Yet Another 3-Channel Replacement Question
I know there are quite a few people that ask this, on various forums, but, despite following a number of the answers I'm unable to make my particular setup work. I have replaced a 3-channel ESI controller with an Extension Kit, then replaced the two ESI thermostats (upstairs - master bedroom and downstairs - hallway) with…
Radiator Manual controls on app stopped working since app update
Since the app was updated to 5.10.2 the Manual Controls have stopped working for radiator valves , whether you choose Timmer or Untill ended by uses these are ignored & when you manual change the heating only Until next automatic change works? Any one else having the problem
Manual control feature (OFF) doesn't work properly
Hello, I've got a problem on "Manual Control" feature. On my room "Soggiorno" I have "Until next automatic change" But when I switch to OFF I see... "Until you cancel" This is a recent issue...until few days ago everything worked fine...
Tado not switching on heating
My tado system has stopped switching on my central heating. I have tried setting it to come on under manual control and also with the normal.achedule, neither cause the boiler to come on. The hit water works fine. I have reset the extension kit, smart thermostat and bridge but no difference.any further suggestions?
Heating coming on when it shouldn't.
I've noticed my heating coming on when it shouldn't, I had my timers set to 16ºc but the heat still got up to 23ºc before i noticed. Removed all the timers including hot water schedule. Doesn't seem to have fixed it. It still comes on as though my schedule as been hardcoded into the system somehow. Also i've just turned…
How do I synchronise 3 devices?
I have two tado radiator valves and a tado thermostat all in the one room. How do I synchronise them so that the thermostat measures the room temp and controls the valves?
If I purchase a Tado V2 smart thermostat will I get geofencing without paying a subscription to Tado
If I purchase a Tado V2 smart thermostat will I get geofencing without paying a subscription to Tado?
I am thinking changing to Talktalk, and just want to make sure if their Wifi hub would be compatible with my Tado system please. I am with Virgin at the moment.
Im pulling my hair out and customer support is being vauge and in over a week havent helped
OK I have a worcester greenstart 24i erp boiler which has no major control on it except the temp of the water that leaves it Up stairs in a cupboard where only contortionists could work, I have an immersion heater, and the programmer (to operate the programmer there is no light in there, nor is there ability to work the…
Completing installation of smart thermostat
I have installed a smart thermostat but the app tells me that I need to complete installation. It’s says I need to assign it to a room but I can’t find where to do this.
Swapping On & Off Valve On 2 Radiators
Currently im looking at swapping 2 old on/off radiator valves for TRVs then put tados on. do i need to close all the open ones then drain system with the 2 i want to change open? do I need to drain the full system? whats the best way to install them? thanks
Alexa Revert to Smart Schedule
Have a Voice Assistant command to revert individual or all rooms to smart schedule. At present they turn off. And have to be told to turn on otherwise they ignore their next event.
One house - two units - two boilers
Hi, i have recently bought a house that has an in-laws apartment with its own boiler. I am looking for a way to control the main house heating and boiler and the apartment heating and boiler with one system. Does Tado support having two boilers? Can I use the Smart Thermostat to replace the old wired Thermostat in the main…
All connected no heat when called for
I setup today followed the instructions to the letter. Everything is showing as connected. Call for heat and it says heating but it is not firing up the boiler. If I call for hot water the water heats up. Thanks but it has been resolved.
multiple TRV & Room Stats does TV close if room is above set point?
I have 4 x Tado TRV's and 3 x Room Stats and extension kit 1 room stat is the main for the whole house. labelled Heating 1 is in the living room opposite side of room to rad 1 is in the dining room opposite side of room to rad TRV's 1 in living room 1 in dining room 1 in Front bedroom 1 Back bedroom At present they are: As…
Additional Smart Thermostat installation
Hi guys, I purchased two additional smart thermostats to make up for the poor TRV measuring. The issue is, after adding them to the system everything stopped working. Basically the extension kit does not seem to receive any heat requests / is stuck in some kind of manual mode. Does anybody know how the Smart Thermostats…
Connect Smart Thermostat direct to zone valve.
Hi Current set up. Smart thermostat. Some Smart TRVs, Extension kit. 2 Questions: 1.) I have a large lounge with 4 rads. Mostly only need it heated in the eve. Sometimes not at all. Instead of 4X Smart TRVs. Can I stick a generic zone valve in and wire a smart thermostat directly to it? 2.) If yes. Can this smart…
Heating called for
I have just upgrade to the new app, after using tado for a few years. The old app used to have up to 3 flames lit to show the amount of heat called for - does the app not have this? The support area suggests it does but my app just says ‘heating to’. Thanks in advance
Incorrect temperature in the morning.
I have the following problem for 3 days now: In the morning when I wake up I put the temperature on 20ºC but Tado V3+ says it's allready about 19.5ºC in the room while my Netatmo indoor station says it's only about 17.5ºC. The Netatmo seems right because it feels cold in the room. After putting the thermostat on 20ºC the…
Cheap child guard for TRV
Hi I have came up with a cheep idea to child proof your trv with no damage. Just thought I would share. Parts. 50mm solvent weld straight coupling. 3 small strips of sticky draft excluder. Works very well and easy removed
Is There A Heating History View Anywhere?
I had Nest before Tado and it showed a simplified view of how many hours your heating was on for each day. Is there a simplified view with Tado anywhere other than working it all out from the graph? Just trying to work out if the heating is on more or less now ive got individual TRVs on the rads
Heating on past midnight yet thermostat shows heating off
Woke up very hot at 00:30 because heating system was still running and on checking the thermostat it displayed 'off' as expected as the programme should switch off at 21:30. I think that I had used the thermostat earlier to raise the temperature but may somehow have put the heating in a manual mode- trouble is I really…
New Smart Thermostat and extension added to system but radiator valves still not bringing in boiler.
I've already got 8 tado radiator valves working on their own. Today I've added the smart thermostat which gives fitted wirelessly in the lounge, and the extension wired in to the worcester greenstar boiler. I followed the tado instructions that were emailed to me. I r Expected the smart thermostat to be linked to the…
Tado server was down again
This has happened twice within a month. This server outage is becoming a problem. Anyone else suffer from this problem?
My heating is working when it is required but my hot water is working intermittantly - tonight the water is cold. Everything is connected and it says that the "Hot Water" is "On" but the boiler does not fire up. Any suggestions?
Is it possible to see if the boiler is running or not via Tado
Is it possible to see if the boiler is running or not via Tado? I had a problem with the boiler constantly running or not running at all which Tado have now hopefully fixed. Whilst I can see the room temperature via Tado I don't know if the boiler is running or not.
No heating coming on is there a manual override of Tado?
I did ask Tado help centre about using an Extender unit. They provided me with the details and linked the Extender to my account. I then decided not to go ahead with its fitting because it wasn't a case of remove the thermostat and put on the Extender and required much more work than I expected. However the Tado team…
Target Temperature
Can someone explain how the temperature setting works, my target temperature is set at 21 but I am now in my living room and the temp is 18, at what point should the heating come back on?
Hot water
I am Marijan from Croatia, and i have just installed a smart termostat and 8 smart radiator termostats and installed mobile app... and there is no option for a hot water lije there is on demo app...? Wha i have not that option...? Marijan
Hot water
I am Marijan from Croatia, and i have just installed a smart termostat and 8 smart radiator termostats and installed mobile app... and there is no option for a hot water lije there is on demo app...? Wha i have not that option...? Marijan