Decouple from cloud please
All we want is to avoid this: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/04/shameful-insteon-looks-dead-just-like-its-users-smart-homes/
Naming radiators
I have a number of rooms in which I have more than one radiator but all connected under one Tado “room”. It would be good if each individual radiator could be named eg “under the window” so that one knows which battery to replace without having to say Hi to each radiator. This is particularly important when the radiators…
Boost by 5° not up to 25°
I have my heating relatively low but if it dips a few degrees and I want to boost it I don’t want to boost to the maximum 25. 5° more than the current temp would be enough. In this age of trying to be energy efficient and a fuel crisis maxing out the temp is illogical
Can we have a Widget
Hi, I feel that you brilliant technology would benefit hugely from a Widget, enabling a screen on my smartphone to be live feeds from the zones of my home
Energy IQ
Could you set it up So we can put the oil Price per litre. So we could use this function. It seems you are only thinking about Gas boilers and not oil. I’m sure there are customers who have oil and would like the same Benifits.We have paid the same price for out Tado products after all
Energy IQ Improvements, look back and electricity
The energy IQ feature is on the right track. I would like to see a few improvements though. Being able to look back to maybe a years worth of inputs by swiping on the graph would be good. Also being able to add your electricity readings in so you can keep tabs on electric radiators/air conditioners etc. Wouldn’t anyone…
Flame 🔥 icon
How about adding a flame 🔥 icon to the heating zones that are currently heating? Would be clearer than it is presently
Dazzle mode from Homekit please
When changed manually from Apple Home app, and from Home automations. Would provide extra confidence and visual clues when there are adjustments.
Artificial intelligence heating to desired temp
When I set the heating I select a room and temperature. Instead, could the app calculate how long it ‘normally’ takes to heat the room to that temp. Could the app then initiate heating, to the temp at the desired time. This is something I try to calculate but I think some development and an intelligent app could do it…
Different colour radiator thermostats
We have raw metal radiators and the white radiator thermostat valves look out of place - I may try painting them but think would be a nice idea if Tado offered black and grey etc… as opposed to just white?
Ability to link rooms
Have the ability to link rooms together so changing the temperature on 1 room will change the rooms that are linked together. Maybe add a global change too so you can change the whole house in 1 go.
Let the user set the Price/KWh
Let the user set the Price/KWh on the estimation tool
Add an Alexa feature: "Alexa, what is the humidity in the living room/bedroom/etc"
The Tado app clearly shows that humidity is being tracked. We can see the humidity in all the rooms. So those sensors are already present in the Tado devices. Yet, I can't ask Alexa to tell me what the humidity is. I'm a programmer, and I know that this wouldn't take a great deal of programming to implement. So I'm…
Sensors for hot water cylinder
I have purchased the tado° Wireless Smart Thermostat Starter Kit V3+ with Hot Water Control, but the control is just a glorified on/off switch. It does not give me any flexibility to control the temperature of the water in the cylinder nor the least to see what the temperature currently is. Due to reasons unknown it…
[Feature Request] Apple AirTags and GeoFencing
Hi, One of the limitations of the current geofencing feature is that it is limited to own devices. This means that if we have guests at home (or back when we could and hopefully when will be able to again in the near future) or someone like a nanny and me and my wife leave the house the heating shuts down. A very easy…
Be able to set max outgoing water heating temperature in central heating (CV)
In the Netherlands most people have a central gas heater which pomps hot water around in the house through floors, radiators or convectors, also called in Dutch: CV installatie. What I cannot do with Tado is adjust the outgoing hot water temperature of this central heater, via an OpenThem connection, but I cannot adjust…
Don't completely disable a room from remote control because 1 device has fallen over.
I searched but failed to find similar though I suspect it is here somewhere..... In a room where there are multiple tado devices (my open plan ground floor has 1 thermostat and 3 trvs) if one device becomes disconnected the entire room is impossible to access. This seems mad. I can't find out the current temperature…
Admin users and managed users
Admin users have full access to tado, and managed users just able to adjust the temperature in rooms for a set time period.
Simple Improvements to App Homescreen View
I'd like to suggest a couple of simple improvements (IMHO) to the content of the homescreen room tiles in the Tado app: The tile is large, and there is plenty of spare space on it, so could we get an indicator of the room's temperature behaviour. What I mean is that if the room temperature is rising then an arrow pointing…
Expose temperature sensors to Apple Homekit
As the title says, would be handy to have access to the temperature sensors in Homekit to create automations e.g. when temperature reaches X do Y
Boiler Overun
When all heating demand is stopped our boiler goes into overrun and dissipates it heat into the garage (where it is not required). It would be good if when the heating is not called for boiler heat demand signal is stopped but the radiator valves would stay open for a adjustable time to use the stored boiler heat in…
Battery status Matter
Hello, when Tado X radiator thermostats are connected to HomeAssistant using Matter Addon they dont show battery status because its not sending any. The radiator thermostats are connected through other brand Thread Border router.
Switch between rooms in graph nice
When in graph mode, one can change the date range with the ˅ symbol next to the date. It would be so much easier to switch between rooms if there was a ˅ next to the Room/Device name as well. Now I have to go back twice (first to the Room, then to the home screen) to select a new room and view the graph
Suggestion: enable Homekit Away/ Home automation
Tado should allow homekit users to toggle the home / away status of tado, using homekit automations. Issues; - Expensive - Tado charges £29.99/y just to toggle auto geofencing (extortion). - Privacy issues - I have to always share my location data with tado. I don't want to do this. - No support for guest / multi house…
1hr boost
It would be very helpful to be able to set a timer for boosting a heating zone. Some time I would like to have the heating on either upstairs or downstairs outside the scheduled times. More often than not I set it manually but I always forget to turn it off. Since I have underfloor heating the temperature raises very…
Heating Activity - Real Time
Hello, Whilst "Heating Activity" is good at showing which zone/room is currently heating, what is not in anywhere near real time is the Total Today value. It will sometimes take hours before the Total Today time changes when I know the heating has been on for more than the total of 11 minutes it has kept telling me.. I may…
Schedule profiles
I have now had the tado system for nearly a week, and its certainly better than my old hive system. You guys have done a good job on it. However you (and every competitor) are missing what I believe is probably an important feature for many people, and I can say 100% would have made me choose to move to you years ago had…
Make Opentherm boiler specific tweaks possible
Hi! I'm having an issue with opentherm using my boiler Enbra CD34H. After some troubleshooting I found out that issue is caused by Opentherm message ID 14 (Maximum relative modulation) being send too often by Tado (every 6s). Unfortunately support is unable to change this to 2mins intervals (which would fix the issue) for…
Comfort screen settings
Ability change the comfort range and set a min/max in the comfort toggle
Integrate with smart meter
Stop wasting my time with app notifications to key my meter reading to get smart eq working