Modulation for Worcester Bosch 8000 series
Its now 3 years since Worcester Bosch launched its 8000 series. Can we have modulation compatibility for this series?
Window open notification
Window open notification could tweak little bit to show which window is open on quick notification. So user doesn’t have to open app always. or an announcement system [ smart speaker] if a window open
Mac M1 App
Bring the iOS Tado app to the Mac AppStore to use the features in which HomeKit doesn't support (Ie. Override Timer, energy reports, timer settings). When we had access to run these apps pre MacOS 14.2 or 14.3 tado was one of the best apps to use via MacOS for M1 devices which saved me from hunting down my iOS device. It…
Option to enter two offset values on TRVs
One offset for when radiator is off, and one when radiator is on. This would hopefully be a simple fix for the issue where the temperature around the radiator is warmer than rest of the room when the radiator is on. (Seen especially in vertically mounted TRVs.)
Outdoor thermometer
Would be good to see outdoor temperatures on home screen, possibly linked to turn on heating if temperatures drop
tell tado a window is open
The radiator thermostat does not always recognise when a window is open. I would like a way within the app to tell tado this, so that it doesn't try to keep heating the room - I currently have to turn down the tempt setting to around the outside air temp.
Smart AC Control - vane and swing control
The tado Smart AC Control is great - except for one thing. My aircon units have the ability to vane both left/right and up/down, and the traditional remote will control these. The AC Control does not, which means that at night, the air blows directly in our face and we cannot direct it to vane or point in a different…
Offline notification
My Internet Bridge went off-line and I didn't realise for hours. A simple reset was all it took to fix the issue, which I could have done way sooner if I'd realised. Tado sends other notifications, like a thermostat needing batteries. I would like Tado to send me a notification, either push-notification in the app, or…
Multiple Internet Bridges - and long standing bug bear... a new idea / approach.
We have major issues with range from the internet bridge, as there can only be one. Clearly it would be simple to slip a simple SSL IPSEC tunnel into the bridge architecture and make changes in the cloud to allow multiple ones on a single account. But this is not clearly the case. Equally being a powered unit, you might…
Multi-Home Tado
Would be so great to have multi home support in the app. Such a pain having to log in and out all the time. If this is complex - and I realise that not everyone needs it - how about releasing "copies" of the App so we can download 2 or 3 of them and have them logged in individually. This may apply well to everyone. I want…
Add signal strength indicator to help positioning the gateway
New (quite happy) user here; the radiator thermostat that is the furthest away from the gateway started to drop out and i believe that providing some signal strength indication (or even graphs !) would help placing / optimizing the gateway position and orientation by providing feedback to the adjustments.
Apple Watch App
Please make an Apple Watch App!
App “Advance” button
I have a suggestion for the tado app. On my old boiler time controller I had an "Advance" button that advanced the settings to the next time period and then reverted back to the normal schedule once the next time period finished. On the tado app to bring on the heating earlier than scheduled, I think I have to go into…
Make it easier to see which room is requesting heat by adding a symbol/colour to room Icon
I have a few rooms with smart TRVs and it always takes me a while to find which room is requesting heat. It would be easier if there is a little logo, or maybe a coloured border around the room icon if it is being heated.
When an open window is detected add the name of the room to the notification
Could the name of the room be added to the notification text when an open window is detected?
Boost Heating for selected rooms
The Boost Heating is a very cool feature. Wish it was there for selected rooms. I may wish to heat the living room at just the click of one button.
Ability to move All Off/Boost buttons
Can you please make those two new buttons moveable? I would seldom use them, and they are prominent, and easily activated by accident. Thanks
Heating Activity report
Heating Activity report is inflated by TRVs working independently that do not really contribute to extra heating requests. So, in my current setup I have a set-back temperature overnight across all Zones. However, most of time the heating will only trigger after a few good hours (that's the point of set-back, save on…
Scroll between rooms in mobile app
Hi I think it would be usefull to be able to scroll between rooms on mobile app with swipe left or right ...
Open window notification after shutoff interval
As it is (if you pay for auto-assist), the system automatically shuts down heating for a pre-configured interval when an open window is detected. I think it would be useful to receive a push notification when that interval has elapsed, in order not to forget to close the window.
Add a hot water 1 hour boost button in app
To save going into scheduling for short periods or having to switch hot water off rather than defaulting to the next change please add a simple 1 hour boost button.
Cooling function for Heat Pumps with floor cooling
Please create a function where we can use Tado with a heat pump (equipped with a cooling function) connected to a floor heating system to cool the rooms (with Tado thermostat) to the specified temperature. Each room is equipped with Wireless Smart Thermostat or Wireless Temperature Sensor. The heat pump is connected to the…
Black edition TRVs
It’d be super if there was a black edition TRV to match the new black edition thermostats - would look nicer on black radiators than the existing white ones IMO
Range extender
I'd like to have a range extender for my tado products, so when my bridge can't reach all Tado units, I can put a device in between that will repeat the signal. One solution could be a repeater, like IKEA has for their Tradfri line. Another option would be to switch modes on a bridge, so it could be used as a secondary…
Quick on off button per room
Hi! The Tado app mainscreen already features a on/off button pictogram on each room. I would love for them to work as on/off buttons too! So you can resume schedule or stop heating a specific room with just one click.
Average temperature of multiple thermostats in same room
In a large room with multiple radiators/thermostats, it would be good to have the option of using the average/weighted temperature instead of having to choose one device.
New Device - Tado Immersion Hot Water Heating Controller
Many homes having a hot water storage cylinder would also have the hot water heated by an element in the cylinder either as standard or as a backup option to the gas heating system. I wanted to raise this subject here to help gauge if there is actually an interest within the community of Tado users? Do you have a hot water…
AM/PM & 24h time format
Please make 24h time format available, either based on system (phone) settings or by choice in the application. AM/PM doesn't stick in my head.
Smart AC control to activate AC based on room temperature
Currently the Smart AC control turns on the AC unit at the start of a time block, regardless of the temperature. In my opinion that's a major flaw, because most (all?) home AC units still run their fan even if the room temperature is below the setpoint, so it's a waste of energy and also annoying to have the fan blowing…
3rd party temperature sensors
It would be a great improvement if one could have the ability to use a temperature sensor already in the room (which is i.e., HomeKit compatible) to control the radiator valves. This will give a much more accurate temperature control in each room. If you already have a temperature sensor in the room used for another…