Boiler stuck on, I guess I need a new thermostat?
I've been using a full Tado system with TRVs in every room for a few years now but last night it did something new. The heating had been off for hours but the boiler mysteriously sprang to life and stayed on. After a lot of rebooting everything I found I was only able to shut the boiler off by pulling the Tado thermostat…
Heating Efficiency
Hi, I was looking to see if anyone has the same issue as me? I’m not sure if I am micro zoning too much? I have a 3 level house with really poor internal insulation between rooms. I have downstairs at frost protection as we don’t use it very often, and then I am setting the rooms we are using to 18-19oC and the rooms not…
Rad calling for heat when it’s above desired temp
Anyone know what’s going on here? All my rads (which have the smart trvs) are in night mode set to 12 degrees, all the room temps are currently above that, yet 1 rad is apparently calling for heat making the boiler kick in. If I can’t trust the system to do what it’s told then it’s not fit purpose. If I hadn’t gone into…
Can you have a room that works independantly from the rest of the house?
My heating is 1 tado thermostat and dumb trvs. So that controller controls every rad. The office is in the garage, i want to be able to turn the heating on and off for that room independently from the rest of the house. Eg so when someone is working in office but the house is empty, they can just heat the office and when…
Confirm wiring is correct
Hi, Can anyone help me confirm that the wiring on the boiler was done correctly by the installer? I have some doubts and just need some confirmation that it is correct. Below are the pics from the Tado system and where it is connected to the boiler. For reference, I have the Worcester Bosch Greenstar 28 Cdi Compact boiler.…
Change in process for schedule resumption after manual change on app
Has anyone got any advice for this? After making a manual temperature change on the app, I assumed that it would revert to schedule at the next time change. I was dismayed to discover that the process now requires a manual set of duration of change, with the default intially set at infinite! My heating consequently…
Help! No heating!
About a year ago we moved into a new property and inherited an Ideal Logic combi boiler connected to a Tado smart heating system. As it's now getting colder, we're noticing a lack of central heating at present. The boiler has a message of "room stat or timer off" and there's no heat coming through to the radiators. The…
Connecting a Tado Smart system where there has never been a room-mate.
I am replacing a Drayton Lifestyle 112 with a Tado Smart system including DHW. It controls a Vaillent Ecotec Plus 637 system boiler but there has never been a roomstat connected. I have everything else up and running and am happy with all the other wiring but, I am not clear as to how the thermostat connects. The boiler…
Firmware update required but device not reachable
Hi there My hub, bridge and thermostat all say a firmware update is required and all show as connected and reachable, however when I click to update, it says accessory isn’t reachable? Neither works in home now for this reason. Any ideas how I push this through please. Otherwise, all devices work as expected via the app…
Recurring Nightmare . . .
Have just been through one of those nightmare "disconnection sequences" which I fear become part of the "life with tadoº" experience one becomes used to after living with the system for a few years. A double whammy this time, overnight disconnection of all devices, including a TRV about two meters from the bridge. This was…
Replace Heatmiser gen 1 with Tado smart thermostats
Hi, appreciate some help. I have two heating zones, downstairs + hot water and upstairs. I have two 12v thermostats connected to a Heatmiser UH1 wiring centre. Can i connect a wireless receiver to zone 1 of the UH1 wiring centre to control heating and hot water (tado wired thermostat does not have hot water control). The…
Thermostat keeps heating all the time
Anyone has this yet, set temperature 16c and thermostat reports 18c and it is clearly over 18c but heat still on 100%. Did reset with removing battery, removing room all together and nothing helps, still reports 18c and target the same 16c but heating on non stop?
Heating now not working
I'm really hoping someone with experience can help out. I've had a Tado system installed since beginning of year all working no problems. Heating was turned off over the summer using the App, with the Hot Water left on. I've just turned the heating schedule back on and we are not getting any heating. Whatever I try I…
Which adapter for oventrop
Hey fellow tado community, I'm a new tado user and now I'm sitting here with a bunch of adapters and none of them seem to fit. I have an oventrop thermostat and I checked the compatibility list here. For me they look all similar. It seems that I have to order a special adapter. Before I do that I'm sure one of you pros can…
Boiler on icon
Is it possible to have an icon on the main app showing if the boiler is on off..
Care & Protect not working...
Hello. Due some glitch after electricity failure boiler was not responding to Tado "heat" command for over 23 hours... Temperature in our rooms was dropping down but system did not announce any issues... I would see this as typical example when Care&Protect should be alerted as usuall heating response is completely…
New internet bridge
Hi I recently moved into a house with Tado installed but no internet bridge. I’ve replaced this and downloaded the app. All says connected yet my heating isn’t coming on. What could I be doing wrong?
How do I use the app properly :-(?
I have just had my Tado installed and everything is connected and working fine. However, it just seems to ignore any schedule or instructions that I set on the app. The heating will not turn down or even turn off. My house is boiling!!!! Please help
USB cable
USB cable is very short on the v3+and would like to order a longer cable but I get confused with the various types ie usc c etc Can someone please advise me what I should order
Pairing light on bridge
Dear Tado Community, today I relocated the bridge to see if it would connect more efficiently with the receiver as recently the system keeps failing to switch off when it should - which kind of defeats the purpose of having it in the first place. So now, the bridge pairing light won't stop flashing, although the other…
Tado sometimes stops heating
I've had a few occasions recently where the TRVs are calling for heat, but they don't get it. I can resolve it by pressing the test button above the 3 wavey lines on the receiver next to the boiler. I don't need to intervene on the boiler. I have 11 rooms. It seems to happen every few days. It was working fine before…
HomeKit going to sleep?
I installed a v3 starter kit a few days ago. I seem to have a repeat issue where first thing in the morning the thermostat in HomeKit is status “no response” if I go into the Tado app everything is fine and I can control it. Once I turn it on through tado the thermostat becomes responsive through HomeKit and will stay…
2 zone setup with 2 wired thermostat and without boiler thremostat
Hi, I think it was discussed for a long time but search is hard. I am new to Tado, just bought 2 wired thermostat and 8 x Smart TRV which my house had 2 zones for Lower and Upper floor with a wired thermostat for each floor and a combi boiler without water tank. My question is when I installed the Tado TRV to the radiator,…
How to improve the learning of the thermostats?
I’ve had Tado installed for a year now and in the most part I like it. However, it is always overheating rooms. I have UFH in 3 zones and set it to 20°C. It will easily get past 23°C often. I thought the thermostats were learning? I’m just not sure why it isn't better at figuring when to turn off demand in our…
Wireless starter kit
Have replaced Drayton wireless thermostat and SCR receiver plus Honeywell 699. Hot water works ok but CH doesn’t work. It seems the thermostat/control unit just won’t trigger the boiler. Any thoughts? Thank you in advance.
Danfoss RAS C2 TRV Bodies Compatibility
Can I ask if anyone is still having issues with getting flow through SRVs when boiler is called. Have spent a considerable time with support getting valves opened and delaying boiler calls. If you have issues what type of valve do you have? I have new Danfoss RAS C2 and I understand that other systems have had to update…
Is my current setup compatible with tado ?
Dear all, I have a Siemens RDE100.1DHW thermostat. I use this to control my heating system and also have independent control to hot water (DHW). I want to replace it with a tado system. I believe the Wireless Smart Thermostat starter kit is the appropriate one due to separate DHW. My present thermostat works with batteries…
how to fix devices not talking to each other
I've run tado successfully here for five years. I don't remember doing anything unusual at the start of summer to switch anything in the system off. Hot water has run as expected over the summer. Today, switching a radiator on for the first time, there's no response. The iOS app shows everything connected, but when I…
New Tado installation, all working but...
Replaced Drayton wired thermostat and old controller with Tado Wireless V3+ along with 6 Smart Tado radiator valves. The boiler is a Grant 21E Oil boiler. The issue I have is the central heating pump is always on, the boiler however works when required, turning on and off as expected, just the water pump on 24*7. I have a…
Question on modulation
Is it possible to see anywhere the temperatures that Tado is requesting from the boiler? I can see people posting them in some threads, but it's not clear to me where to get that information from. Thanks