Aw: Warum funktioniert die Batterieanzeige in der App nicht?
What do I need
I'm amazed at how little information I can find on the Tado site about what exactly I need so thought I'd post in here for a response. I have an ideal Logic Heat H18 boiler with a 3 zone ESi programmer (2 heating zones, 1 hot water). My current ESi thermostats are wired in with one downstairs (zone 1) and one upstairs…
Anyone has experience connecting Baxi Neodens Plus with Tado wired thermostat?
I currently have old Vailliant VRT 15 thermostat, which is connected to my relatively new baxi gas heater. I am trying to understand how to correctly connect wires. Also, it looks there are multiple ways to connect (relay, digital, etc...), which one is the best?
Danfoss FP50 Controller
Does anyone know the Tado wireless receiver installation specs when replacing a Danfoss FP50 Controller? Thank you in advance
Can Tado Smart Thermostat override Radiator Thermostat?
I am sure this question has been asked many times here, but I cannot seem to find an answer. We have installed a Smart Thermostat and on each radiator (except 1 in the hallway) is a Radiator Thermostat. This all works like a charm, until someone touches the dial of any Radiator Thermostat. Once touched, it remains on that…
Why does the tado AC control not work as a room thermostat?
I live in the cold North. For my heatpump (Panasonic), the tado AC control, when set to, say, 21 degrees, sees that the heat pump provides air with a temperature of 21 degrees. Means, the room stays at 16, 17, degrees when it is cold outside. Not exactly what I would expect from a room AC control. For those at the tado…
Smart AC Control disable AC mode
I have TOSHIBA heat pump (air/air) and I'm controlling it with a Tado Smart AC Control V3+. Everything works fine but as I live in the cold North, I never use the AC cooling mode even my heat pump are able to cool as well. Is there anyway I can disable the cooling mode in the Tado Smart AC Control V3+ (alternative lock the…
Setting up Tado Extension Kit with Vaillant EcoTec Plus 938 boiler
Hi all I hope someone could shed some light on this for me I'm trying to set up my Tado Extension Kit with a Vaillant EcoTec Plus 938 boiler and connecting the cables – as the installation manual – to the BUS connections to the right of the 24V RT connection When I switch the power to the boiler back on nothing happens…
Multiple controller systems
Hi I have a Vaillant ecoTech 637 combi boiler. From that I have a two controllers: HoneyWell ST9100C w THR872C Thermostat that controls the underfloor heating in the kitchen Honeywell ST9400C with a wall mounted dial thermostat that controls the hot water and the radiators for the remainder of the house. I bought the…
Thermostat only - when does it call for heat?
Greetings all First time poster - I am considering getting the Thermostat but have a crucial question. Apologies if the answer is documented elsewhere. I have searched before posting and downloaded the app, Until recently we had an aging dial thermostat which started and stopped the the boiler solely based on temperature.…
Multiple Radiators - only one heating
So I have 4 Radiators. All with TRVs in the living room. The Temperatur is set to 20C. When it fell to 19.9C I heard the valves - so that’s fine. 15 minutes later I checked - and the radiator I am sitting next too was still cool. And only one - the one which I use as sensor is warm. Shouldn’t all four heat ? Or does it…
Multi Zone Control handling by tado
Sorry for spamming, but haven't got any reply from Get Started board. Hoping to get more technical answers from this board. https://community.tado.com/en-gb/discussion/comment/15830/#Comment_15830 Thanks in advance
How do I link two Thermostats to one room?
Hi, my lounge has two radiators, now each with a Tado Smart Radiator Thermostat. I can't find anywhere on how to pair them as one room ? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance, Tim
What do I need!
Hi I am looking at getting tado but I am really confused as to what I need! We currently have a wireless thermostat. We want to be able to control certain rooms individually but not all and then the rest of the house be controlled by a thermostat which we can put in whichever room we want so our current system. From what I…
Re: abbinamento teste termostatiche e termostato
New Thermostat
Hi, I dropped and broke my thermostat. I bought a new one and paired it straight away - the heating is working as normal but the hot water does not. Any ideas on what I need to do? The old thermostat is still showing on the app - but I cant see any way to delete and the new thermostat has been assigned as room 3, I…
Are Tado's Servers Down?
As of around 10 minutes ago I was greeted with the attached on the iPhone app. WiFi working fine on all other devices, about to reboot the bridge.
Setting Up TRVs in Bedrooms
Our upstairs is one zone controlled by a non-Tado wired wall stat positioned on the landing. There’s no radiator on the landing. I want to be able to control the temperature in each bedroom separately. Can the Tado Wall Stat be setup so that it doesn’t read the temperature closest to it but just takes demands for heat from…
Connecting tado to heatmiser ufh
Hi i have managed to set up wired thermostat in hall and 6 trv and all working fine as they should be after replacing Siemens wired stat and dumb trvs still 2 dumb trv in bathrooms last bit I need to solve is the final area of house kitchen/family room which has wet ufh on separate loop but not valve as main heating…
Tado wireless sensor
Does this new sensor address the problem of poor TRV connection to the internet bridge by acting as a sort of link, i.e. does it talk directly to the TRV or via the internet bridge? I am struggling to get one room to have meaningful connection to the bridge...it says more often than not ‘no remote access’, not helped by…
new Wireless Temperature Sensor: way too expensive?!
I’ve just received an email announcing the new Wireless Temperature Sensor (and a 15% first offer discount). Great to hear about this new device and I’ve a few ideal places to put one. However.... €80 to buy?! That’s the same as a radiator thermostat and yet all it does is read the temp (no motor to turn on/off the…
Manual control.
Why have the options, when using manual control, disappeared? With the older software for 'smart radiator thermostats' there were option to set if a thermostat temp was adjusted by turning the top. Options were 1. Until you cancel. 2. For a set time. 3. Until the next time block change. There is now only option 1. This has…
I previously only had problems with the extension kit disconnecting & heating not turning on. Since September I no longer have this problem after upgrading my bridge BUT Now my system turns on at random intervals, usually during the night, or System doesn’t turn on but everything is connected ok, only solved by using…
Extension Kit Cable Source in UK?
Hi, Just had a new boiler fitted and my present cable going from the extension kit to the boiler is a little tight so I could do with sourcing a longer length. I can find 4 core but not found one like the Tado supplied cable, I would prefer the same colours internally .... has anyone found a suitable supplier in the UK?
Help!!? Tado Internet bridge
Hi All, This has stopped working for me. The power light is solid, but the ethernet connection is not. What could cause this? Same cable and port work no issues on the laptop. Have tried a few other ports and cables to be 100% How can I now control the hot water? How can I get a replacement bridge, can you buy or should it…
To have child Lock function.
TRV child locks
Tado smart ac controller - disabling smart schedule
How do i disable smart schedule? Really weird if there is no option to operate without scheduling. I have tried everything but no succes.
Hi, Is this radiator compatible with tado smart thermostat? https://share.icloud.com/photos/0sDs1imLdnbHIYxbZf2vfrpKA#Klarenbeek
TRV Lock (child lock)
Is there a way to lock any manual adjustments via the TRV? many thanks
installer Menu page 13
on this page you are asked to press and hold button for 3 seconds move to next step and press and hold button again. You must press and hold one more time to get to R01