Multi home
Bought Tado for my Airbnb, love it - bought a 2nd system for my home only to discover no multi home function. Have since read on this forum, and other places, it’s not available so had to return. C’mon Tado… you are not listening to your customers… it’s a pretty basic - and fundamental - requirement!
Temperature alarm
It would be good to be able to set alarm if the real temperature is not following scheduled temperatures. Then we would be able to react. Best regards
24 hour clock
The smart schedules are set using the. 24 hour clock. However, the next event for each room uses am/pm. I know I live in the UK with its outdated time but it would be useful for users to select a consistent 24 hour (or am/pm) format.
Boost heating until custom temperature is met
Hi, I would like to suggest a custom feature that. Currently when you boost heating it keeps going until the temp hits 25 or is turned off. I suggest you should be able to boost the temperature to a custom defined temp such as 21 or 22 degrees. Many thanks Neil
Adjust humidity readings (Humidity offset)
Graag een optie om een offset mee te geven aan de luchtvochtigheid. Zelfde optie zoals bij de temperatuur
White text on grey background (Temperature graphs in dark mode)
I'm using general dark mode on my device (Android) With the the latest application update the inside and outside temperature display has been changed from black text to white text (on a light grey background. The text has become unreadable. Can you change that back please ? Edit: additional info, In normal (non dark mode)…
Hot water boost via app
There used to be functionality using the app whereby you could boost the hot water for a limited period of time, say 1/2 hr then it would return to schedule. As it now works you can only override the schedule and turn the hot water on. If you then forget to turn it off it will run 24/7, not good at all..
Activity log viewer
Hi have read your summary of missing / development requests. Is there any movement on these. I am frustrated that there is no way of viewing the log activity for room temperature, boiler control, manual interference, who did what and when. There are spurious times when the heating or water comes on and I don’t know why. A…
Humidity trigger
I think it would be nice to have a humidity trigger as well as temperature trigger. As an example I have a TRV in the basement where the desired humidity is btw 60-70 and the temperature is not really important. It would be great if the TRV kicks in when the humidity is as an example above 70
Hot water cylinder temperature control
I have the hot water extension kit installed next to my hot water tank. probably as per most peoples set up. It would be nice to have a wireless piece of kit that replaces the hot water tank temperature gauge that either connects wirelessly to the hot water extension kit or is wired in...
Merged: support for multiple internet bridges
This discussion has been merged.
Set "away" the separate room
The geofencing can switch off the heating of the entire house. But, the possibility of the setting one room is missing. For example, the children are out for one week. Why fully heat their room?
add LPG to Fuel type
would i be possible to add LPG to Heating Type with the calculations to work with graphed data to reflect price and KWH for unmetered connections
Temporary scheduled override
On occasion, such as getting up early, it would be great to be able to set a temporary scheduled override rather than having to adjust timeblocks for a number of rooms etc. Say the heating and hot water usually come on at 6am, but for this one day you need them to come on at 5am. With a temporary scheduled override you…
Multiple Wireless Receivers on one Tado account
I think it would be great to have multiple wireless receivers on one Tado account so for people with more than one zone or more than one boiler can have all the devices on one account rather than split them on two different accounts!
Change currency on estimated energy report
Currently the beta “estimated energy report” appears to be fixed as EUR currency. This should be configurable so users can select their home currency e.g GBP
Better Graph
Hi, I found the temperature graph lacking zoom and pointing (to have a more precise idea of the time when browsing the item). I had a Netatmo before and their graph was a little bit more usable. Cheers, lilion
[Released] Make the size of the current temperature in the Room Screen bigger
[tado edit]: Scroll down to see our reply from November 15th, 2021. [Original text]: On the room screen, why have Tado made the current room temperature in the room so small that (some of us with poorer eyesight) cannot see what the inside temperature is before moving the scale? this is in the top left of the screen and…
Multiple households
Pretty sure this idea already been suggested in the past, but I still want to re-suggest the idea. A function to manage several households with one account would be really useful for many users.
Tado needs the following. A way of cycling all the valves at least once a week during summer, and running the central heating for a couple of minutes to prevent valves seizing, to prevent pumps calcifying in hard water areas, and to prevent dead spots where sludge settles and to cycle inhibitor. All that is needed is a 10…
Wireless Receiver supporting more heating Relays (multi zone)
I have a Wavin ahc 9000 controlling my underfloor heating system. As I understand it I can use the wireless receiver to control one channel of the wavin ahc 9000. All the other channels need to have wired connections to the tado smart thermostats. But in my case I have everything wireless, so I can only control 1 rooms…
Use Smart AC Control also as a temperature sensor for smart radiator thermostats
I have a room with both AC (controlled by a TADO Smart AC control) and a radiator (with a TADO smart radiator thermostat). The room is big and the temperature around the radiator in the winter is not what most of us using the room feel. The TADO Smart AC control is instead in a place where temperature can be sampled more…
All off for X time or until hh:mm
I love the new "All off" or "boost heating" buttons. It would be great to be able to add a time to these features. For example: All off until 20h00 All off for 3 hours All off until 10.04.2021 @ 8h00
Hi, is it possible to add a ‘switch’ in the app to change from winter to summer. This is so that ALL of the heating can be change from either "WINTER HEATING ON" and "SUMMER HEATING OFF".
Improve Care&Protect boiler fault detection
The problem i encounter is easy to explain. If for example my TADO is programmed to turn my boiler on (be it automatically or manually), and for whatever reason the boiler is either Off or the mains is down, TADO doesn’t inform that the boiler isn’t on. In this second report I have sent, the boiler was resetting itself due…
Increase maximum "Open Window Detection" shut off duration
The Open Window Detection Heat Shutoff Duration has a wheel to select the number of hours. But you can’t use it, as the maximum duration is just 1 hour, so it’s redundant, only a minute wheel is required. However, I would like for the maximum to be greater than 1 hour as I often open the bedroom window for many hours to…
Dynamically adjust opening percentage based on rest of system as well as heat demand
A couple of weeks ago I posted a suggestion that users be allowed to set the minimum opening percentage on the smart valves to alleviate water rushing noise. In a separate thread about vibration, a solution was suggested to remove the Tado valve from the radiator nearest the boiler because "…it can happen that the water…
Set minimum opening percentage on smart radiator valves
Despite fiddling with pump speeds and lockshields, I still get water rushing noise in some of my radiators when the smart valves are open only a small amount. Being able to increase the minimum opening percentage would prevent this.
Humidity on app home screen
it would be very useful to show not only the temperature, but also the humidity of each individual thermostat on the app home screen
Software development roadmap
The "Suggestions, Ideas, and Improvements" forum has been here for years, brimming with diverse topics and innovative suggestions from our users. However, one question lingers: What if tado° rekindled its commitment to transparency by sharing at least a simple software development roadmap with users? A follow up to a post…