Wiring help
Hi guys, I need some help with wiring. My father in law has a tado now amd asked me to wire it as I did mine and my bothers (both new builds) but his wiring is far more complicated.. hoping someone can help.. Wires in situ: N - Blue and Black L - Red (white sleeve) and Brown 1 - Grey 2 - Black
Manifold Pump
I wanted to do a simple maneuver... radiator valves call for heat, manifold pump on.... valves closed, pump off.... My problem is that the wired thermostat doesn't turn the pump on/off at the same time as the demand. .. When the valves close, the pump continues to work, not working synchronized
Tado X link to Apple Home via Tado App Device Linking is missing !!
Tado Thermostat X has no Device Linking option within Tado App to connect devices to Apple Home. Any ideas what need to do?
Individual Geofence Option
Hi. Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but would be great if you could set-up individual Geofencing capability for each individual Smart Radiator Thermostat. To explain, I am often away from home for several days at a time for work and would like to be able to automatically detect this and shut off the Radiator…
A little help with choosing the right kit
Hi all, apologies have had a little look but unsure with what route to take. Our new home has a ProCombi exclusive 35 boiler with an old TFC wireless stat. Am looking to replace with Tado. What it be compatible and advantageous to install the Opentherm version if even compatible or should I go non opentherm. Then to add to…
Low battery causes boiler to run
So this morning at 1am I discovered the boiler was running even though it shouldn't have been. Checked the app and it said the utility was at 12 degrees. Better go and check I think, cause it can only be that low if the window or door is open in which case someone has broken in. On investigation the valve is showing a low…
Replacing a two zone system with a Wireless Thermostat Kit v3+
Following the Tado website instructions, I've purchased a Wireless Thermostat Kit v3+ and a Wired Thermostat to update my existing two zone system (including separate hot water tank) which has two thermostats (one simple thermostat downstairs, a timer/thermostat upstairs) and a programmer next to the radiator. Can anyone…
Nest to Tado and move thermostat due to Heat Pump
Looking for some advice/clarification on the best way to make the switch from Nest to Tado. Main reason is we are having heat pumps installed in various rooms which will leave only 3 with radiators that need a smart trv on. The bigget issue the current Nest is in a room (and right in the air flow direction of one of the…
Tado wireless thermostat not triggering boiler for heating
I had a boiler service completed yesterday and all fine This morning I have no heating, the boiler is on and seems fine, WiFi on but can’t trigger. Have turned boiler off at the mains and on again Plumber not able to come back out quickly 🙄 Any advice please while I wait?
Wireless Smart Thermostat Starter Kit V3+ with Hot Water Wiring question
Hi there, I've just installed the Wireless Smart Thermostat Starter Kit V3+ with Hot Water and had a question about decommissioning the old wired Thermostat. The install went fine, I could call the hot water however I was getting nothing from the Radiator call. I remembered at that point that I'd forgotten to decommission…
V3+ Support lifetime?
I'm currently investigating my options to "smarten" my heating system. Unfortunately my Junkers heater does not support opentherm. It uses a proprietary HT-bus protocol that the newer Thread-based X system does not support. That is why I'm considering to go for the older V3+ system, but then the question rises: how long…
Wireless Receiver
Our boiler is an external boiler which previously had its controls on the face of the boiler, I fitted a wireless receiver ideal prt1 into the control panel so we can control the heating from inside the house with a wireless controller. I'm away to put in the tado v3 and wondering if there would be any issues wiring the…
correct wiring for smart thermostat
need some guidance on how to correctly wire a wired smart thermostat. I'm attaching a pic of how the old thermostat was wired, showing L jumpered to COM and the control blue & brown wires connected to N & NO respectively. On the Tado thermostat I've tried connecting L straight on COM, the control brown wire connected to…
New Smart TRVs micro adjusting a good deal and making noise
I recently set up a a set of smart TRVs and sometimes they micro-adjust a good bit (every few seconds) and I find it a little distracting and annoying in my bedroom, whereas other times they behave 'regularly' and open at the start of the call for heat and then shut at the end of the call for heat. The noisy behavior…
Boiler starts with delay
Hey there! This summer I got a new boiler and recently started to notice an issue: even though a room is marked as 'heating' in the app, the boiler is not heating the water. To fix this, I decrease and increase the set temperature several times, and after several times, it works. The same goes when the schedule changes: in…
Which adaptor to use
I have an Ecopal thermostatic radiator valve on an existing radiator and want to replace it with a tado smart radiator valve. Looking through the list of thermostat valves in the help it is not listed. Any idea if an adaptor is required or not please?
Wiring to danfoss - honeywell
Hey there. i am a little confused how am i supposed to wire this, and also what configuration code choose later on. The system i have is Danfoss district heating, but i assume it works on Honeywell t3 wired thermostat, which only turns on/off Danfoss. When it does i can hear click noise. I am enclosing a pic of danfoss…
Buderus EMS or EMS Plus anyone has a working setup?
Hello, has anyone been able to make a working BUS connection to a Buderus EMS Plus boiler? Would like ask for configuration and connection details as I can not get my Buderus boiler working with the extension kit more than 10 days together with tado technical support team. Regards
Replacing Danfoss ECtemp smart thermostats with wired Tado Smart Thermostat X
I have wired Danfoss ECtemp smart thermostats for undefloor heating. Does anyone know if I can replace them with wired Tado Smart Thermostat X. Thank you!
Tado X hot water not working or showing in app
I've just installed the UK version of the Tado X wireless smart thermostat starter kit. However, I cannot control the hot water from the app (nothing showing for hot water) or the receiver (I press the hot water button and nothing happens)
would be really great if developers can adds widget for both android and iOS.
Gear and Download Arrow on Wireless Thermostat
Hi. Can anyone tell me what the gear and download (this is my interpretation) icons mean on the Wireless Thermostat please? I'd guess it has something to do with firmware but I cannot see anywhere that tells me this needs doing in the app. I've tried removing the batteries and removing it from my tado set up and re-adding…
Installation where to place Wires
I have followed and tried to contact Tado who I’ve just directed me to the app which is not helpful at all. This is my current wiring, and I am just unsure which wire to put in which slot on the Tado wireless receiver. If anybody could please tell me! This is a link to the current wiring and a photograph of where I need to…
Tado X wired with OT changes the temperature of domestic water
In my boiler, Tado X wired thermostat connected through OpenTherm changes domestic water temperature to 60 degrees even if it is not supposed to. When this happens the temperature cannot be adjusted anymore from the boiler: if one tries to change it from the boiler settings, it immediately goes back to 60, as if Tado X was…
Set minimum opening percentage on smart radiator valves
Despite fiddling with pump speeds and lockshields, I still get water rushing noise in some of my radiators when the smart valves are open only a small amount. Being able to increase the minimum opening percentage would prevent this.
Can a tado user in the UK refer me, and they will get a £20 amazon voucher
Please see this link: If someone in the UK refers me and I am able to get the 50% off you should get a £20 amazon voucher Anyone up for it? My email address is: euan.borland37@googlemail.com
Home planning quiz
I have just installed a heat pump and I know I will need a heatpump optimizer, but I don't know if I need a Programmer with Hot Water Control also. It would be useful to have a way to get the best possible solution for one's home based on a quick quiz to design the right system for one's home
My Boiler is not responding to thermostat settings
I have my thermostat set @ 19.5 degrees and different schedules set at varying times of day or night however just recently the temperature has risen to 22.5 and the boiler seems to be ignoring the schedules and preset temperatures even Turing of the heating within the app the boiler just keeps on heating. I have had the…
Tado app closes when entering boiler Info
Hi, Every time I add my boiler info into the app under the care and protect, I click my exact make model and the app just closes in its entirety. Any ideas? It’s a viessmann Vitodens 100 wb1a
Has anyone wired a tado v3+ to a vaillant ecotec pro 28 combi boiler?
I am after a video or images of where the wires are fitted in the boiler and the receiver. The boiler has a built in timer and it's a 1st time after tado is fitted that it will have a thermostat.Thanks Neil