Gear and Download Arrow on Wireless Thermostat
Hi. Can anyone tell me what the gear and download (this is my interpretation) icons mean on the Wireless Thermostat please? I'd guess it has something to do with firmware but I cannot see anywhere that tells me this needs doing in the app. I've tried removing the batteries and removing it from my tado set up and re-adding…
Installation where to place Wires
I have followed and tried to contact Tado who I’ve just directed me to the app which is not helpful at all. This is my current wiring, and I am just unsure which wire to put in which slot on the Tado wireless receiver. If anybody could please tell me! This is a link to the current wiring and a photograph of where I need to…
Tado X wired with OT changes the temperature of domestic water
In my boiler, Tado X wired thermostat connected through OpenTherm changes domestic water temperature to 60 degrees even if it is not supposed to. When this happens the temperature cannot be adjusted anymore from the boiler: if one tries to change it from the boiler settings, it immediately goes back to 60, as if Tado X was…
Set minimum opening percentage on smart radiator valves
Despite fiddling with pump speeds and lockshields, I still get water rushing noise in some of my radiators when the smart valves are open only a small amount. Being able to increase the minimum opening percentage would prevent this.
Can a tado user in the UK refer me, and they will get a £20 amazon voucher
Please see this link: If someone in the UK refers me and I am able to get the 50% off you should get a £20 amazon voucher Anyone up for it? My email address is: euan.borland37@googlemail.com
Home planning quiz
I have just installed a heat pump and I know I will need a heatpump optimizer, but I don't know if I need a Programmer with Hot Water Control also. It would be useful to have a way to get the best possible solution for one's home based on a quick quiz to design the right system for one's home
My Boiler is not responding to thermostat settings
I have my thermostat set @ 19.5 degrees and different schedules set at varying times of day or night however just recently the temperature has risen to 22.5 and the boiler seems to be ignoring the schedules and preset temperatures even Turing of the heating within the app the boiler just keeps on heating. I have had the…
Tado app closes when entering boiler Info
Hi, Every time I add my boiler info into the app under the care and protect, I click my exact make model and the app just closes in its entirety. Any ideas? It’s a viessmann Vitodens 100 wb1a
Has anyone wired a tado v3+ to a vaillant ecotec pro 28 combi boiler?
I am after a video or images of where the wires are fitted in the boiler and the receiver. The boiler has a built in timer and it's a 1st time after tado is fitted that it will have a thermostat.Thanks Neil
Hot Water Option explanation
Hello, Could someone explain me how it works the "Hot Water" option activated? I mean, I have hot water on my boiler even during the hours out of the schedule for Hot Water. So, what does it do? And what is the benefit of having the Hot Water control activated? I have a bolier Vaillant EcoTec Plus and Tado conected with…
connecting tado starter kit v3+ wireless wsmart thermostat to Vaillant ecotec pro 28
hi wonder if any can help loads of vids on how to connect tado to boilers except for the vaillant ecotec pro 28 can any help me please - In the instructions under combi boilers i believe for 230v i need to use switched live so i hope someone can confirm this - im having trouble understanding replacing wiring direct into…
Temperature inaccurate on TRV's
When the heating is off, The temp shown by the TRV's is pretty accurate and close to an independent thermostat placed close by. However when the heating is on and hot water is flowing to the radiator the temp shown is almost 3 degrees higher than what the independent thermostat shows. Its as if the heat from the pipes etc…
Fitting advice gratefully received
opted for the v3+ non opentherm for my ideal pro combi exclusive 35. Have had a little look inside the boiler and am met with a cover over the front panel reverse. Have removed to get access to the control board and can see the bracket holding wireless receiver in. Would I remove this receiver and fit the tado? This would…
Compatibility for EPH wired controller
Hi Re: EPH wired controller Is T37-HW compatible with Tado Regards Anthony
Will tado work for me?
I have an Ecotec Plus boiler and currently there is no thermostat installed. Will tado work and what do I need ?
Amazon uk launch X
Found X starter kit on UK Amazon site this evening ahead of UK launch. Priced at £169 https://amzn.eu/d/j5ELS0P
App displaying different set temperature (lower) to the one set in the schedule.
Set in schedule 21.5C but displaying set point 18C. This is causing the problem that heating not coming on because it thinks it has reached the temperature. Works ok if I change the temperature manually by sliding up in app. (This is why it is currently showing temp 21.7C ok in image because I had to boost it manually.)…
I want to replace my timer and thermostat with Tado.
My timer has 3 neutral and 3 live wires and HW off, HW on, CH on wires (9 wires total) Why does it have 3 neutral and 3 live wires? and do I just copy it over to the tado one?
How to prevent radiator valves whistling?
Hi Sometimes my radiators are wheezing (not just with the Tado smart valves, but the old manual ones too), I think when most of them are closed and a few ones are barely open. this only happens when Tado sets them to 'barely open', in the past I've prevented this by either fully closing on having them on medium-high…
Moved into a house with Tado, can't get the heating to come on
Hi All, We moved into our property last February, we found the smart thermostat and have never had an issue in getting the heating to come on. About 8 weeks ago we had a gas engineer come out to look at our boiler he said that I needed to download the Tado app which I did, ever since then we cannot get the heating to come…
one radiator valve makes repeated loud banging noise
Hi, one radiator valve does make a loud banging noise - and it seems to be caused by the small cylinder that is being pushed down by the valve. that cylinder makes a slight noise when it is being pushed right back into the valve. I wonder if anybody else is having that problem? And how can it be fixed? strangely, the…
Open Window Detection Accuracy
Hello, I have recently bought tado x and was disappointed by the open window detection. There should be a manual button to say that the window is opened it shouldn't rely only on fixed changes of Humidity and Temperature ( Some spaces takes more time to lower the humidity and doesn't detect the window is opened) when…
Not sure about compatibility
Hello, i want to purchase tado thermostat X with the valves for a complete control but im no sure if it is compatible. The gas condesning boiler is Riello Residence HM 30 KIS. Anyone has any experience with this?
Tado trv compatability flowmaster trv
Hello everyone thanks for the add I'm Steve. Looking to add some smart trv's will the tado fit flowmaster trv's? Yours Steve
Smart Thermostat X with several Smart radiator Thermostat X don't work isolated
I have a smart thermostat X working with OpenTherm with my boiler BAXI Neodens Plus. the smart thermostat X works fine with the boiler. Heating the selected temperature is working and the boiler starts and finish heating once the smart thermostat commands. the problem comes with several smart radiator thermostar X added to…
Replaced Drayron RTS1 thermostat with wired Tado, now heating doesn't work
We have a simple, but unusual, for the UK, heating system. The cylinder is a thermal store, whereby the main water content is heated by an, always on, Bosch gas boiler, but is supplemented by heat from a solar panel and a solid fuel boiler. This cylinder water is used as the water for the heating system, and, by use of…
Is Thermostat X backward compatible with previous Tado TRVs?
We have 16 radiators! And a Thermostat X ... If I can pick up a few of the original smart TRVs for our less used rooms, I can save quite a few quid. I appreciate they don't use sub-GHz Matter, but if they have line of sight, can Thermostat X see them?
Two wireless receivers operating a single NO valve
I’ve hit the dreaded “10 rooms” limit. My plumbing has only one heating circuit, controlled by a valve that is “normally open” and I have a Wireless Receiver acting as zone controller. It is connected to the boiler control via the “CH NO” terminal. To get around the limit, can I buy a second Wireless Receiver, and wire it…
Limitations for larger properties
So, I've got a large property - 19 rooms 10 downstairs including hall, 9 upstairs including landing. Its an odd L shape as well which means i have concerns about distance. I was excited when i read tado supports 25 devices... and then i realised the limitations...having spoken with 1st line support... I want to zone each…
2 floors small apartment
Hi everyone, I need help in order to understand what I need. I have a small 50sqm apartment, first floor is living + kitchen, and second floor is for the bedroom and bathroom. I will update my boiler on January with a condensing one. The thermostat is on the second floor and the problem is that the living room temperature…