. Can anyone help? Thank you.
Is it possible to get the temperature and humidity of the devices independently?
I'm developing an application, to display the information of the thermostat of an apartment, but it is necessary to know the information of each valve independently. I went through the TADO API endpoints and so far I have only been able to get this information from 1 particular zone. Is there any end point with which the…
Zone Configuration Issue
I have searched everywhere to a solution to my problem, and despite finding many reference pages and similar posts, I can't find a definitive solution. So I have come here since I've had no response from tado support. Firstly, my configuration is as follows: My house has 2 zone central heating, ground floor and 1st are one…
What is the function of "Care & Protect" ?
I'm curious as to the function / role of "Care and Protect". Our boiler was inoperative for 4 weeks and Tado reported that there weren't any issues and indeed recorded 15-15hrs of heating every day. Surely the app can detect a difference between calling for heat and actually heating ? One thermostat was down totally as it…
Graph shows no data - but device connected and working
So frustrated with 2 of my TRV’s which I had to change the batteries in recently. Since I remounted them the room graphs say no remote access however the devices are “connected” with full battery and they are following the heating schedules. They also respond to changes in room temperature on the app so they are…
Setting up account on a mobile telephone
I can get upto entering a telephone number for the account set up but Tado will not accept what I enter even with international code.
Multiple bridges & wireless receivers in same house
Hi Folks I have two wireless programmable timers that I'd like to replace with Tado (first one does rads and hot water, the other is the underfloor heating in the kitchen). Support tell me that only one wireless receiver is supported per account (quite the restriction!). I asked if I could simply use two accounts and…
How to identify which Tado version of system I have. Vi I think
I am looking to buy new Tado thermostat. As the battery holder is broken. I think mine is v1. Will v3 work. I don’t pay a subscription. Thanks Patrick
No remote access but all devices shown as connected
Setup my Tado system yesterday (wireless receiver still to be installed) and all paired. However, the room wireless thermostat is shown as 'no remote access' on the app homepage. When I go into settings and the thermostat device, it is shown as connected and good battery. Internet bridge is shown as connected and all…
How to change measuring device setting when it doesnt appear in room device setting app?
Ive got both a wireless smart room thermostat and multiple smart TRV etc . I want to set the smart room stat as the measuring device. Looked at tech support guidance - settings/room devices/use measuring device etc. However, no sign of measuring button etc ? Am I missing something
OPENThem tado° Starter Kit: Wireless Smart Thermostat V3+
Hi, I've just purchased the wireless starter kit and was hoping to wire this via opentherm although I've just been doing some research and it seems this might not possible in the UK as the wireless receiver is different to the extension kit? Please could someone clarify this? Thanks Tom
Wireless Receiver v Extension Kit
I’ve just received a new Smart Thermostat starter kit which I’m waiting to be installed but when looking at the picture of what I ordered the unit that gets wired to the boiler looks different. Checking here https://support.tado.com/en/articles/3387312-what-function-do-the-individual-tado-devices-serve I have received the…
since fitting my Tado system my boiler appears have a cycle of 'hunting'
The boiler is new having been installed about a year ago a Worcester greenline si. Should i be worried?
I keep being told to contact Tado, but no method as to how?
I have moved in to a house with Tado fitted. I have set up an account, and the previous owners have given my email address access to their account. But every attempt to actually set things up end with the message that I need to contact Tado. But I have yet to find anywhere on the website any hint as to how I actually do…
When single room should be heated in multiroom setup Tado doesn't.
Hi all, We've got a multiroom setup with about 6 rooms that have Tado Radiator thermostats (bedrooms, bathroom, etc.). The living room has a Tado radiator thermostat and a normal Tado thermostat which are configured to the same room (on/off system). It all seems to work well, until the living room is the only room that…
boiler hunting since fitting Tado system
My tado system system is causing my Worcester Greenline boiler to make hunting sound as if it maybe struggling. The boiler was new and instsled about a year ago.
I would like to use Tado to control my heating
I have Panasonic model WH-SXF12D9E8 air to water heat pump. It heats boiler water for use and it heats the underfloor heating and radiators in two floors. Each floor has its own wall unit where you can set the temperature. I am asking what is the best way to incorporate Tado and what products I need. Would I need to just…
Balancing Rads
Should I open up the non thermostatic valves on the rads with the tado thermostats? Previously they were balanced so some valves were partially closed to get water to heat all rads e evenly. ?
Tado app and Homekit miscommunicatie
I'm experiencing a odd thing with Tado app and Homekit, in Homekit the temperature don't reflect the info from the Tado app. If I change the temperature in Homekit it changes in Tado app correctly and for a few seconds in the Homekit also, then it goes back to the previous temperature (in Homekit). Even Siri works, in the…
Moving to a new flat and after tado set up help
Hi all, So i have a honeywell cm701 controller on the wall and a baxi duo tec 2 combo boiler and that's a 28GA model I see on the net someone with a the same ish controller and 2 wires in side to hard wire to the boiler. So help i need is will i be ok with a controller in hall way . i will need as well 5 rad controllers (…
UFH and Radiator Setup (several manifolds)
Hi all, I have a Grant oil boiler with a separate hot water tank. This then feeds 4 different circuits from what I can tell Hot water and 3 towel radiators I'd like to control the hot water via tado Is there a way to make the hot water only run when one of the other circuits has the boiler on? (I have hubitat, have used…
Geo fencing stopped working
Since upgrading to IOS 15 on our iPhones geo fencing doesn’t seem to work as well as it used to. Have checked all settings on family phones and they are correct. When people are all out the heating remains on